create database - Docs search results , p.15


create a new rule, or replace an existing rule of the same name for the same table. The PostgreSQL rule system allows one to define an alternative action to be performed on insertions, updates

F.34. seg

database. What do you get when you fetch it? Watch: test=> select 6.50 :: float8 as "pH"; pH --- 6.5 (1 row) In the world of measurements, 6.50 is not the same

19.4. Resource Consumption

database session. These are session-local buffers used only for access to temporary tables. If this value is specified without units, it is taken as blocks, that is BLCKSZ bytes, typically 8kB. The default

37.7. Function Volatility Categories

CREATE FUNCTION command does not specify a category. The volatility category is a promise to the optimizer about the behavior of the function: A VOLATILE function can do anything, including modifying the database

34.1. Introduction

created, modified, and deleted using a read/write API that is similar to standard operations on files. PostgreSQL also supports a storage system called “ TOAST ” , which automatically stores values larger than a single database

51.55. pg_tablespace

database. Table 51.55.  pg_tablespace Columns Name Type References Description oid oid   Row identifier spcname name   Tablespace name spcowner oid pg_authid .oid Owner of the tablespace, usually the user who created


database, for example if any tables have columns of the hstore type. Add the CASCADE option to forcibly remove those dependent objects as well. Compatibility DROP EXTENSION is a PostgreSQL extension. See Also CREATE

14.1. Using EXPLAIN

creates for any query. Plan-reading is an art that requires some experience to master, but this section attempts to cover the basics. Examples in this section are drawn from the regression test database

33.1. Database Connection Control Functions

database connection. (Caution: do not assume that the socket remains the same across PQconnectPoll calls.) Loop thus: If PQconnectPoll(conn) last returned PGRES_POLLING_READING , wait until the socket is ready to read (as indicated

15.2. When Can Parallel Query Be Used?

database rows. If a query contains a data-modifying operation either at the top level or within a CTE, no parallel plans for that query will be generated. As an exception, the commands CREATE


created. data_type The underlying data type of the domain. This can include array specifiers. collation An optional collation for the domain. If no collation is specified, the domain has the same collation behavior

F.9. cube

create my own world and live undisturbed in it. And I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to Argonne Lab and to the U.S. Department of Energy for the years of faithful support

36.29. foreign_servers

database) foreign_data_wrapper_name sql_identifier Name of the foreign-data wrapper used by the foreign server foreign_server_type character_data Foreign server type information, if specified upon creation


CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT name, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, date, location FROM weather, cities WHERE city = name; SELECT * FROM myview; Making liberal use of views is a key aspect of good SQL database


database sessions to re-read the configuration files, which otherwise they would never do if they had read them earlier. Compatibility There is no ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY statement in the SQL standard. See Also