create database - Docs search results , p.15


database administrator's responsibility to ensure that only “ safe ” libraries are installed there.) Compatibility LOAD is a Postgres Pro extension. See Also CREATE

F.25. intagg

database systems have the notion of a one to many table. Such a table usually sits between two indexed tables, for example: CREATE

5.5. Modifying Tables

create it again. But this is not a convenient option if the table is already filled with data, or if the table is referenced by other database


databases or other transactional resources. Unless you're writing a transaction manager, you probably shouldn't be using PREPARE TRANSACTION . This command must be used inside a transaction block. Use BEGIN to start

54.2. Foreign Data Wrapper Callback Routines

database object options. The FDW may ignore the local_schema field of the ImportForeignSchemaStmt , because the core server will automatically insert that name into the parsed CREATE

12.7. Configuration Example

database management system, is now undergoing beta testing of the next version of our software. '); The next step is to set the session to use the new configuration, which was created

11.5. Combining Multiple Indexes

database developer must make trade-offs to decide which indexes to provide. Sometimes multicolumn indexes are best, but sometimes it's better to create

Chapter 7. Queries

create tables, how to fill them with data, and how to manipulate that data. Now we finally discuss how to retrieve the data from the database

51.11. pg_class

database's default tablespace is implied. (Not meaningful if the relation has no on-disk file.) relpages int4   Size of the on-disk representation of this table in pages (of size BLCKSZ ). This is only

F.60. sr_plan

CREATE EXTENSION sr_plan; and modify your postgresql.conf: shared_preload_libraries = 'sr_plan' It is essential that library is preloaded during server startup, because use of saved plans is enabled on per-database

45.8. Explicit Subtransactions

database access as described in Section 45.7.2 can lead to an undesirable situation where some operations succeed before one of them fails, and after recovering from that error the data is left in an inconsistent

35.4. Using Host Variables

database back to the program, the C variables that are intended to contain this data need to be declared in specially marked sections, so the embedded SQL preprocessor is made aware of them. This section

E.1. Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.23.2

database. E.1.2. Migration to Version 10.23.2 If you are upgrading from a Postgres Pro Enterprise release based on the same PostgreSQL major version, it is enough to install the new version into your current installation

15.4. Parallel Safety

CREATE AGGREGATE , the PARALLEL option can be specified with SAFE , RESTRICTED , or UNSAFE as the corresponding value. Functions and aggregates must be marked PARALLEL UNSAFE if they write to the database

E.49. Release 10.9

databases and tablespaces (Nathan Bossart, Michael Paquier) If cascading grants had been issued, restore might fail due to the GRANT commands being given in an order that didn't respect their interdependencies. Make pg_dump