create database - Docs search results , p.14

Chapter 24. Routine Database Maintenance Tasks

database administrator's responsibility to set up appropriate scripts, and to check that they execute successfully. One obvious maintenance task is the creation

F.19. file_fdw

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE pglog ( log_time timestamp(3) with time zone, user_name text, database


create or change policies for it. While policies will be applied for explicit queries against tables in the database

11.9. Operator Classes and Operator Families

database does not use the standard “ C ” locale. As an example, you might index a varchar column like this: CREATE

D.2. Unsupported Features

database, Enhanced integrity management Multiple triggers for the same event are executed in the order in which they were created


database objects owned by one or more roles. The REASSIGN OWNED command does not affect any privileges granted to the old_roles on objects that are not owned by them. Likewise, it does not affect


DATABASE or explicit ALTER TABLE invocations instead if desired. The information_schema relations are not considered part of the system catalogs and will be moved. See also CREATE

24.1. Routine Vacuuming

database-wide default using the default_statistics_target configuration parameter. Also, by default there is limited information available about the selectivity of functions. However, if you create


database session is ended. The connection string may also be the name of an existing foreign server. It is recommended to use the foreign-data wrapper dblink_fdw when defining the foreign server

42.3. Declarations

creates two different ways to name the same object, unrestricted use can be confusing. It's best to use it only for the purpose of overriding predetermined names. 42.3.3. Copying Types variable %TYPE %TYPE provides

12.1. Introduction

databases for years. Postgres Pro has ~ , ~* , LIKE , and ILIKE operators for textual data types, but they lack many essential properties required by modern information systems: There is no linguistic support, even for English. Regular expressions

42.11. Tips for Developing in PL/pgSQL

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testfunc(integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ .... $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; While running psql , you can load or reload such a function definition file with: \i filename.sql and then immediately issue SQL commands

19.4. Resource Consumption

CREATE INDEX , and ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY . It defaults to 64 megabytes ( 64MB ). Since only one of these operations can be executed at a time by a database

44.1. PL/Perl Functions and Arguments

CREATE FUNCTION perl_max (integer, integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ if ($_[0] > $_[1]) { return $_[0]; } return $_[1]; $$ LANGUAGE plperl; Note Arguments will be converted from the database

31.2. Subscription

created manually before the subscription can be activated. When dropping a subscription, the replication slot should be kept. This could be useful when the subscriber database