create database - Docs search results , p.12

5.13. Other Database Objects

database. Many other kinds of objects can be created to make the use and management

5.11. Table Partitioning

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE for more information. Example # Suppose we are constructing a database for a large


CREATE TABLE PARTITION OF will use that tablespace, unless overridden by a TABLESPACE clause. All tables in the current database

6.1. Inserting Data

created, it contains no data. The first thing to do before a database can be of much

31.2. Subscription

Creation A subscription is the downstream side of logical replication. The node where a subscription is defined is referred to as the subscriber . A subscription defines the connection to another database

Appendix L. Acronyms

Database Management System DDL Data Definition Language , SQL commands such as CREATE TABLE , ALTER USER

Part II. The SQL Language

create the structures to hold data, how to populate the database, and how to query

38.9. Internal Functions

database cluster (see Section 19.2 ), but a user could use CREATE FUNCTION to create additional

20.14. Error Handling

database cluster that did not shut down cleanly, including copies created with pg_basebackup . On Linux

11.2. Index Types

database does not use the C locale you will need to create the index with

46.6. Database Access

created by plpy.cursor with DB-API cursors as defined by the Python Database API specification

25.1. Routine Vacuuming

database-wide default using the default_statistics_target configuration parameter. Also, by default there is limited information available about the selectivity of functions. However, if you create

41.4. Rules on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

database. To make it a little harder for PostgreSQL , we don't delete it directly. Instead we create

Chapter 48. Background Worker Processes

database, but shared catalogs can be accessed. If username is NULL or useroid is InvalidOid , the process will run as the superuser created

11.3. Multicolumn Indexes

CREATE TABLE test2 ( major int, minor int, name varchar ); (say, you keep your /dev directory in a database