create database - Docs search results , p.12

Appendix K. Acronyms

Database Management System DDL Data Definition Language , SQL commands such as CREATE TABLE , ALTER USER

8.18. Object Identifier Types

databases, or even in large individual tables. So, using a user-created table's OID column

11.2. Index Types

database does not use the C locale you will need to create the index with

43.7. Database Access

created by plpy.cursor with DB-API cursors as defined by the Python Database API specification

38.4. Rules on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

database. To make it a little harder for Postgres Pro , we don't delete it directly. Instead we create

11.3. Multicolumn Indexes

CREATE TABLE test2 ( major int, minor int, name varchar ); (say, you keep your /dev directory in a database


CREATE TRANSFORM . Procedural language implementations usually have hardcoded knowledge of the built-in types, so those don't need to be listed here. If a procedural language implementation does not know how to handle

9.25. System Information Functions

database in a particular way. Its argument possibilities are analogous to has_table_privilege . The desired access privilege type must evaluate to some combination of CREATE

18.8. Error Reporting and Logging

CREATE TABLE postgres_log ( log_time timestamp(3) with time zone, user_name text, database

37.1. Overview of Event Trigger Behavior

database in which it is defined. Currently, the only supported events are ddl_command_start , ddl_command_end , table_rewrite and sql_drop . Support for additional events may be added in future releases

Chapter 20. Database Roles

create and manage roles. More information about the effects of role privileges on various database

F.34. pgcrypto

create security risks on careless usage. F.34.6.3. Security Limitations All pgcrypto functions run inside the database

33.7. Using Descriptor Areas

create a prepared statement. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char query[1024] = "SELECT d.oid, * FROM pg_database

20.6. Function Security

create objects. Functions run inside the backend server process with the operating system permissions of the database


recreated by writing multiple -i switches. -q --quiet Do not display progress messages. -s --system Reindex database