create database - Docs search results , p.10

28.4. Progress Reporting

Database Activity Home   Next 28.4. Progress Reporting # 28.4.1. ANALYZE Progress Reporting 28.4.2. CLUSTER Progress Reporting 28.4.3. COPY Progress Reporting 28.4.4. CREATE

8.14. JSON Types

CREATE privilege on the current database. The rest require superuser privilege to install. 8.14.7. jsonpath

F.48. unaccent — a text search dictionary which removes diacritics

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.48.1. Configuration # An unaccent dictionary accepts the following options

F.43. tablefunc — functions that return tables (crosstab and others)

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.43.1. Functions Provided # Table F.32 summarizes the functions provided

F.49. uuid-ossp — a UUID generator

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.49.1.  uuid-ossp Functions # Table F.34 shows the functions

27.2. Log-Shipping Standby Servers

create the primary and standby servers so that they are as similar as possible, at least from the perspective of the database

F.13. dict_int — example full-text search dictionary for integers

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.13.1. Configuration # The dictionary accepts three options: The maxlen

F.17. fuzzystrmatch — determine string similarities and distance

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.17.1. Soundex # The Soundex system is a method of matching

34.7. Canceling Queries in Progress

Creates a data structure containing the information needed to cancel a command issued through a particular database

F.21. isn — data types for international standard numbers (ISBN, EAN, UPC, etc.)

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.21.1. Data Types # Table F.11 shows the data types

F.20. intarray — manipulate arrays of integers

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.20.1.  intarray Functions and Operators # The functions provided by the intarray

F.35. pg_trgm — support for similarity of text using trigram matching

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.35.1. Trigram (or Trigraph) Concepts # A trigram is a group

F.23. ltree — hierarchical tree-like data type

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.23.1. Definitions # A label is a sequence of alphanumeric

F.18. hstore — hstore key/value datatype

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.18.1.  hstore External Representation # The text representation of an hstore

44.11. PL/Tcl Configuration

created when a PL/Tcl function is first executed in a database session, or when an additional