create database - Docs search results , p.10

F.38. tablefunc

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.38.1. Functions Provided Table F.30 summarizes the functions provided

F.44. uuid-ossp

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.44.1.  uuid-ossp Functions Table F.32 shows the functions

F.11. dict_int

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.11.1. Configuration The dictionary accepts three options: The maxlen

26.2. Log-Shipping Standby Servers

create the primary and standby servers so that they are as similar as possible, at least from the perspective of the database

F.15. fuzzystrmatch

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.15.1. Soundex The Soundex system is a method of matching

33.6. Canceling Queries in Progress

Creates a data structure containing the information needed to cancel a command issued through a particular database

F.19. isn

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.19.1. Data Types Table F.11 shows the data types

F.18. intarray

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.18.1.  intarray Functions and Operators The functions provided by the intarray

F.31. pg_trgm

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.31.1. Trigram (or Trigraph) Concepts A trigram is a group

F.21. ltree

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.21.1. Definitions A label is a sequence of alphanumeric

F.16. hstore

CREATE privilege on the current database. F.16.1.  hstore External Representation The text representation of an hstore

43.11. PL/Tcl Configuration

created when a PL/Tcl function is first executed in a database session, or when an additional


CREATE | CONNECT | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE database_name [, ...] TO role_specification [, ...] [ WITH GRANT


creates a new foreign table in the current database. The table will be owned by the user


CREATE privilege on the new tablespace. All indexes in the current database in a tablespace