gmail login mail - Search results in mailing lists

2012-01-15 03:44:37 | Re: automating CF submissions (was xlog location arithmetic) (Greg Smith)

Gmail message to the list contained if I'd like, to help confirm it really came from your account. E-mail headers are certainly not perfectly traceable and audit-able, but they are far better

2010-10-01 13:56:55 | PG-Git usernames (Gurjeet Singh)

login is singh.gurjeet, but our setup seems to not like the special character there; users/singh.gurjeet/postgres is rejected. Would it be a problem if I requested users/gsingh/postgres ? I hope that doesn't cause any trouble

2009-09-29 13:08:11 | Re: Rejecting weak passwords (Gurjeet Singh)

login. Best regards, -- Lets call it Postgres EnterpriseDB gurjeet[.singh] singh.gurjeet@{ gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com Twitter: singh_gurjeet Skype: singh_gurjeet Mail