Postgres Pro Standard in Yandex.Cloud

Postgres Pro Standard in Yandex.Cloud Quick Start Guide

Internet access and valid Yandex.Cloud account are required to use Postgres Pro Standard 11/12 database in Yandex.Cloud.

Postgres Pro Standard 11/12 virtual machine (VM) image is available in Yandex.Cloud Marketplace.

Software required for installation:

  • 'yc' as part of Yandex.Cloud CLI for cloud management
  • 'psql' or 'Pgadmin' for database connection

Yandex.Cloud Console can be used as well.

Yandex.Cloud CLI installation guide:

Yandex.Cloud CLI reference guide:


Connection to Yandex.Cloud and environment check

  • Connect to Yandex.Cloud and configure environment with:
yc init
  • Verify 'yc' version (should be the latest available):
yc version
  • A list of regions and zones for VM:
yc compute zone list
yc config set compute-default-zone ru-central1-a
yc config get compute-default-zone

‘ru-central1’ region and 'ru-central1-a' zone will be used further.

  • A list of available disk types:
yc compute disk-type list

‘network-hdd’ disk type will be used further.


VM creation

  • Create network infrastructure for VM:

yc vpc network create \
--name $NET \
--description "$NET" \

yc vpc network list

yc vpc subnet create \
--name $NET-subnet \
--range \
--network-name $NET \
--description "$NET-subnet" \

yc vpc subnet list
  • Create a pair of private/public ssh-keys in ~/.ssh directory for VM connection:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
  • Use the following commands to create VM from the particular Postgres Pro Standard 11/12 image version available in Yandex.Cloud Marketplace:
yc compute image list --folder-id standard-images | grep -E "(NAME|pgpro)" | awk {'print $4'}

--- Postgres Pro Standard Database 11
IMAGE_NAME=$(yc compute image list --folder-id standard-images | grep -E "(NAME|pgpro)" | awk {'print $4'} | grep std1181)
--- Postgres Pro Standard Database 12
IMAGE_NAME=$(yc compute image list --folder-id standard-images | grep -E "(NAME|pgpro)" | awk {'print $4'} | grep std1231)


yc compute instance create \
--name $VM_NAME \
--hostname $VM_NAME \
--cores 2 \
--memory 2 \
--create-boot-disk name=$VM_NAME-osdisk,image-folder-id=standard-images,image-name=$IMAGE_NAME \
--network-interface subnet-name=$NET-subnet,nat-ip-version=ipv4 \
--ssh-key ~/.ssh/ \

yc compute instances show $VM_NAME
  • Use the following commands to create VM from the latest Postgres Pro Standard 11/12 image version available in Yandex.Cloud Marketplace:
yc compute image list --folder-id standard-images | grep -E "(FAMILY|pgpro)" | awk {'print $6'}

--- Postgres Pro Standard Database 11
--- Postgres Pro Standard Database 12


yc compute instance create \
--name $VM_NAME \
--hostname $VM_NAME \
--cores 2 \
--memory 2 \
--create-boot-disk name=$VM_NAME-osdisk,image-folder-id=standard-images,image-family=$IMAGE_FAMILY \
--network-interface subnet-name=$NET-subnet,nat-ip-version=ipv4 \
--ssh-key ~/.ssh/ \

yc compute instances show $VM_NAME

Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.


Connection to VM

  • Connect to VM with private ssh-key using VM's public IP-address ($VM_IP_ADDRESS):
yc compute instances list

VM_IP_ADDRESS=$(yc compute instance show --name $VM_NAME | grep -E ' +address' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')

ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS


Postgres Pro database service status

  • Verify Postgres Pro database service status:
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-12.service
  • To stop/start Postgres Pro database service use the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-std-12.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-std-12.service


Connection to Postgres Pro database

  • Switch to ‘postgres’ account:
sudo su - postgres
  • To connect to Postgres Pro database use the following command:
  • To exit from ‘psql’ use the following command:
  • To return to 'yc' interface run 'exit' command twice


External connection to VM

  • TCP-port 5433 has to be opened for external connection to Postgres Pro database:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5433/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=5433/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports

sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service
sudo systemctl -l status firewalld.service

  • TCP-ports 80 and 443 have to be opened for external connection to database monitoring server:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports

sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service
sudo systemctl -l status firewalld.service



External connection to Postgres Pro database

  • For external connection to Postgres Pro database set up 'postgres' user password:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with encrypted password 'YOUR_POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD'"

  • For external connection to Postgres Pro database using ‘psql’ utility use the following command:
psql --host=$VM_IP_ADDRESS --port=5433 --username=postgres --dbname=postgres
  • For external connection to Postgres Pro database using ‘Pgadmin’ utility configure the following server settings in ‘Pgadmin’ menu:
    • ‘mydb-xx’ for ‘Name’
    • ‘$VM_IP_ADDRESS’ for ‘Host’
    • ‘5433’ for ‘Port’
    • ‘postgres’ for ‘Maintenance DB’
    • ‘postgres’ for ‘Username’

Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.

Replace '$VM_IP_ADDRESS' by VM's external IP-address.


External connection to database monitoring server

  • For connection to database monitoring server set up 'Admin' user password:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo su - postgres
source .pgsql_profile
psql --dbname=zabbix --username=zabbix -c "update users set passwd=md5('YOUR_ZABBIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD') where alias='Admin'"

  • External connection to database monitoring server is via the following link:


Replace ‘$VM_IP_ADDRESS’ by VM's external IP-address.


VM configuration change

Let's have some examples of VM configuration change:

1) Change VM type to increase VM computing power

  • $PGDATA/postgresql.tune.lock file can be deleted in order to automatically adjust Postgres Pro database parameters values before increasing VM size:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo su - postgres
rm $PGDATA/postgresql.tune.lock

  • To change VM type use the following commands:
yc compute instances show $VM_NAME

yc compute instances stop $VM_NAME

yc compute instances update $VM_NAME \
--cores 4 \
--memory 4

yc compute instances start $VM_NAME

yc compute instances list

VM_IP_ADDRESS=$(yc compute instance show --name $VM_NAME | grep -E ' +address' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')

ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo


2) Increase OS-disk size up to 80 GB

  • Obtain OS-disk size details:
yc compute disks show $VM_NAME-osdisk
  • Stop VM temporarily:
yc compute instances stop $VM_NAME
  • Increase OS-disk size:
yc compute disks update $VM_NAME-osdisk \
--size 80
  • Verify new OS-disk size:
yc compute disks show $VM_NAME-osdisk
  • Start VM:
yc compute instances start $VM_NAME
  • Connect to VM:
yc compute instances list

VM_IP_ADDRESS=$(yc compute instance show --name $VM_NAME | grep -E ' +address' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')

ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

df -h /


3) Use dedicated datadisk for Postgres Pro database files to improve database performance

  • Let's create new 200 GB datadisk and attach it to VM:
yc compute disks create \
--name $VM_NAME-datadisk \
--size 200 \
--type network-hdd \

yc compute disks list

yc compute instances attach-disk \
--name $VM_NAME \
--disk-name $VM_NAME-datadisk \

yc compute disks list
  • Connect to VM:
ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS
  • Stop Postgres Pro database service and verify its status:
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-std-12.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-12.service
  • Create new filesystem mountpoint:
sudo mkdir /PGDATA
  • Use 'fdisk' utility to find out datadisk device name (in this case it is '/dev/vdb'):
sudo fdisk -l
  • Create datadisk single partition of maximum size, create new filesystem on top of it:
(echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo ; echo ; echo w) | sudo fdisk /dev/vdb
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1
  • Amend /etc/fstab file for new filesystem automount and mount it:
sudo sh -c "echo '`sudo blkid -o export /dev/vdb1 | grep UUID` /PGDATA ext4 defaults,nofail,barrier=0 1 2' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo mount /PGDATA
  • Create 'data' directory on the new filesystem and set its permissions:
sudo mkdir /PGDATA/data
sudo chown postgres:postgres /PGDATA/data
sudo chmod 0700 /PGDATA/data
  • Switch to ‘postgres’ account and move Postgres Pro database files to the new filesystem:
sudo su - postgres
mv /var/lib/pgpro/std-11/data/* /PGDATA/data; rmdir /var/lib/pgpro/std-11/data; ln -s /PGDATA/data /var/lib/pgpro/std-11/data
mv /var/lib/pgpro/std-12/data/* /PGDATA/data; rmdir /var/lib/pgpro/std-12/data; ln -s /PGDATA/data /var/lib/pgpro/std-12/data
  • Start Postgres Pro database service and verify its status:
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-std-12.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-12.service
  • Restart VM, check filesystem automount and verify Postgres Pro database service status:
sudo reboot

ssh yc-user@$VM_IP_ADDRESS

sudo mount | grep /PGDATA
sudo df -h /PGDATA

sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-12.service

Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.

4) Database service auto restart in case of database failure

  • Edit database service systemd file and restart database service:
sudo sed -i '/KillSignal=/a Restart=on-failure' /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-11.service
sudo sed -i '/KillSignal=/a Restart=on-failure' /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrespro-std-12.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-std-12.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-std-12.service


VM backup/restore


Postgres Pro Standard 11/12 VM content:

Linux CentOS 7.x (64-bit)

  • OS-account - ‘postgres’
  • OS-account - ‘zabbix’
  • OS-account - ‘mamonsu’

OS-disk size - 10 GB

  • xfs filesystem ‘/’ (/dev/vda1) - 10 GB

Main database - Postgres Pro Standard

  • DB version: 11/12
  • TCP-port: 5433 (opened in OS-firewall settings)
  • configuration file: /var/lib/pgsql/.pgpro_profile
  • database account: ’postgres’

Database monitoring (server)

  • zabbix-server version: 4.x
  • TCP-ports: 80/443 (opened in OS-firewall settings)
  • account: ‘Admin’

Database monitoring (agent)

  • zabbix-agent version: 4.x
  • mamonsu-agent version: 2.x
  • configuration file: /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf

Auxiliary database PostgreSQL (as a zabbix-server database)

  • DB version: 11/12
  • TCP-port: 5432
  • configuration file: /var/lib/pgsql/.pgsql_profile
  • database account: 'postgres'


Documentation links