Postgres Pro Enterprise in Alibaba Cloud
Postgres Pro Enterprise in Alibaba Cloud Quick Start Guide
Internet access and valid Alibaba Cloud account are required to use Postgres Pro 9.6/10/11 database in Alibaba Cloud.
Postgres Pro 9.6/10/11 virtual machine (VM) image is available in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
Software required for installation:
- 'aliyun-cli' 3.0 for cloud management
- 'psql' or 'Pgadmin' for database connection
'aliyun-cli' 3.0 is a cross-platform command line utility.
Alibaba Cloud Console can be used as well.
'aliyun-cli' 3.0 installation guide:
'aliyun-cli' 3.0 reference guide:
Connection to Alibaba Cloud and environment check
- Connect to Alibaba Cloud and configure environment with:
aliyun configure
- Verify 'aliyun-cli' version (should be the latest available):
aliyun --version | head -1
- A list of regions and zones for VM:
aliyun ecs DescribeRegions \
--output cols=RegionId rows=Regions.Region
echo $RegionId
aliyun ecs DescribeZones \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--output cols=ZoneId rows=Zones.Zone
echo $ZoneId
‘ap-southeast-1’ region and 'ap-southeast-1a' zone will be used further.
- A list of available VM sizes:
aliyun ecs DescribeInstanceTypes \
--output cols=InstanceTypeId,CpuCoreCount,MemorySize rows=InstanceTypes.InstanceType
echo $InstanceTypeId
‘ecs.xn4.small’ VM size will be used further.
- Obtain VM Postgres Pro image names available in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace:
for i in `seq 1 10`; do
aliyun ecs DescribeImages \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--output cols=ImageId,ImageName,Progress,Status rows=Images.Image \
--PageSize 100 \
--ImageOwnerAlias marketplace \
--PageNumber $i | grep 'Postgres Pro Enterprise'
The following VM image ID will be used further::
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise Database 9.6 (CentOS 7)
echo $ImageId
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise Database 10 (CentOS 7) 10.7.1
echo $ImageId
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise Database 11 (CentOS 7) 11.2.1
echo $ImageId
VM creation
- Create virtual network infrastructure:
aliyun ecs CreateVpc \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--CidrBlock '' \
--VpcName ppro-vpc \
--Description ppro-vpc
VpcId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeVpcs --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=VpcId rows=Vpcs.Vpc | grep '^vpc')
echo $VpcId
aliyun ecs CreateVSwitch \
--ZoneId $ZoneId \
--CidrBlock '' \
--VpcId $VpcId \
--VSwitchName ppro-vsw \
--Description ppro-vsw
VSwitchId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeVSwitches --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=VSwitchId rows=VSwitches.VSwitch | grep '^vsw')
echo $VSwitchId
- Create and configure network security group:
aliyun ecs CreateSecurityGroup \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--Description ppro-sg \
--SecurityGroupName ppro-sg \
--VpcId $VpcId
SecurityGroupId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeSecurityGroups --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=SecurityGroupId rows=SecurityGroups.SecurityGroup | grep '^sg')
echo $SecurityGroupId
aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--IpProtocol tcp \
--PortRange 22/22 \
--Policy accept \
--SourceCidrIp \
--Priority 1 \
--Description ssh
- Create a pair of private/public ssh-keys in ~/.ssh directory and import public ssh-key for VM connection:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
echo $KeyPairNameId
aliyun ecs ImportKeyPair \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--PublicKeyBody '...' \
--KeyPairName $KeyPairNameId
aliyun ecs DescribeKeyPairs \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--KeyPairName $KeyPairNameId
- Create VM from VM image available in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace:
echo $InstanceNameId
aliyun ecs CreateInstance \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--ImageId $ImageId \
--InstanceType $InstanceTypeId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--InstanceName $InstanceNameId \
--HostName $InstanceNameId \
--ZoneId $ZoneId \
--Description $InstanceNameId \
--InternetMaxBandwidthIn 1 \
--InternetMaxBandwidthOut 1 \
--VSwitchId $VSwitchId \
--InstanceChargeType PostPaid \
--IoOptimized optimized \
--SystemDisk.Category cloud_efficiency \
--SystemDisk.Size 40 \
--KeyPairName $KeyPairNameId \
--SecurityEnhancementStrategy active
- Assign external IP-address to VM and start VM:
InstanceId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeInstances --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=InstanceId rows=Instances.Instance | grep '^i-')
echo $InstanceId
aliyun ecs AllocatePublicIpAddress \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
IpAddress=$(aliyun ecs DescribeInstances --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=PublicIpAddress.IpAddress rows=Instances.Instance | grep [0-9] | tr -d '[]')
echo $IpAddress
aliyun ecs StartInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
aliyun ecs DescribeInstances \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--output cols=InstanceId,Status,InstanceName rows=Instances.Instance
Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.
Connection to VM
As a result VM is created with external IP-address - $IpAddress.
- Connect to VM with private ssh-key:
ssh root@$IpAddress
Postgres Pro database service status
- Verify Postgres Pro database service status:
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
- To stop/start Postgres Pro database service use the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-ent-11.service
Connection to Postgres Pro database
- Switch to ‘postgres’ account:
sudo su - postgres
- To connect to Postgres Pro database use the following command:
- To exit from ‘psql’ use the following command:
- To return to 'aliyun-cli' 3.0 interface run 'exit' command twice
External connection to VM
- TCP-port 5433 has to be opened for external connection to Postgres Pro database:
aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--IpProtocol tcp \
--PortRange 5433/5433 \
--Policy accept \
--SourceCidrIp \
--Priority 2 \
--Description postgres
- TCP-ports 80 and 443 have to be opened for external connection to database monitoring server:
aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--IpProtocol tcp \
--PortRange 80/80 \
--Policy accept \
--SourceCidrIp \
--Priority 3 \
--Description http
aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--IpProtocol tcp \
--PortRange 443/443 \
--Policy accept \
--SourceCidrIp \
--Priority 4 \
--Description https
External connection to Postgres Pro database
- For external connection to Postgres Pro database set up 'postgres' user password:
ssh root@$IpAddress
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with encrypted password 'YOUR_POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD'"
- For external connection to Postgres Pro database using ‘psql’ utility use the following command:
psql --host=$IpAddress --port=5433 --username=postgres --dbname=postgres
- For external connection to Postgres Pro database using ‘Pgadmin’ utility configure the following server settings in ‘Pgadmin’ menu:
- ‘mydb-xx’ for ‘Name’
- ‘$IpAddress’ for ‘Host’
- ‘5433’ for ‘Port’
- ‘postgres’ for ‘Maintenance DB’
- ‘postgres’ for ‘Username’
Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.
Replace 'IpAddress' by VM's external IP-address.
External connection to database monitoring server
- For connection to database monitoring server set up 'Admin' user password:
ssh root@$IpAddress
sudo su - postgres
source .pgsql_profile
psql --dbname=zabbix --username=zabbix -c "update users set passwd=md5('YOUR_ZABBIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD') where alias='Admin'"
- External connection to database monitoring server is via the following link:
Replace ‘$IpAddress’ by VM's external IP-address.
VM configuration change
Let's have some examples of VM configuration change:
1) Change VM size from ‘ecs.xn4.small’ to ‘ecs.n1.medium’ to increase VM computing power
- $PGDATA/postgresql.tune.lock file can be deleted in order to automatically adjust Postgres Pro database parameters values before increasing VM size:
ssh root@$IpAddress
sudo su - postgres
rm $PGDATA/postgresql.tune.lock
- Obtain a list of available VM sizes:
aliyun ecs DescribeInstanceTypes \
--output cols=InstanceTypeId,CpuCoreCount,MemorySize rows=InstanceTypes.InstanceType
- To change VM size use the following commands:
aliyun ecs StopInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
echo $InstanceTypeId
aliyun ecs ModifyInstanceSpec \
--InstanceId $InstanceId \
--InstanceType $InstanceTypeId
aliyun ecs StartInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
2) Increase OS-disk size up to 80 GB
- Obtain OS-disk size details:
aliyun ecs DescribeDisks \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--DiskType=system \
--output cols=Type,Device,Size rows=Disks.Disk
- Stop VM temporarily:
aliyun ecs StopInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
- Increase OS-disk size:
DiskId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --RegionId $RegionId --DiskType=system --output cols=DiskId rows=Disks.Disk | grep '^d-')
echo $DiskId
aliyun ecs ResizeDisk \
--DiskId $DiskId \
--NewSize 80
- Verify new OS-disk size:
aliyun ecs DescribeDisks \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--DiskType=system \
--output cols=Type,Device,Size rows=Disks.Disk
- Start VM:
aliyun ecs StartInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
- Connect to VM:
ssh root@$IpAddress
- Increase ‘/’ filesystem partition size:
(echo d; echo 1; echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo ; echo ; echo w) | sudo fdisk /dev/vda
- Restart VM:
sudo reboot
- Connect to VM:
ssh root@$IpAddress
- Increase ‘/’ filesystem size:
sudo resize2fs /dev/vda1
- Restart VM:
sudo reboot
3) Use dedicated datadisk for Postgres Pro database files to improve database performance
- Let's create new 200 GB datadisk and attach it to VM:
aliyun ecs CreateDisk \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--ZoneId $ZoneId \
--DiskName myvm-ent-xx-datadisk \
--Description myvm-ent-xx-datadisk \
--DiskCategory cloud_efficiency \
--Size 200
DiskId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --RegionId $RegionId --DiskType=data --output cols=DiskId rows=Disks.Disk | grep '^d-')
echo $DiskId
aliyun ecs AttachDisk \
--InstanceId $InstanceId \
--DiskId $DiskId
- Connect to VM:
ssh root@$IpAddress
- Stop Postgres Pro database service and verify its status:
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl stop postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Create new filesystem mountpoint:
sudo mkdir /PGDATA
- Use 'fdisk' utility to find out datadisk device name (in this case it is '/dev/vdb'):
sudo fdisk -l
- Create datadisk single partition of maximum size, create new filesystem on top of it:
(echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo ; echo ; echo w) | sudo fdisk /dev/vdb
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1
- Amend /etc/fstab file for new filesystem automount and mount it:
sudo sh -c "echo '`sudo blkid -o export /dev/vdb1 | grep UUID` /PGDATA ext4 defaults,nofail,barrier=0 1 2' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo mount /PGDATA
- Create 'data' directory on the new filesystem and set its permissions:
sudo mkdir /PGDATA/data
sudo chown postgres:postgres /PGDATA/data
sudo chmod 0700 /PGDATA/data
- Switch to ‘postgres’ account and move Postgres Pro database files to the new filesystem:
sudo su - postgres
mv /var/lib/pgproee/9.6/data/* /PGDATA/data; rmdir /var/lib/pgproee/9.6/data; ln -s /PGDATA/data /var/lib/pgproee/9.6/data
mv /var/lib/pgpro/ent-10/data/* /PGDATA/data; rmdir /var/lib/pgpro/ent-10/data; ln -s /PGDATA/data /var/lib/pgpro/ent-10/data
mv /var/lib/pgpro/ent-11/data/* /PGDATA/data; rmdir /var/lib/pgpro/ent-11/data; ln -s /PGDATA/data /var/lib/pgpro/ent-11/data
- Start Postgres Pro database service and verify its status:
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl start postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Restart VM, check filesystem automount and verify Postgres Pro database service status:
sudo reboot
ssh root@$IpAddress
sudo mount | grep /PGDATA
sudo df -h /PGDATA
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
Replace ‘xx’ by '01', '02', '03’ and so on.
4) Database service auto restart in case of database failure
- Edit database service systemd file and restart database service:
sudo sed -i '/KillSignal=/a Restart=on-failure' /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo sed -i '/KillSignal=/a Restart=on-failure' /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo sed -i '/KillSignal=/a Restart=on-failure' /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
VM backup/restore
Postgres Pro Enterprise Multimaster
Multimaster is a Postgres Pro Enterprise extension with a set of patches that turns Postgres Pro Enterprise into a synchronous shared-nothing cluster to provide Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) scalability for read transactions and high availability with automatic disaster recovery.
You can find more information about Postgres Pro Enterprise Multimaster at:
Let's proceed with 3-node Multimaster installation and configuration. Assume Multimaster node names are 'myvm-ent-01', 'myvm-ent-02' and 'myvm-ent-03'.
- Create three VMs using virtual network infrastructure ($VpcId, $VSwitchId) and network security group ($SecurityGroupId):
echo $InstanceTypeId
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
aliyun ecs CreateInstance \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--ImageId $ImageId \
--InstanceType $InstanceTypeId \
--SecurityGroupId $SecurityGroupId \
--InstanceName myvm-ent-0$i \
--HostName myvm-ent-0$i \
--ZoneId $ZoneId \
--Description myvm-ent-0$i \
--InternetMaxBandwidthIn 1 \
--InternetMaxBandwidthOut 1 \
--VSwitchId $VSwitchId \
--InstanceChargeType PostPaid \
--IoOptimized optimized \
--SystemDisk.Category cloud_efficiency \
--SystemDisk.Size 40 \
--KeyPairName $KeyPairNameId \
--SecurityEnhancementStrategy active \
Private IP-addresses assignment: (myvm-ent-01), (myvm-ent-02), (myvm-ent-03).
- Assign external IP-addresses to VMs and start VMs:
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
InstanceId=$(aliyun ecs DescribeInstances --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=InstanceId,InstanceName rows=Instances.Instance | grep '^i-' | grep myvm-ent-0$i | awk '{print $1}')
echo $InstanceId
aliyun ecs AllocatePublicIpAddress \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
aliyun ecs StartInstance \
--InstanceId $InstanceId
aliyun ecs DescribeInstances \
--RegionId $RegionId \
--output cols=InstanceId,Status,InstanceName,PublicIpAddress.IpAddress rows=Instances.Instance
- Now connect to each of three VMs:
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
export IpAddress_0$i=$(aliyun ecs DescribeInstances --RegionId $RegionId --output cols=PublicIpAddress.IpAddress,InstanceName rows=Instances.Instance | grep [0-9] | tr -d '[]' | grep myvm-ent-0$i | awk '{print $1}')
ssh root@$IpAddress_01
ssh root@$IpAddress_02
ssh root@$IpAddress_03
- and run the same set of commands on all of them:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
sudo sh -c "echo '$i myvm-ent-0$i' >> /etc/hosts"
- Configure firewall for Multimaster arbiter traffic via TCP-port '5555':
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5555/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=5555/tcp
sudo systemctl restart firewalld
- Configure replicated 'mydb' database:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "create user myuser with superuser encrypted password 'myuserpassword'"
psql --username=myuser -c "create database mydb"
sed -i 's/PGDATABASE=postgres/PGDATABASE=mydb/' .pgpro_profile
sed -i 's/PGUSER=postgres/PGUSER=myuser/' .pgpro_profile
source .pgpro_profile
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
echo "hostssl replication myuser myvm-ent-0$i md5" >> $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf
echo "myvm-ent-0$i:5433:mydb:myuser:myuserpassword" >> ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
pg_ctl reload
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
node_id=`hostname | awk -F "-" '{ print substr($3,2,1) }'`
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "# MULTIMASTER SETTINGS" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.cluster_name = mymmts" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.max_nodes = 3" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.node_id = $node_id" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.arbiter_port = 5555" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.conn_strings = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-01 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555,dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-02 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555,dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-03 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555'" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "# MULTIMASTER SETTINGS" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "multimaster.max_nodes = 3" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
echo "" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
psql -c "alter system set default_transaction_isolation to 'read committed'"
psql -c "alter system set wal_level to logical"
psql -c "alter system set max_connections to 100"
psql -c "alter system set max_prepared_transactions to 300"
psql -c "alter system set max_wal_senders to 10"
psql -c "alter system set max_replication_slots to 10"
psql -c "alter system set max_worker_processes to 250"
psql -c "alter system set shared_preload_libraries to multimaster,pg_stat_statements,pg_buffercache,pg_wait_sampling"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
psql -c "alter system set wal_sender_timeout to 0"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
- Configure mamonsu agent for 'mydb' database and restart mamonsu service:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo sed -i 's|user = mamonsu|user = myuser|' /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf
sudo sed -i 's|database = mamonsu|database = mydb|' /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf
sudo systemctl restart mamonsu.service
- Restart Postgres Pro database service and verify its status:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo systemctl -l status postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Now connect to the first VM:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
ssh root@$IpAddress_01
- and create Multimaster extension:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
create extension if not exists multimaster;
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
select mtm.init_cluster('dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-01 port=5433 sslmode=require','{"dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-02 port=5433 sslmode=require", "dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-03 port=5433 sslmode=require"}');
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
- Create other extensions required for mamonsu service:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
psql -c "create extension if not exists pg_buffercache"
psql -c "create extension if not exists pg_stat_statements"
psql -c "create extension if not exists pg_wait_sampling"
- Verify the extensions have been successfully created:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "select * from pg_extension"
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -c "select * from pg_extension"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "select * from pg_extension"
- Configure mamonsu for Multimaster:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
mamonsu bootstrap --dbname mydb --username postgres --host --port 5433 --mamonsu-username=myuser
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "select mtm.make_table_local('mamonsu_config')"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "select mtm.make_table_local('mamonsu_timestamp_master_2_4_1')"
- Use the following commands to monitor Multimaster status:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.collect_cluster_info()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.get_nodes_state()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.get_cluster_state()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -x -c "select mtm.get_cluster_state()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -x -c "select mtm.get_cluster_state()"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.status()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -x -c "select mtm.status()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -x -c "select mtm.status()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
- To return to 'aliyun-cli' 3.0 interface run 'exit' command twice
External connection to Postgres Pro Enterprise Multimaster database
Postgres Pro Enterprise Multimaster (2-node + referee node configuration)
If 3-node Multimaster is an overkill configuration (triple storage size for database), it's still possible to have 2-node Multimaster configuration either by nominating one of two nodes a 'major' node (multimaster.major_node=on) or by using a light-weight node as a referee instead of the third node.
The way to migrate from 3-node Multimaster to 2-node + referee node Multimaster is the following.
- Exclude 'myvm-ent-03' node from Multimaster configuration and remove Multimster settings from 'myvm-ent-03' referee node:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
sed -i '/multimaster/d' $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "alter system set shared_preload_libraries to pg_stat_statements,pg_buffercache,pg_wait_sampling"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "select mtm.stop_node(3, true)"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.collect_cluster_info()"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "select mtm.drop_node(3)"
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
sudo su - postgres
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "drop extension multimaster"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "create extension referee"
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Change Multimster settings on 'myvm-ent-01' node:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "alter system set multimaster.referee_connstring = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-03 port=5433 sslmode=require'"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --host=myvm-ent-01 -c "alter system set multimaster.conn_strings = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-01 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555,dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-02 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555'"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
- and on 'myvm-ent-02' node:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -c "alter system set multimaster.referee_connstring = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-03 port=5433 sslmode=require'"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --host=myvm-ent-02 -c "alter system set multimaster.conn_strings = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-01 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555,dbname=mydb user=myuser host=myvm-ent-02 port=5433 sslmode=require arbiter_port=5555'"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Finally, drop replication slots and finalize settings on 'myvm-ent-03' referee node:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "select * from pg_replication_slots"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "select pg_drop_replication_slot('mtm_slot_1')"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "select pg_drop_replication_slot('mtm_slot_2')"
psql --host=myvm-ent-03 -c "select * from pg_replication_slots"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sed -i '/^#/!d' $PGDATA/
echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements, pg_buffercache, pg_wait_sampling'" >> $PGDATA/
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-enterprise-9.6.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-10.service
sudo systemctl restart postgrespro-ent-11.service
- Check the status of Multimaster on each node:
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
sudo su - postgres
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10
psql --dbname=mydb --username=myuser --host=myvm-ent-01 --port=5433 -c "select mtm.collect_cluster_info()"
psql --dbname=mydb --username=myuser --host=myvm-ent-02 --port=5433 -c "select mtm.collect_cluster_info()"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 11
psql --dbname=mydb --username=myuser --host=myvm-ent-01 --port=5433 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
psql --dbname=mydb --username=myuser --host=myvm-ent-02 --port=5433 -x -c "select mtm.nodes()"
--- Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11
psql --dbname=mydb --username=myuser --host=myvm-ent-03 --port=5433 -c "select * from referee.decision"
Postgres Pro Enterprise CFS (compressed file system):
In order to use functionality of Postgres Pro Enterprise CFS (compressed file system) extension, proceed with the following commands.
- Create OS filesystem directory for 'cfs_ts' tablespace and 'cfs_ts' tablespace in the database:
sudo su - postgres
mkdir $PGDATA/../cfs_ts
chmod 0700 $PGDATA/../cfs_ts
psql -c "create tablespace cfs_ts location '/var/lib/pgproee/9.6/cfs_ts' with (compression=true)"
psql -c "create tablespace cfs_ts location '/var/lib/pgpro/ent-10/cfs_ts' with (compression=true)"
psql -c "create tablespace cfs_ts location '/var/lib/pgpro/ent-11/cfs_ts' with (compression=true)"
- Make sure the 'cfs_ts' tablespace has been created with 'compression=true' option:
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "select * from pg_tablespace"
Use one of the following ways to utilise 'cfs_ts' tablespace for new database objects:
- Upon database object creation:
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "create table t1 (t int) tablespace cfs_ts"
psql -c "select tablename, tablespace from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'"
- Setting default tablespace for current database connection:
sudo su - postgres
set default_tablespace=cfs_ts;
show default_tablespace;
create table t2 (t int);
select tablename, tablespace from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';
- Setting default tablespace for particular database:
sudo su - postgres
psql --dbname=postgres -c "alter database mydb set tablespace cfs_ts"
psql -c "select datname, dattablespace from pg_database"
- Setting default tablespace for particular user/role:
sudo su - postgres
psql --username=postgres -c "alter user myuser set default_tablespace to 'cfs_ts'"
psql -c "select usename, useconfig from pg_user"
psql -c "select rolname, rolconfig from pg_roles"
Use one of the following ways to move existing database objects from one tablespace ('pg_default') to another ('cfs_ts'):
- One by one:
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "create table t3 (t int)"
psql -c "alter table t3 set tablespace cfs_ts"
psql -c "select tablename, tablespace from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'"
- All together:
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter table all in tablespace pg_default set tablespace cfs_ts"
psql -c "select tablename, tablespace from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'"
Depending on the data stored in tablespace 'cfs_ts', commpression ratio may vary.
Postgres Pro Enterprise 9.6/10/11 VM content:
Linux CentOS 7.x (64-bit)
- OS-account - ‘postgres’
- OS-account - ‘zabbix’
- OS-account - ‘mamonsu’
OS-disk size - 40 GB
- ext4 filesystem ‘/’ (/dev/vda1) - 40 GB
Main database - Postgres Pro Enterprise
- DB version: 9.6/10/11
- TCP-port: 5433 (opened in OS-firewall settings)
- configuration file: /var/lib/pgsql/.pgpro_profile
- database account: ’postgres’
Database monitoring (server)
- zabbix-server version: 3.4
- TCP-ports: 80/443 (opened in OS-firewall settings)
- account: ‘Admin’
Database monitoring (agent)
- zabbix-agent version: 3.4
- mamonsu-agent version: 2.4.1
- configuration file: /etc/mamonsu/agent.conf
Auxiliary database PostgreSQL (as a zabbix-server database)
- DB version: 9.6/10/11
- TCP-port: 5432
- configuration file: /var/lib/pgsql/.pgsql_profile
- database account: 'postgres'
Documentation links
- Postgres Pro Enterprise:
- Zabbix:
- Mamonsu:
- Pgadmin: