Thread: support fast default for domain with constraints

support fast default for domain with constraints

jian he

Thanks to commit aaaf9449ec6be62cb0d30ed3588dc384f56274bf[1],
ExprState.escontext (ErrorSaveContext) was added, and ExecEvalConstraintNotNull,
ExecEvalConstraintCheck were changed to use errsave instead of hard error.
Now we can use it to evaluate CoerceToDomain in a soft error way, that
is what this patch intended to do.
previously ExprState.escontext was mainly used in SQL/JSON related patches.

To achieve that, we have to populate ExprState.escontext before
passing it to ExecInitExprRec.
So I created two functions: ExecInitExprSafe, ExecPrepareExprSafe.
ExecPrepareExprSafe is an error safe variant of ExecPrepareExpr.
within ExecPrepareExprSafe, we use ExecInitExprSafe.
ExecInitExprSafe differs from ExecInitExpr is that the output
ExprState has its escontext set to a valid ErrorSaveContext.

CREATE DOMAIN domain5 AS int check(value > 10);  -- stable
create domain domain6 as int not null;

CREATE TABLE t3(a int);
ALTER TABLE t3 ADD COLUMN b domain5 default 1; --should not fail.
ALTER TABLE t3 DROP COLUMN b; --need drop it for the following tests

ALTER TABLE t3 ADD COLUMN b domain6; --table rewrite. then fail.
ALTER TABLE t3 ADD COLUMN c domain6 default 13; --no table rewrite.
fast default applied. attmissingval is stored.



Re: support fast default for domain with constraints

Tom Lane
jian he <> writes:
> Thanks to commit aaaf9449ec6be62cb0d30ed3588dc384f56274bf[1],
> ExprState.escontext (ErrorSaveContext) was added, and ExecEvalConstraintNotNull,
> ExecEvalConstraintCheck were changed to use errsave instead of hard error.
> Now we can use it to evaluate CoerceToDomain in a soft error way, that
> is what this patch intended to do.

This patch appears to summarily throw away a couple of
backwards-compatibility concerns that the previous round
took care to preserve:

* not throwing an error if the default would fail the domain
constraints, but the table is empty so there is no need to
instantiate the default.

* not assuming that the domain constraints are immutable.

Now it's fair to question how important the second point is
considering that we mostly treat domain constraints as immutable
elsewhere.  But I think the first point has actual practical uses
--- for example, if you want to set things up so that inserts must
specify that column explicitly.  So I don't think it's okay to
discard that behavior.

Maybe we need a regression test case demonstrating that that
behavior exists, to discourage people from breaking it ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: support fast default for domain with constraints

jian he
On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 11:13 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> This patch appears to summarily throw away a couple of
> backwards-compatibility concerns that the previous round
> took care to preserve:
> * not throwing an error if the default would fail the domain
> constraints, but the table is empty so there is no need to
> instantiate the default.
hi. Thanks for pointing this out.
I noticed an empty table scarenio, but didn't check it thoroughly.
The attached patch preserves this backwards-compatibility.
now it's aligned with master behavior, i think.

main gotcha is:
If no explicitly DEFAULT, the defval either comes from pg_type.typdefaultbin,
or constructed via makeNullConst branch.
In that case, we need to use soft error evaluation, because we allow
these cases for an empty table;
In other cases, we can directly evaluate explicitly the DEFAULT clause.

> * not assuming that the domain constraints are immutable.
> Now it's fair to question how important the second point is
> considering that we mostly treat domain constraints as immutable
> elsewhere.  But I think the first point has actual practical uses
> --- for example, if you want to set things up so that inserts must
> specify that column explicitly.  So I don't think it's okay to
> discard that behavior.

in v2-0003. I created a new function:
bool DomainHaveVolatileConstraints(Oid type_id, bool *have_volatile)
within DomainHaveVolatileConstraints
i use contain_volatile_functions to test whether check_expr is volatile or not.
contain_volatile_functions won't be expensive, i think.

if true then have_volatile is set to true.
if have_volatile is true then we need table rewrite.


Re: support fast default for domain with constraints

jian he

rearrange the patch.
v3-0001 and v3-0002 is preparare patches.
v3-0001 add function: ExecPrepareExprSafe and ExecInitExprSafe.
v3-0002 add function: DomainHaveVolatileConstraints

v3-0003 tests and apply fast default for domain with constraints.
v3-0003 table with empty rows aligned with master behavior.
also no table rewrite if the domain has volatile check constraints,
so less surprising behavior.
