Thread: ANALYZE post-upgrade

ANALYZE post-upgrade

Edwin UY

Just being paranoid here, sorry for a dumb question of sorts.
The ANALYZE run post upgrade, that doesn't include having to run it on the postgres database, does it?
It is only for the databases that you manually created for your application?

Re: ANALYZE post-upgrade

Tom Lane
Edwin UY <> writes:
> The ANALYZE run post upgrade, that doesn't include having to run it on the
> postgres database, does it?
> It is only for the databases that you manually created for your application?

You'd want to run it on any database with non-default contents.
If you've created user tables in the postgres DB, they'd need

            regards, tom lane

Re: ANALYZE post-upgrade

Ron Johnson
On Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 11:40 PM Edwin UY <> wrote:

Just being paranoid here, sorry for a dumb question of sorts.
The ANALYZE run post upgrade, that doesn't include having to run it on the postgres database, does it?
It is only for the databases that you manually created for your application?

The postgres database is soooo tiny, an after-pg_upgrade ANALYZE of that table would take seconds at most, unless you unwisely put user tables in the database?  IOW, don't worry whether or not it gets initially analyzed.

Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce.
Don't boil me, I'm still alive.
<Redacted> lobster!