Thread: DB Restarting daily at midnight

DB Restarting daily at midnight

Gayatri Singh
Hi All,

We are using postgresql ver 15 , some Talend jobs to load data when we start to do this , DB server goes into kernel panic and reboot .

Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

DBA says there is some binary data usage .


Re: DB Restarting daily at midnight

Ashutosh Bapat
Hi Gayatri,

On Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 10:04 AM Gayatri Singh
<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are using postgresql ver 15 , some Talend jobs to load data when we start to do this , DB server goes into kernel
panicand reboot . 
> Any idea how to troubleshoot this?
> DBA says there is some binary data usage .

This mailing list is for development discussion. You may use
pgsql-general to start the discussion. It may turn out to be a
PostgreSQL bug in which case you may post it to pgsql-bugs or here.

But in order to move forward, you will need to share at least the
following information
1. exact server version - is it latest minor release of PG 15?
2. Any stack trace or other information from PostgreSQL backend
coredump? Stack traces which will point us to the problematic code
3. Snippets of server error log when server restarts? Any noticeable
errors there?
4. What queries/utilities trigger server restart? Standalone reproduction?

Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat

Re: DB Restarting daily at midnight

Tom Lane
Gayatri Singh <> writes:
> We are using postgresql ver 15 , some Talend jobs to load data when we
> start to do this , DB server goes into kernel panic and reboot .
> Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

A repeatable kernel panic indicates either a buggy kernel or
a hardware fault; there is no universe in which it's the fault
of an application such as postgres.  But since you've told us zero
about either your kernel or your hardware, it's difficult to help.

            regards, tom lane