Thread: Pg_cron package instllation support

Pg_cron package instllation support

jayakumar s
Hi Team,

I tried to install the pg_cron extension and tried to check the link below for the download package but was unable to find it. Kindly provide if any correct link


Re: Pg_cron package instllation support

hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 06:48:37PM +0530, jayakumar s wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I tried to install the pg_cron extension and tried to check the link below
> for the download package but was unable to find it. Kindly provide if any
> correct link

please note that pg_cron is separate from PostgreSQL, and you should
rather contact their developers, and not mailing list for PostgreSQL.

Also - even if we wanted to help you, the fact that you didn't tell us
*ANYTHING* about your situation makes it impossible. What OS you're
using? What distribution? What Pg version?

Interestingly on the page you linked there is "Installing pg_cron"
section in the documentation, which seems to tell how to install it on
either most of Linux systems, or, using sources, on any other OS.

Best regards,
