Thread: pgsql: Add test of various escape functions

pgsql: Add test of various escape functions

Andres Freund
Add test of various escape functions

As highlighted by the prior commit, writing correct escape functions is less
trivial than one might hope.

This test module tries to verify that different escaping functions behave
reasonably. It e.g. tests:

- Invalidly encoded input to an escape function leads to invalidly encoded

- Trailing incomplete multi-byte characters are handled sensibly

- Escaped strings are parsed as single statement by psql's parser (which
  derives from the backend parser)

There are further tests that would be good to add. But even in the current
state it was rather useful for writing the fix in the prior commit.

Reviewed-by: Noah Misch <>
Backpatch-through: 13
Security: CVE-2025-1094



Modified Files
src/test/modules/Makefile                         |   1 +
src/test/modules/                      |   1 +
src/test/modules/test_escape/.gitignore           |   2 +
src/test/modules/test_escape/Makefile             |  27 +
src/test/modules/test_escape/          |  31 +
src/test/modules/test_escape/t/ |  53 ++
src/test/modules/test_escape/test_escape.c        | 803 ++++++++++++++++++++++
src/tools/pgindent/typedefs.list                  |   3 +
8 files changed, 921 insertions(+)