Thread: View performance with implicit cast
I have got an example, in which PostgreSQL could speed up:
First, create and populate structures:
create table test1 (date_1 timestamp);
insert into test1
select generate_series( '2020-01-01', '2025-01-01', interval '1 minute');
CREATE INDEX idx_test1_date_1 on test1(date_1);
create table test2 (date_2 date);
insert into test2
select generate_series( '1900-01-01', '2200-01-01', interval '1 day');
CREATE INDEX idx_test2_date_2 on test2(date_2);
Then create a view:
create or replace view v_test as
select date_1 from test1
union all
select date_2 from test2
and now run the query:
explain analyze
select * from v_test
where (date_1>='2024-12-09') and (date_1<'2025-01-01');
You would see:
Subquery Scan on v_test (cost=0.00..95710.28 rows=13702 width=8) (actual time=440.998..472.586 rows=33143 loops=1)
Filter: ((v_test.date_1 >= '2024-12-09 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (v_test.date_1 < '2025-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Rows Removed by Filter: 2707311
-> Append (cost=0.00..54603.47 rows=2740454 width=8) (actual time=0.038..332.601 rows=2740454 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on test1 (cost=0.00..37950.81 rows=2630881 width=8) (actual time=0.035..165.235 rows=2630881 loops=1)
-> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2" (cost=0.00..2950.39 rows=109573 width=8) (actual time=0.025..16.285 rows=109573 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on test2 (cost=0.00..1580.73 rows=109573 width=4) (actual time=0.022..4.974 rows=109573 loops=1)
Planning Time: 0.263 ms
Execution Time: 473.598 ms
I can imagine, that test2 cannot be searched by index due to the implicite cast of the column date -> timestamp, but why the query doesn`t use index idx_test1_date_1? Furthermore it could use as well index idx_test2_date_2
Now let`s modify the view`s definition only to add explicit cast:
create or replace view v_test as
select date_1 from test1
union all
select date_2::timestamp from test2
Run the query again:
explain analyze
select * from v_test
where (date_1>='2024-12-09') and (date_1<'2025-01-01');
Append (cost=0.43..3812.87 rows=31903 width=8) (actual time=0.024..17.287 rows=33143 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using idx_test1_date_1 on test1 (cost=0.43..975.53 rows=31355 width=8) (actual time=0.023..5.500 rows=33120 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((date_1 >= '2024-12-09 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_1 < '2025-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Heap Fetches: 0
-> Seq Scan on test2 (cost=0.00..2677.83 rows=548 width=8) (actual time=3.744..8.610 rows=23 loops=1)
Filter: (((date_2)::timestamp without time zone >= '2024-12-09 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((date_2)::timestamp without time zone < '2025-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Rows Removed by Filter: 109550
Planning Time: 0.230 ms
Execution Time: 18.937 ms
- Why the index is being used only when the column types are the same?
- Why th other indexes are not being used?
Maybe you can help me to rewrite the query
Thomas Szypowski
Tomasz Szypowski <> writes: > I have got an example, in which PostgreSQL could speed up: The reason why the first version of the view doesn't behave well is that it's not optimized into an "append relation", because is_simple_union_all() doesn't think that's safe: /* * is_simple_union_all * Check a subquery to see if it's a simple UNION ALL. * * We require all the setops to be UNION ALL (no mixing) and there can't be * any datatype coercions involved, ie, all the leaf queries must emit the * same datatypes. */ Perhaps this could be improved, but it's a lot easier just to add the cast yourself. regards, tom lane
Thanks So how can i create the view, with different date data types (date, timestamp), so that both indexes would be involved. Isee only the solution with index with casted value (create index ... on ...(cast(... as date))), but maybe it is a bettersolution? What`s more i found this strange behaviour: CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id) Now if i execute: DROP INDEX test, I receive: ERROR: "test" is not an index HINT: Use DROP VIEW to remove a view. After executing DROP VIEW test, I can drop this index Regards Thomas Szypowski -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lane <> Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2025 7:37 PM To: Tomasz Szypowski <> Cc: Subject: Re: View performance with implicit cast [Nie otrzymujesz cz?sto wiadomo?ci e-mail z Dowiedz si?, dlaczego jest to wa?ne, na stronie] Tomasz Szypowski <> writes: > I have got an example, in which PostgreSQL could speed up: The reason why the first version of the view doesn't behave well is that it's not optimized into an "append relation", because is_simple_union_all() doesn't think that's safe: /* * is_simple_union_all * Check a subquery to see if it's a simple UNION ALL. * * We require all the setops to be UNION ALL (no mixing) and there can't be * any datatype coercions involved, ie, all the leaf queries must emit the * same datatypes. */ Perhaps this could be improved, but it's a lot easier just to add the cast yourself. regards, tom lane
Hello, in this case both index and view have the same name (test), try a different one... -----Mensaje original----- De: Tomasz Szypowski <> Enviado el: domingo, 5 de enero de 2025 23:45 Para: Tom Lane <> CC: Asunto: RE: View performance with implicit cast Thanks So how can i create the view, with different date data types (date, timestamp), so that both indexes would be involved. Isee only the solution with index with casted value (create index ... on ...(cast(... as date))), but maybe it is a bettersolution? What`s more i found this strange behaviour: CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id) Now if i execute: DROP INDEX test, I receive: ERROR: "test" is not an index HINT: Use DROP VIEW to remove a view. After executing DROP VIEW test, I can drop this index Regards Thomas Szypowski -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lane <> Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2025 7:37 PM To: Tomasz Szypowski <> Cc: Subject: Re: View performance with implicit cast [Nie otrzymujesz cz?sto wiadomo?ci e-mail z Dowiedz si?, dlaczego jest to wa?ne, na stronie] Tomasz Szypowski <> writes: > I have got an example, in which PostgreSQL could speed up: The reason why the first version of the view doesn't behave well is that it's not optimized into an "append relation", because is_simple_union_all() doesn't think that's safe: /* * is_simple_union_all * Check a subquery to see if it's a simple UNION ALL. * * We require all the setops to be UNION ALL (no mixing) and there can't be * any datatype coercions involved, ie, all the leaf queries must emit the * same datatypes. */ Perhaps this could be improved, but it's a lot easier just to add the cast yourself. regards, tom lane ________________________________ Este correo electrónico y, en su caso, cualquier fichero anexo al mismo, contiene información de carácter confidencial exclusivamentedirigida a su destinatario o destinatarios. Si no es vd. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado que lalectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización está prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. En elcaso de haber recibido este correo electrónico por error, se ruega notificar inmediatamente esta circunstancia mediantereenvío a la dirección electrónica del remitente. Evite imprimir este mensaje si no es estrictamente necesario. This email and any file attached to it (when applicable) contain(s) confidential information that is exclusively addressedto its recipient(s). If you are not the indicated recipient, you are informed that reading, using, disseminatingand/or copying it without authorisation is forbidden in accordance with the legislation in effect. If you havereceived this email by mistake, please immediately notify the sender of the situation by resending it to their emailaddress. Avoid printing this message if it is not absolutely necessary.
"Zornoza Sanchez, Jose Blas" <> writes: > Hello, in this case both index and view have the same name (test), try a different one... Yeah. If you try the example as-presented it fails immediately: postgres=# create table foo (id int); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo; CREATE VIEW postgres=# CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id); ERROR: relation "test" already exists because you can't put a view named test and an index named test into the same schema. (They share the namespace of tables.) What I think the OP might have done is something similar to postgres=# create schema s1; CREATE SCHEMA postgres=# create schema s2; CREATE SCHEMA postgres=# set search_path to s1, s2; SET postgres=# create table (id int); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo; CREATE VIEW postgres=# CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id); CREATE INDEX postgres=# DROP INDEX test; ERROR: "test" is not an index HINT: Use DROP VIEW to remove a view. View test is in schema s1, because that's the default creation schema with this search_path setting. But index test is in s2, because indexes are always put in the same schema as their parent table. So the CREATE INDEX doesn't fail. But then the DROP searches the search_path, and the first "test" it finds is the view s1.test, so it complains. regards, tom lane
Thanks for the explanation, but what about the reported problem. How can I force the view to use both indexes? -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lane <> Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 3:52 PM To: Zornoza Sanchez, Jose Blas <> Cc: Tomasz Szypowski <>; Subject: Re: View performance with implicit cast "Zornoza Sanchez, Jose Blas" <> writes: > Hello, in this case both index and view have the same name (test), try a different one... Yeah. If you try the example as-presented it fails immediately: postgres=# create table foo (id int); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo; CREATE VIEW postgres=# CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id); ERROR: relation "test" already exists because you can't put a view named test and an index named test into the same schema. (They share the namespace of tables.) What I think the OP might have done is something similar to postgres=# create schema s1; CREATE SCHEMA postgres=# create schema s2; CREATE SCHEMA postgres=# set search_path to s1, s2; SET postgres=# create table (id int); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM foo; CREATE VIEW postgres=#CREATE INDEX test ON foo(id); CREATE INDEX postgres=# DROP INDEX test; ERROR: "test" is not an index HINT: Use DROP VIEW to remove a view. View test is in schema s1, because that's the default creation schema with this search_path setting. But index test is ins2, because indexes are always put in the same schema as their parent table. So the CREATE INDEX doesn't fail. But then the DROP searches the search_path, and the first "test" it finds is the views1.test, so it complains. regards, tom lane
Tomasz Szypowski <> writes: > Thanks for the explanation, but what about the reported problem. > How can I force the view to use both indexes? You can't, because the indexes are not on the same expressions appearing in the view. Your outer WHERE clause constrains those expressions, not the underlying table columns. If it's impractical to make the underlying tables share the same column type, you would need to do something like create view v_test as select date_1 from test1 union all select date_2::timestamp from test2; create index on test2 ((date_2::timestamp)); Consider the extra index as your penance for not having thought harder about data type choices to begin with. regards, tom lane