Thread: An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic

An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic

"Vitaly Davydov"
Dear Hackers,

I would like to discuss ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer function. It reads two-phase transaction states from disk or the WAL. It
takesxid as well as some other input parameters and executes the following steps: 

Step #1: Check if xid is committed or aborted in clog (TransactionIdDidCommit, TransactionIdDidAbort)
Step #2: Check if xid is not equal or greater than ShmemVariableCache->nextXid
Step #3: Read two-phase state for the specified xid from memory or the corresponding file and returns it

In some, very rare scenarios, the postgres instance will newer recover because of such logic. Imagine, that the
two_phasedirectory contains some files with two-phase states of transactions of distant future. I assume, it can happen
ifsome WAL segments are broken and ignored (as well as clog data) but two_phase directory was not broken. In recovery,
postgresqlreads all the files in two_phase and tries to recover two-phase states. 

The problem appears in the functions TransactionIdDidCommit or TransactionIdDidAbort. These functions may fail with the
FATALmessage like below when no clog state on disk is available for the xid: 

FATAL:  could not access status of transaction 286331153
DETAIL:  Could not open file "pg_xact/0111": No such file or directory.

Such error do not allow the postgresql instance to be started.

My guess, if to swap Step #1 with Step #2 such error will disappear because transactions will be filtered when
comparingxid with ShmemVariableCache->nextXid before accessing clog. The function will be more robust. In general, it
worksbut I'm not sure that such logic will not break some rare boundary cases. Another solution is to catch and ignore
sucherror, but the original solution is the simpler one. I appreciate any thoughts concerning this topic. May be, you
knowsome cases when such change in logic is not relevant? 

Thank you in advance!

With best regards,

Re: An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic

"Vitaly Davydov"
Hi Michael,

Thank you for the explanation and the patch! I'm happy, that I seem to be on the right way.

On Wednesday, December 25, 2024 08:04 MSK, Michael Paquier <> wrote:
> Vitaly, have you seen that in the wild as an effect of future 2PC files?

I haven't heard about this problem in production, but I've encountered it when I did some development in two-phase
functionality.I fixed it by swapping the if blocks and it solved my problem. 

It is pretty easy to reproduce it on the master branch:

1. Start an instance with enabled prepared transactions
2. Create a simple prepared transaction
3. Do checkpoint to write the transaction two-phase state into a file in pg_twophase subdirectory
4. Copy the created file, change its name to reflect a future xid (in my case: cp 00000000000002E8 00000000000FF2E8)
5. Commit the prepared transaction
6. Stop the instance with -m immediate
7. Start the instance

After starting, you can get an error like "could not start server". In the log file you can find a message like:

LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
FATAL:  could not access status of transaction 1045224
DETAIL:  Could not read from file "pg_xact/0000" at offset 253952: read too few bytes.
2024-12-25 18:38:30.606 MSK [795557] LOG:  startup process (PID 795560) exited with exit code 1

I tried your patch and it seems the server is started successfully. But I've found another problem in my synthetic test
-it can not remove the file with the following message: 

LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
WARNING:  removing future two-phase state file for transaction 1045224
WARNING:  could not remove file "pg_twophase/FFFFFFFF000FF2E8": No such file or directory
LOG:  redo starts at 0/1762978

The fill will never be removed automatically.
I guess, it is because we incorrectly calculate the two-phase file name using TwoPhaseFilePath in RemoveTwoPhaseFile in
thisscenario. It can be fixed if to pass file path directly from RecoverPreparedTransactions or
StandbyRecoverPreparedTransactioninto ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer -> RemoveTwoPhaseFile. I did it in the proposed patch is incomplete now). 

With best regards,

Re: An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic

Давыдов Виталий
Hi Michael,

> Here are two patches to address both issues:

Thank you for the preparing the patches and test simplification. My bad, I overcompilcated it.

I concerned about twophase file name generation. The function TwoPhaseFilePath() is pretty straitforward and
unambiguousin 16 and earlier versions. The logic of this function in 17+ seems to be more complex. I do not understand
itclearly. But, I guess, it will work incorrectly after turning to a newer epoch, because the epoch is calculated from
TransamVariables->nextXid,but not from problem xid. The same problem may happen if we are in epoch 1 or greater. It
willproduce a wrong file name, because the epoch will be obtained from the last xid, not from file name xid. In another
words,the function AdjustToFullTransactionId assumes that if xid > TransamVariables->nextXid, then the xid from the
previousepoch. I may be not the case in our scenario. 

> I suspect that this can be still dangerous as-is while complicating the code with more possible paths for the removal
ofthe 2PC files 
Agree, but we may pass file name into TwoPhaseFilePath if any, instead of creation of two functions as in the patch.
Thecost - two new if conditions. Using file names is pretty safe. Once we read the file and extract xid from its name,
justpass this file name to TwoPhaseFilePath(). If not, try to generate it. Anyway, I do not insist on it, just try to

With best regards,