Thread: PostgreSQL 15.10 update corrective action for ATTACH PARTITION/DETACH PARTITION


I have a question regarding the recent security update for PostgreSQL 15.

We have a gitlab database. It used to run on the PostgreSQL 15.8 software. I updated from 15.8 to 15.10 and executed
thecorrective actions as outlined in:

I executed "SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table", conname AS constraint,
confrelid::pg_catalog.regclassAS "references", pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass,conname) AS "drop", pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass,conname, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add" FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHEREcontype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2 WHERE c2.conparentid =
c.oid)<> (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid)
ANDEXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent));" which gave the result below: 

constrained table | p_ci_pipelines
constraint        | fk_262d4c2d19_p
references        | p_ci_pipelines
drop              | alter table p_ci_pipelines drop constraint fk_262d4c2d19_p;
add               | alter table p_ci_pipelines add constraint fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY
(auto_canceled_by_partition_id,auto_canceled_by_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON

I then executed the two alter table statements without any problem. No error was reported and all seems ok.

Now, if I execute the query to find the constraints again, I would expect the result to be empty. But it is not.

Why is that and what am I supposed to do? Is the problem fixed now or is it still pending? Any ideas would be greatly


On 11/26/24 01:59, Paul Foerster wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the recent security update for PostgreSQL 15.
> We have a gitlab database. It used to run on the PostgreSQL 15.8 software. I updated from 15.8 to 15.10 and executed
thecorrective actions as outlined in:
> I executed "SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table", conname AS constraint,
confrelid::pg_catalog.regclassAS "references", pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass,conname) AS "drop", pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass,conname, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add" FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHEREcontype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2 WHERE c2.conparentid =
c.oid)<> (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid)
ANDEXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent));" which gave the result
> -[ RECORD 1
> constrained table | p_ci_pipelines
> constraint        | fk_262d4c2d19_p
> references        | p_ci_pipelines
> drop              | alter table p_ci_pipelines drop constraint fk_262d4c2d19_p;
> add               | alter table p_ci_pipelines add constraint fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY
(auto_canceled_by_partition_id,auto_canceled_by_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
> I then executed the two alter table statements without any problem. No error was reported and all seems ok.
> Now, if I execute the query to find the constraints again, I would expect the result to be empty. But it is not.

Did you commit the statements?

Are you using concurrent sessions to do this?

When you run the query again do you get the same two statements?

> Why is that and what am I supposed to do? Is the problem fixed now or is it still pending? Any ideas would be greatly
> Cheers
> Paul

Adrian Klaver

Hi Adrian,

> On 26 Nov 2024, at 17:56, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
> Did you commit the statements?

Yes. I have autocommit on, the psql default.

> Are you using concurrent sessions to do this?

No. I do this in one session. 1. select, 2. drop, 3. add, 4. select.

> When you run the query again do you get the same two statements?

Yes. I can repeat the above 4 steps as much as I want. The result remains the same. I would have expected to have an
emptyresult doing the final repeated select, but it shows exactly the same output. 


Paul Foerster <> writes:
>> On 26 Nov 2024, at 17:56, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
>> When you run the query again do you get the same two statements?

> Yes. I can repeat the above 4 steps as much as I want. The result remains the same. I would have expected to have an
emptyresult doing the final repeated select, but it shows exactly the same output. 

I would have expected an empty result too.  Can you confirm that
p_ci_pipelines used to be a partition of something?  Can you show us
the full DDL (or psql \d+ output) for the partitioned table it
used to be part of, and for that matter also for p_ci_pipelines?
Did the FK used to reference the whole partitioned table, or just
this partition?

I'm suspicious that our repair recipe might not have accounted
for self-reference FKs fully, but that's just a gut feeling at
this point.

            regards, tom lane

Hi Tom,

> On 26 Nov 2024, at 22:25, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> I would have expected an empty result too.  Can you confirm that
> p_ci_pipelines used to be a partition of something?  Can you show us
> the full DDL (or psql \d+ output) for the partitioned table it
> used to be part of, and for that matter also for p_ci_pipelines?
> Did the FK used to reference the whole partitioned table, or just
> this partition?
> I'm suspicious that our repair recipe might not have accounted
> for self-reference FKs fully, but that's just a gut feeling at
> this point.

Of course, it contains no secret data. Please find the full log below. According to the add constraint statement, it is
aself reference. 

Thanks for looking into it.


gitxp1t=# \set
VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 15.10 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (SUSE Linux) 7.5.0, 64-bit'

gitxp1t=# SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table",
gitxp1t-#        conname AS constraint,
gitxp1t-#        confrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "references",
gitxp1t-#        pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
gitxp1t(#                          conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname) AS "drop",
gitxp1t-#        pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
gitxp1t(#                          conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname,
gitxp1t(#                          pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add"
gitxp1t-# FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
gitxp1t-# WHERE contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND
gitxp1t-#    (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2
gitxp1t(#     WHERE c2.conparentid = c.oid) <>
gitxp1t-#    (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i
gitxp1t(#     WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid) AND
gitxp1t(#       EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table
gitxp1t(#               WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent));
constrained table |   constraint    |   references   |                            drop                             |

p_ci_pipelines    | fk_262d4c2d19_p | p_ci_pipelines | ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines DROP CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p; |
ALTERTABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL; 
(1 row)
 gitxp1t=# ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines DROP CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p;
gitxp1t=# ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL; 
gitxp1t=# SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table",
gitxp1t-#        conname AS constraint,
gitxp1t-#        confrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "references",
gitxp1t-#        pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
gitxp1t(#                          conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname) AS "drop",
gitxp1t-#        pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
gitxp1t(#                          conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname,
gitxp1t(#                          pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add"
gitxp1t-# FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
gitxp1t-# WHERE contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND
gitxp1t-#    (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2
gitxp1t(#     WHERE c2.conparentid = c.oid) <>
gitxp1t-#    (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i
gitxp1t(#     WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid) AND
gitxp1t(#       EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table
gitxp1t(#               WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent));
constrained table |   constraint    |   references   |                            drop                             |

 p_ci_pipelines    | fk_262d4c2d19_p | p_ci_pipelines | ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines DROP CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p; |
ALTERTABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL; 
(1 row)

gitxp1t=# \d+ p_ci_pipelines
                                                                      Partitioned table "public.p_ci_pipelines"
            Column             |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                 Default
      | Storage  | Compression | Stats target | Description 

 ref                           | character varying           |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 sha                           | character varying           |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 before_sha                    | character varying           |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 created_at                    | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 updated_at                    | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 tag                           | boolean                     |           |          | false
      | plain    |             |              | 
 yaml_errors                   | text                        |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 committed_at                  | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 project_id                    | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 status                        | character varying           |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 started_at                    | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 finished_at                   | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 duration                      | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 user_id                       | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 lock_version                  | integer                     |           |          | 0
      | plain    |             |              | 
 pipeline_schedule_id          | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 source                        | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 config_source                 | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 protected                     | boolean                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 failure_reason                | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 iid                           | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 merge_request_id              | integer                     |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 source_sha                    | bytea                       |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 target_sha                    | bytea                       |           |          |
      | extended |             |              | 
 external_pull_request_id      | bigint                      |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 ci_ref_id                     | bigint                      |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 locked                        | smallint                    |           | not null | 1
      | plain    |             |              | 
 partition_id                  | bigint                      |           | not null |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 id                            | bigint                      |           | not null |
nextval('ci_pipelines_id_seq'::regclass)| plain    |             |              | 
 auto_canceled_by_id           | bigint                      |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
 auto_canceled_by_partition_id | bigint                      |           |          |
      | plain    |             |              | 
Partition key: LIST (partition_id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id, partition_id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_auto_canceled_by_id_idx" btree (auto_canceled_by_id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_ci_ref_id_id_idx" btree (ci_ref_id, id) WHERE locked = 1
    "p_ci_pipelines_ci_ref_id_id_source_status_idx" btree (ci_ref_id, id DESC, source, status) WHERE ci_ref_id IS NOT
    "p_ci_pipelines_external_pull_request_id_idx" btree (external_pull_request_id) WHERE external_pull_request_id IS
    "p_ci_pipelines_id_idx" btree (id) WHERE source = 13
    "p_ci_pipelines_merge_request_id_idx" btree (merge_request_id) WHERE merge_request_id IS NOT NULL
    "p_ci_pipelines_pipeline_schedule_id_id_idx" btree (pipeline_schedule_id, id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_id_idx" btree (project_id, id DESC)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_iid_partition_id_idx" UNIQUE, btree (project_id, iid, partition_id) WHERE iid IS NOT
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_ref_id_idx" btree (project_id, ref, id DESC)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_ref_status_id_idx" btree (project_id, ref, status, id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_sha_idx" btree (project_id, sha)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_source_idx" btree (project_id, source)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_status_config_source_idx" btree (project_id, status, config_source)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_status_created_at_idx" btree (project_id, status, created_at)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_status_updated_at_idx" btree (project_id, status, updated_at)
    "p_ci_pipelines_project_id_user_id_status_ref_idx" btree (project_id, user_id, status, ref) WHERE source <> 12
    "p_ci_pipelines_status_id_idx" btree (status, id)
    "p_ci_pipelines_user_id_created_at_config_source_idx" btree (user_id, created_at, config_source)
    "p_ci_pipelines_user_id_created_at_source_idx" btree (user_id, created_at, source)
    "p_ci_pipelines_user_id_id_idx" btree (user_id, id) WHERE status::text = ANY (ARRAY['running'::character
varying::text,'waiting_for_resource'::character varying::text, 'preparing'::character varying::text,
'pending'::charactervarying::text, 'created'::character varying::text, 'scheduled'::character varying::text]) 
    "p_ci_pipelines_user_id_id_idx1" btree (user_id, id DESC) WHERE failure_reason = 3
Check constraints:
    "check_2ba2a044b9" CHECK (project_id IS NOT NULL)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk_190998ef09" FOREIGN KEY (external_pull_request_id) REFERENCES external_pull_requests(id) ON DELETE SET NULL
    "fk_262d4c2d19_p" FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id, auto_canceled_by_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL 
    "fk_3d34ab2e06" FOREIGN KEY (pipeline_schedule_id) REFERENCES ci_pipeline_schedules(id) ON DELETE SET NULL
    "fk_d80e161c54" FOREIGN KEY (ci_ref_id) REFERENCES ci_refs(id) ON DELETE SET NULL
Referenced by:
    TABLE "p_ci_pipelines" CONSTRAINT "fk_262d4c2d19_p" FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL 
    TABLE "ci_pipeline_chat_data" CONSTRAINT "fk_64ebfab6b3_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "p_ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_87f4cefcda_p" FOREIGN KEY (upstream_pipeline_partition_id, upstream_pipeline_id)
    TABLE "p_ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_a2141b1522_p" FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id, auto_canceled_by_id)
REFERENCESp_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL 
    TABLE "p_ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_d3130c9a7f_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, commit_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "ci_sources_pipelines" CONSTRAINT "fk_d4e29af7d7_p" FOREIGN KEY (source_partition_id, source_pipeline_id)
    TABLE "ci_sources_pipelines" CONSTRAINT "fk_e1bad85861_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "p_ci_pipeline_variables" CONSTRAINT "fk_f29c5f4380_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "p_ci_stages" CONSTRAINT "fk_fb57e6cc56_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "ci_sources_projects" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_10a1eb379a_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_101" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_4540ead625_p" FOREIGN KEY
(upstream_pipeline_partition_id,upstream_pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_4540ead625_p" FOREIGN KEY
(upstream_pipeline_partition_id,upstream_pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
    TABLE "ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_4540ead625_p" FOREIGN KEY (upstream_pipeline_partition_id,
upstream_pipeline_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_101" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_494e57ee78_p" FOREIGN KEY
(auto_canceled_by_partition_id,auto_canceled_by_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
    TABLE "ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_494e57ee78_p" FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_494e57ee78_p" FOREIGN KEY
(auto_canceled_by_partition_id,auto_canceled_by_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
    TABLE "ci_pipeline_variables" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_507416c33a_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_pipeline_variables_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_507416c33a_p" FOREIGN KEY
(partition_id,pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "ci_pipeline_metadata" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_50c1e9ea10_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_stages_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_5d4d96d44b_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id,
pipeline_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "ci_stages" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_5d4d96d44b_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "ci_pipeline_messages" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_8d3b04e3e1_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "p_ci_pipelines_config" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_906c9a2533_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "ci_pipeline_artifacts" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_a9e811a466_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "p_ci_builds_execution_configs" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_c26408d02c_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, pipeline_id)
    TABLE "ci_builds" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_d739f46384_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id, commit_id) REFERENCES
p_ci_pipelines(partition_id,id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_101" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_d739f46384_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id,
commit_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_d739f46384_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id,
commit_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_execution_configs_102" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_e214655a86_p" FOREIGN KEY
(partition_id,pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_execution_configs_100" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_e214655a86_p" FOREIGN KEY
(partition_id,pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "gitlab_partitions_dynamic.ci_builds_execution_configs_101" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_e214655a86_p" FOREIGN KEY
(partition_id,pipeline_id) REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID 
    TABLE "ci_daily_build_group_report_results" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_ee072d13b3_p" FOREIGN KEY (partition_id,
last_pipeline_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE 
    p_ci_pipelines_loose_fk_trigger AFTER DELETE ON p_ci_pipelines REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_table FOR EACH
STATEMENTEXECUTE FUNCTION insert_into_loose_foreign_keys_deleted_records() 
Partitions: ci_pipelines FOR VALUES IN ('100', '101', '102')

Paul Foerster <> writes:
> On 26 Nov 2024, at 22:25, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> I'm suspicious that our repair recipe might not have accounted
>> for self-reference FKs fully, but that's just a gut feeling at
>> this point.

> Of course, it contains no secret data. Please find the full log below. According to the add constraint statement, it
isa self reference. 
> Thanks for looking into it.

Okay, so I was able to reproduce this from scratch on HEAD:

regression=# create table p_ci_pipelines(partition_id int, id int, primary key(partition_id,id),
auto_canceled_by_partition_idint, auto_canceled_by_id int) partition by LIST (partition_id); 
regression=# create table ci_pipelines partition of p_ci_pipelines FOR VALUES IN ('100', '101', '102');
regression=# ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL; 
regression=# SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table",
       conname AS constraint,
       confrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "references",
       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname) AS "drop",
       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname,
                         pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHERE contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND
   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2
    WHERE c2.conparentid = c.oid) <>
   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i
    WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid) AND
      EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table
              WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent));
 constrained table |   constraint    |   references   |                            drop                             |

 p_ci_pipelines    | fk_262d4c2d19_p | p_ci_pipelines | ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines DROP CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p; |
ALTERTABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines(partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL; 
(1 row)

I doubt that there's anything actually wrong with the catalog state at
this point (perhaps Alvaro would confirm that).  That leads to the
conclusion that what's wrong is the release notes' query for fingering
broken constraints, and it needs some additional test to avoid
complaining about (I suspect) self-reference cases.

            regards, tom lane

On 2024-Nov-27, Tom Lane wrote:

> I doubt that there's anything actually wrong with the catalog state at
> this point (perhaps Alvaro would confirm that).  That leads to the
> conclusion that what's wrong is the release notes' query for fingering
> broken constraints, and it needs some additional test to avoid
> complaining about (I suspect) self-reference cases.

Ugh, I hadn't noticed this report, thanks for CCing me.  I'll have a
look at this tomorrow.  You're right that I didn't think of checking
self-referencing FKs with the query.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
<Schwern> It does it in a really, really complicated way
<crab> why does it need to be complicated?
<Schwern> Because it's MakeMaker.

Hi Tom, hi Alvaro,

> On 27 Nov 2024, at 19:52, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Okay, so I was able to reproduce this from scratch on HEAD:

great, thanks.

> I doubt that there's anything actually wrong with the catalog state at
> this point (perhaps Alvaro would confirm that).  That leads to the
> conclusion that what's wrong is the release notes' query for fingering
> broken constraints, and it needs some additional test to avoid
> complaining about (I suspect) self-reference cases.

In the meantime, I updated the whole company. The one test database actually was the only database that this was
returned.I found no other occurrences. 

As I understand it, the worst thing that could happen is that one or more rows end up in a detached partition table
whichshould actually be in another partition, right? Since there were no rows, no harm could have been done. Also,
sincethis is a self reference, the wrong table is also the right one. 

Again, thanks very much for clarifying this.


On 2024-Nov-27, Tom Lane wrote:

> I doubt that there's anything actually wrong with the catalog state at
> this point (perhaps Alvaro would confirm that).  That leads to the
> conclusion that what's wrong is the release notes' query for fingering
> broken constraints, and it needs some additional test to avoid
> complaining about (I suspect) self-reference cases.

Yes, I think the catalog state is correct and the release notes query is
wrong.  I propose a repaired version below.  But first, I think there's
still a problem specific to partition creation when a self-referencing
FKs exists.  If you do create table / create partition / add FK, then
the query from the release notes does report the FK.  But if you do
create table / add FK / create partition, nothing is reported.  Clearly,
both those things cannot be simultaneously correct.

-- Case 1: create the partition when the FK already exists
drop table if exists p_ci_pipelines;
create table p_ci_pipelines(partition_id int, id int, primary key(partition_id,id), auto_canceled_by_partition_id int,
auto_canceled_by_idint) partition by LIST (partition_id);
ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines (partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;
create table ci_pipelines partition of p_ci_pipelines FOR VALUES IN ('100', '101', '102');

-- Case 2: create both tables, then add the FK
drop table if exists p_ci_pipelines;
create table p_ci_pipelines(partition_id int, id int, primary key(partition_id,id), auto_canceled_by_partition_id int,
auto_canceled_by_idint) partition by LIST (partition_id);
create table ci_pipelines partition of p_ci_pipelines FOR VALUES IN ('100', '101', '102');
ALTER TABLE p_ci_pipelines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_262d4c2d19_p FOREIGN KEY (auto_canceled_by_partition_id,
auto_canceled_by_id)REFERENCES p_ci_pipelines (partition_id, id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;

Naturally, if in any of those situations you drop and recreate the FK,
it degenerates to case 2, so if you do what the release notes say, it'll
continue to report the FK.

We can use the following query (which lists the constraint and its derivate
pg_constraint rows) to see what goes wrong:

       SELECT oid, conrelid, conname, confrelid, NULL::name AS conparent
         FROM pg_constraint
        WHERE connamespace = 'public'::regnamespace AND
              contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0
       SELECT c.oid, c.conrelid, c.conname, c.confrelid,
              (pg_identify_object('pg_constraint'::regclass, arrh.oid, 0)).identity
         FROM pg_constraint c
              JOIN arrh ON c.conparentid = arrh.oid
  ) SELECT conrelid::regclass, conname, confrelid::regclass, conparent
      FROM arrh
  ORDER BY conrelid::regclass::text, conname;

For case 2, this is the result:

    conrelid    │                             conname                             │   confrelid    │

 ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p                                                 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on
 p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p                                                 │ p_ci_pipelines │ 
 p_ci_pipelines │ p_ci_pipelines_auto_canceled_by_partition_id_auto_canceled_fkey │ ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on

For case 1, where the release notes query reports nothing, we get the
following list of constraints instead:

    conrelid    │     conname     │   confrelid    │                conparent                 
 ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines
 p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p │ p_ci_pipelines │ 
(2 filas)

Let's look at the triggers.  For case 1 we have the following triggers:

       SELECT t.oid, t.tgrelid::regclass as tablename, tgname,
              t.tgfoid::regproc as trigfn,
              (pg_identify_object('pg_constraint'::regclass, c.oid, 0)).identity as constr,
              NULL::bool as samefunc,
              NULL::name AS parent
         FROM pg_trigger t
    LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.oid = t.tgconstraint
        WHERE (SELECT relnamespace FROM pg_class WHERE oid = t.tgrelid) = 'public'::regnamespace
              AND c.contype = 'f' AND t.tgparentid = 0
       SELECT t2.oid, t2.tgrelid::regclass as tablename, t2.tgname,
              t2.tgfoid::regproc as trigfn,
              (pg_identify_object('pg_constraint'::regclass, c2.oid, 0)).identity,
              arrh.trigfn = t2.tgfoid as samefunc,
              replace((pg_identify_object('pg_trigger'::regclass, t2.tgparentid, 0)).identity,
                      t2.tgparentid::text, 'TGOID')
         FROM pg_trigger t2
    LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c2 ON c2.oid = t2.tgconstraint
         JOIN arrh ON t2.tgparentid = arrh.oid
  ) SELECT tgname, tablename, constr, samefunc, parent
      FROM arrh
  ORDER BY tablename::text, constr;

            tgname            │   tablename    │                  constr                  │ samefunc │

 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16659 │ ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.ci_pipelines   │ t        │
"RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_TGOID"on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16658 │ ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.ci_pipelines   │ t        │
"RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_TGOID"on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16648 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16649 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16650 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16651 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines │          │ 
(6 filas)

For case 2 we have this:

            tgname            │   tablename    │                                          constr
                 │ samefunc │                         parent                          

 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16680 │ ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.ci_pipelines
                 │ t        │ "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_TGOID" on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16679 │ ci_pipelines   │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.ci_pipelines
                 │ t        │ "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_TGOID" on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16675 │ ci_pipelines   │ p_ci_pipelines_auto_canceled_by_partition_id_auto_canceled_fkey on
public.p_ci_pipelines│ t        │ "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_TGOID" on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16674 │ ci_pipelines   │ p_ci_pipelines_auto_canceled_by_partition_id_auto_canceled_fkey on
public.p_ci_pipelines│ t        │ "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_TGOID" on public.p_ci_pipelines
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16671 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines
                 │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_16672 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines
                 │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16676 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines
                 │          │ 
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_16677 │ p_ci_pipelines │ fk_262d4c2d19_p on public.p_ci_pipelines
                 │          │ 
(8 filas)

Here, the difference is the two action triggers on the partition, which
hang under the secondary constraint for the partition.  And those are
critical, because without them, the ON DELETE clause is not executed:

insert into ci_pipelines values (100, 1, null, null);    -- create referenced row
insert into ci_pipelines values (101, 2, 100, 1);    -- create the reference
delete from ci_pipelines where id = 1;            -- should SET NULL but doesn't
select * from p_ci_pipelines ;
 partition_id │ id │ auto_canceled_by_partition_id │ auto_canceled_by_id 
          101 │  2 │                           100 │                   1
(1 fila)

(Obviously if we drop the constraint at this point and try to recreate,
it'll complain that the referenced row doesn't exist).

This doesn't happen with the tables defined as case 2; the FK columns
are set to NULL, as intended.

 partition_id │ id │ auto_canceled_by_partition_id │ auto_canceled_by_id 
          101 │  2 │                               │                    
(1 fila)

This all was to say that the query in the release notes is undoubtedly
wrong.  After thinking some more about it, I think the fix is to add 1
to the number of constraints:

SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table",
       conname AS constraint,
       confrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "references",
       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname) AS "drop",
       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname,
                         pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHERE contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND
   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2
    WHERE c2.conparentid = c.oid) <>
   ((SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i
    WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid) AND
      EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table
              WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent)) +
    CASE when pg_partition_root(conrelid) = confrelid THEN 1 ELSE 0 END);

This reports case 2 as OK and case 1 as bogus, as should be.  I tried
adding more partitions and this seems to hold correctly.  I was afraid
though that this would fail if we create an FK in an intermediate level
of the partition hierarchy ... but experimentation doesn't seem to give
that result.  I've run out of time today to continue to look though.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —
"La vida es para el que se aventura"

Hi Alvaro,

> On 29 Nov 2024, at 18:15, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> This all was to say that the query in the release notes is undoubtedly
> wrong.  After thinking some more about it, I think the fix is to add 1
> to the number of constraints:
> SELECT conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "constrained table",
>       conname AS constraint,
>       confrelid::pg_catalog.regclass AS "references",
>       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
>                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname) AS "drop",
>       pg_catalog.format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s;',
>                         conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass, conname,
>                         pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)) AS "add"
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
> WHERE contype = 'f' AND conparentid = 0 AND
>   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c2
>    WHERE c2.conparentid = c.oid) <>
>   ((SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i
>    WHERE (i.inhparent = c.conrelid OR i.inhparent = c.confrelid) AND
>      EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table
>              WHERE partrelid = i.inhparent)) +
>    CASE when pg_partition_root(conrelid) = confrelid THEN 1 ELSE 0 END);
> This reports case 2 as OK and case 1 as bogus, as should be.  I tried
> adding more partitions and this seems to hold correctly.  I was afraid
> though that this would fail if we create an FK in an intermediate level
> of the partition hierarchy ... but experimentation doesn't seem to give
> that result.  I've run out of time today to continue to look though.

Thanks very much for this really detailed analysis and sharing your insights. I'll give the new query a try on Monday
whenI'm back at work. Do I also need to recheck all other databases with this new query which didn't report anything
withthe original query? 

> Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —
> "La vida es para el que se aventura"

You're located in the middle of the forest east of Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany? 🤣



On 2024-Nov-29, Paul Foerster wrote:

> > On 29 Nov 2024, at 18:15, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:

> > This reports case 2 as OK and case 1 as bogus, as should be.  I tried
> > adding more partitions and this seems to hold correctly.  I was afraid
> > though that this would fail if we create an FK in an intermediate level
> > of the partition hierarchy ... but experimentation doesn't seem to give
> > that result.  I've run out of time today to continue to look though.
> Thanks very much for this really detailed analysis and sharing your
> insights. I'll give the new query a try on Monday when I'm back at
> work. Do I also need to recheck all other databases with this new
> query which didn't report anything with the original query?

Only if you have self-referencing FKs in partitioned tables.  It
would be an interesting data point to verify whether this reports
anything else.  Also, I'd be really curious if your databases include
the case I'm suspicious about: a multi-level hierarchy containing an FK
that points to an intermediate level of itself.

> > Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —
> > "La vida es para el que se aventura"
> You're located in the middle of the forest east of Freiburg im
> Breisgau in Germany? 🤣

I'm within fives minutes of longitude and latitude of that location, yes
:-) I didn't want to give unnecessary precision there, but is somebody
wants to chat sometime or whatever is welcome to ping me.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —
"Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que la verdad absoluta no existe...
El problema es que la mentira sí existe y tu estás mintiendo" (G. Lama)

Hi Alvaro,

> On 30 Nov 2024, at 08:41, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> Only if you have self-referencing FKs in partitioned tables.  It
> would be an interesting data point to verify whether this reports
> anything else.  Also, I'd be really curious if your databases include
> the case I'm suspicious about: a multi-level hierarchy containing an FK
> that points to an intermediate level of itself.

The instance I reported was the only one in our several hundred databases. So I guess this is really a corner case. As
mentionedI'll try on Monday. 

> I'm within fives minutes of longitude and latitude of that location, yes
> :-) I didn't want to give unnecessary precision there, but is somebody
> wants to chat sometime or whatever is welcome to ping me.

Then you're not really far way. I'm located in the Solothurn, Switzerland area which is only less than 90 km away. Drop
mea line if you ever make it to Solothurn. 🤣 
