Thread: BUG #18645: Change between 16 and 17 when attaching partitions and the root tbl has identity col
BUG #18645: Change between 16 and 17 when attaching partitions and the root tbl has identity col
PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 18645 Logged by: nick j Email address: PostgreSQL version: 17.0 Operating system: win11 Description: In v16, the following succeeded: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ( device_key uuid NOT NULL, message_created_date_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, message_id bigint NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 CACHE 1 ) ) PARTITION BY LIST (device_key); create table foo_1 (like foo including all); alter table foo attach partition foo_1 for values in ('A1BBF163-6375-4C3D-8846-CDFABCBA7580'); create table foo_2 (like foo including all); alter table foo attach partition foo_2 for values in ('B1BBF163-6375-4C3D-8846-CDFABCBA7580'); In v17, this throws the following exception: ERROR: The new partition may not contain an identity column.table "foo_1" being attached contains an identity column "message_id" Switching to: create table foo_2 (like foo including all excluding identity); works. This first surfaced when attempting to upgrade a v16 cluster to v17 via pg_upgrade.