Thread: Query tuning question

Query tuning question

"Dirschel, Steve"

Aurora Postgres version 13.7.


Table definition:


acquisition_channel_db=> \d acquisition_channel.acquired_object

                                                        Table "acquisition_channel.acquired_object"

                 Column                 |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                             Default


acquired_object_uuid                   | character varying(36)    |           | not null |

acquired_object_name                   | text                     |           | not null |

acquired_object_size                   | bigint                   |           |          |

acquisition_run_record_id              | bigint                   |           |          |

correlation_id                         | character varying(36)    |           |          |

acquired_datetime                      | timestamp with time zone |           |          |

checksum                               | character varying(128)   |           |          |

acquisition_method_id                  | bigint                   |           |          |

ol_version                             | integer                  |           | not null |

created_datetime                       | timestamp with time zone |           | not null |

updated_datetime                       | timestamp with time zone |           |          |

status                                 | character varying(50)    |           |          |

parent_acquired_object_uuid            | character varying(36)    |           |          |

extracted_from_object_path             | text                     |           |          |

resource_group_id                      | bigint                   |           |          |

s3_gcs_bucket                          | character varying(100)   |           |          |

s3_key                                 | character varying(500)   |           |          |

metadata_s3_gcs_bucket                 | character varying(100)   |           |          |

metadata_s3_key                        | character varying(500)   |           |          |

routing_result_acquisition_channel_id  | bigint                   |           |          |

acquired_object_type                   | character varying(100)   |           |          |

created_by_id                          | integer                  |           |          |

updated_by_id                          | integer                  |           |          |

metadata                               | jsonb                    |           |          |

acquired_object_id                     | bigint                   |           | not null | nextval('acquisition_channel.acquired_object_id_seq'::regclass)

routed_to_acquisition_channel_datetime | timestamp with time zone |           |          |

routed_to_acquisition_channel_id       | bigint                   |           |          |

rendition_guid                         | character varying(36)    |           |          |

revision_guid                          | character varying(36)    |           |          |

channel_availability_status            | character varying(100)   |           |          |

mime_type                              | character varying(100)   |           |          |

encryption_public_key_hash             | text                     |           |          |

acquired_metadata                      | jsonb                    |           |          |

original_acquired_object_name          | text                     |           |          |

acquired_family_uuid                   | character varying(36)    |           |          |

last_broadcast_datetime                | timestamp with time zone |           |          |

original_checksum                      | character varying(128)   |           |          |


    "acquired_object_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (acquired_object_uuid)

    "acquired_family_uuid_idx" btree (acquired_family_uuid)

    "acquired_object_acq_method_id_acq_dt_acquired_object_uuid" btree (acquisition_method_id, acquired_datetime DESC NULLS LAST, acquired_object_uuid)

    "acquired_object_acquired_items_initial_ui_page" btree (acquisition_method_id, acquired_datetime DESC NULLS LAST, acquired_object_uuid) WHERE status::text <> 'TEST'::text AND parent_acquired_object_uuid IS NULL

    "acquired_object_acquired_object_id_unq" UNIQUE, btree (acquired_object_id)

    "acquired_object_acquired_object_name" btree (lower(acquired_object_name))

    "acquired_object_acquisition_method_id" btree (acquisition_method_id)

    "acquired_object_acquisition_run_record_id" btree (acquisition_run_record_id)

    "acquired_object_checksum" btree (checksum)

    "acquired_object_correlation_id" btree (correlation_id)

    "acquired_object_idx2" btree (parent_acquired_object_uuid, extracted_from_object_path)

    "acquired_object_in_channel" UNIQUE, btree (routed_to_acquisition_channel_id, checksum) WHERE routed_to_acquisition_channel_id IS NOT NULL

    "acquired_object_routed_to_acq_channel_id_dt_acq_object_uuid" btree (routed_to_acquisition_channel_id, routed_to_acquisition_channel_datetime DESC NULLS LAST, acquired_object_uuid)

    "acquired_object_routed_to_acq_channel_id_dt_acq_object_uuid_asc" btree (routed_to_acquisition_channel_id, routed_to_acquisition_channel_datetime, acquired_object_uuid)

    "acquired_object_routed_to_acquisition_channel_id" btree (routed_to_acquisition_channel_id)

    "acquired_object_trgm_acquired_object_name" gin (lower(acquired_object_name) acquisition_channel.gin_trgm_ops)

Foreign-key constraints:

    "acquired_object_acquisition_channel_fk" FOREIGN KEY (routed_to_acquisition_channel_id) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquisition_channel(acquisition_channel_id)

    "acquired_object_fk2" FOREIGN KEY (acquisition_run_record_id) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquisition_run_record(acquisition_run_record_id)

    "acquired_object_fk3" FOREIGN KEY (acquisition_method_id) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquisition_method(acquisition_method_id)

    "acquired_object_fk4" FOREIGN KEY (parent_acquired_object_uuid) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquired_object(acquired_object_uuid)

    "acquired_object_fk5" FOREIGN KEY (routing_result_acquisition_channel_id) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquisition_channel(acquisition_channel_id)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "acquisition_channel.acquired_object" CONSTRAINT "acquired_object_fk4" FOREIGN KEY (parent_acquired_object_uuid) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquired_object(acquired_object_uuid)

    TABLE "acquisition_channel.broadcast_item" CONSTRAINT "broadcast_item_acquired_object_fk" FOREIGN KEY (acquired_object_uuid) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquired_object(acquired_object_uuid)

    TABLE "acquisition_channel.routing_record" CONSTRAINT "routing_record_acquired_object_fk" FOREIGN KEY (acquired_object_uuid) REFERENCES acquisition_channel.acquired_object(acquired_object_uuid)


Extension pg_trgm is installed at version 1.3 and index acquired_object_trgm_acquired_object_name is a gin index.


Query and plan:


acquisition_channel_db=> explain (analyze, buffers)

acquisition_channel_db->  select *

acquisition_channel_db->    from acquisition_channel.acquired_object acquiredob0_

acquisition_channel_db->   where lower(acquiredob0_.acquired_object_name) like lower('%de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%') limit 100;

                                                                                 QUERY PLAN


Limit  (cost=46341.49..50488.39 rows=100 width=1342) (actual time=7589.846..7593.992 rows=1 loops=1)

   Buffers: shared hit=638206 read=1127

   I/O Timings: read=932.828

   ->  Gather  (cost=46341.49..3436021.28 rows=81740 width=1342) (actual time=7589.845..7593.990 rows=1 loops=1)

         Workers Planned: 2

         Workers Launched: 2

         Buffers: shared hit=638206 read=1127

         I/O Timings: read=932.828

         ->  Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on acquired_object acquiredob0_  (cost=45341.49..3426847.28 rows=34058 width=1342) (actual time=7584.021..7584.022 rows=0 loops=3)

               Recheck Cond: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ '%de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)

               Heap Blocks: exact=1

               Buffers: shared hit=638206 read=1127

               I/O Timings: read=932.828

               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on acquired_object_trgm_acquired_object_name  (cost=0.00..45321.05 rows=81740 width=0) (actual time=7589.148..7589.149 rows=1 loops=1)

                     Index Cond: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ '%de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)

                     Buffers: shared hit=638205 read=1127

                     I/O Timings: read=932.828


   Buffers: shared hit=7

Planning Time: 0.209 ms

Execution Time: 7594.346 ms


It is using the GIN index but it did 639k total buffer reads to find 1 row which seems like a ton.  I don’t know how GIN/GIN_TRGM_OPS are implemented but does 638k buffer reads to find 1 row using that type of index seem high or does that seem as expected?


I noticed for this 1 row returned the acquired_object_name starts with de_  so the leading % isn’t really needed for this data point .  There is a different index that is a normal btree index that could be used by this query if the leading % was removed:


acquired_object_acquired_object_name btree (lower(acquired_object_name))


Here is the plan if I remove the leading %:


acquisition_channel_db=> explain (analyze, buffers)

acquisition_channel_db->  select *

acquisition_channel_db->    from acquisition_channel.acquired_object acquiredob0_

acquisition_channel_db->   where lower(acquiredob0_.acquired_object_name) like lower('de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%') limit 100;

                                                                                 QUERY PLAN


Limit  (cost=48145.49..52292.39 rows=100 width=1342) (actual time=8639.428..8643.529 rows=1 loops=1)

   Buffers: shared hit=827759 read=143

   I/O Timings: read=119.373

   ->  Gather  (cost=48145.49..3437825.28 rows=81740 width=1342) (actual time=8639.427..8643.527 rows=1 loops=1)

         Workers Planned: 2

         Workers Launched: 2

         Buffers: shared hit=827759 read=143

         I/O Timings: read=119.373

         ->  Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on acquired_object acquiredob0_  (cost=47145.49..3428651.28 rows=34058 width=1342) (actual time=8633.200..8633.201 rows=0 loops=3)

               Recheck Cond: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ 'de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)

               Heap Blocks: exact=1

               Buffers: shared hit=827759 read=143

               I/O Timings: read=119.373

               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on acquired_object_trgm_acquired_object_name  (cost=0.00..47125.05 rows=81740 width=0) (actual time=8638.786..8638.787 rows=1 loops=1)

                     Index Cond: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ 'de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)

                     Buffers: shared hit=827758 read=143

                     I/O Timings: read=119.373


   Buffers: shared hit=7

Planning Time: 0.226 ms

Execution Time: 8643.664 ms


I was surprised the optimizer decided to still use the gin index vs the acquired_object_acquired_object_name index.  And now the query did 827k buffer reads to find that 1 row via the index.  I tried using pg_hint_plan to get the query to use the acquired_object_acquired_object_name index but the optimizer still wouldn’t use it.  So then I decided to disable bitmap scan to see if it would then use this other index (this time I’m just doing an explain to see the plan):


acquisition_channel_db=> set enable_bitmapscan to off;


acquisition_channel_db=> explain

acquisition_channel_db->  select *

acquisition_channel_db->    from acquisition_channel.acquired_object acquiredob0_

acquisition_channel_db->   where lower(acquiredob0_.acquired_object_name) like lower('de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%') limit 100;

                                                  QUERY PLAN


Limit  (cost=1000.00..122287.58 rows=100 width=1342)

   ->  Gather  (cost=1000.00..99141466.60 rows=81740 width=1342)

         Workers Planned: 2

         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on acquired_object acquiredob0_  (cost=0.00..99132292.60 rows=34058 width=1342)

               Filter: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ 'de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)


Wow, so rather than using  the acquired_object_acquired_object_name it thinks a full scan of the table would be better…. The table is 718 GB.  It didn’t even want to use that gin index-  when accessing a gin index can that only be done via a bitmap index scan?  Something seems out of whack here but I don’t know what it is.  Leaving enable_bitmapscan to off I also tried disabling seqscan-  the plan below shows it will still to a seq scan and note the cost now.


acquisition_channel_db=> set enable_seqscan to off;


acquisition_channel_db=> explain

acquisition_channel_db->  select *

acquisition_channel_db->    from acquisition_channel.acquired_object acquiredob0_

acquisition_channel_db->   where lower(acquiredob0_.acquired_object_name) like lower('de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%') limit 100;

                                                 QUERY PLAN


Limit  (cost=10000000000.00..10000130032.86 rows=100 width=1342)

   ->  Seq Scan on acquired_object acquiredob0_  (cost=10000000000.00..10106288859.64 rows=81740 width=1342)

         Filter: (lower(acquired_object_name) ~~ 'de_fcdd7e0d-4812-4fb2-bd19-4f114f86a43f%'::text)



My questions:

  1. Does 638k buffer reads using the gin index to find 1 row seem appropriate?  That seems like a ton of work to me.
  2. When I remove the leading % it still uses the gin index but now it does 827k buffer reads to find 1 row.  Why does it still want to use this gin index vs using the other index I note above and why is it doing even more work when removing the leading %?
  3. If I disable bitmap scan it then prefers to full scan the table vs using the other index I note above.  Why would it still not want to use this other index?
  4. If I also disable seqscan it still won’t use this other index.  Why?


I don’t know what other info would be helpful here but I’ll show settings related to Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration (after re-logging in to show current settings) along with table/index statistics.  I assume I’m overlooking something rather simple here but I’m not seeing it.  Any input would be much appreciated.






acquisition_channel_db=> select name, setting from pg_settings where category = 'Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration';

                  name                   | setting


apg_enable_correlated_any_transform     | off

apg_enable_function_migration           | on

apg_enable_not_in_transform             | on

apg_enable_remove_redundant_inner_joins | off

apg_enable_semijoin_push_down           | off

apg_force_full_key_semijoin             | off

apg_force_semijoin_push_down            | off

apg_force_single_key_semijoin           | off

enable_bitmapscan                       | on

enable_gathermerge                      | on

enable_hashagg                          | on

enable_hashjoin                         | on

enable_incremental_sort                 | on

enable_indexonlyscan                    | on

enable_indexscan                        | on

enable_material                         | on

enable_mergejoin                        | on

enable_nestloop                         | on

enable_parallel_append                  | on

enable_parallel_hash                    | on

enable_partition_pruning                | on

enable_partitionwise_aggregate          | off

enable_partitionwise_join               | off

enable_seqscan                          | on

enable_sort                             | on

enable_tidscan                          | on

(26 rows)


acquisition_channel_db=> \x on

Expanded display is on.




acquisition_channel_db=>   select * FROM pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 'acquired_object';

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------------------------------

relid               | 16777

schemaname          | acquisition_channel

relname             | acquired_object

seq_scan            | 1218

seq_tup_read        | 307573542582

idx_scan            | 2260152042

idx_tup_fetch       | 94409160669

n_tup_ins           | 140420690

n_tup_upd           | 642849845

n_tup_del           | 0

n_tup_hot_upd       | 251641126

n_live_tup          | 821351776

n_dead_tup          | 26646304

n_mod_since_analyze | 18564560

n_ins_since_vacuum  | 7485136

last_vacuum         |

last_autovacuum     | 2024-08-17 15:39:04.259598+00

last_analyze        |

last_autoanalyze    | 2024-08-20 06:46:16.897584+00

vacuum_count        | 0

autovacuum_count    | 6

analyze_count       | 0

autoanalyze_count   | 21



acquisition_channel_db=> select * from pg_stats where tablename = 'acquired_object' and attname = 'acquired_object_name';

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

schemaname             | acquisition_channel

tablename              | acquired_object

attname                | acquired_object_name

inherited              | f

null_frac              | 0

avg_width              | 43

n_distinct             | 3.053536e+06

most_common_vals       | {.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.pdf}  ß- replace actual values due to possible concerns with values shown

most_common_freqs      | {0.00026666667,0.00016666666,0.00016666666}

histogram_bounds       | {removing values also due to possible concerns with values shown}

correlation            | 0.1324247

most_common_elems      |

most_common_elem_freqs |

elem_count_histogram   |







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