Thread: Re: Remove redundant NULL check in clause_selectivity_ext() function

Ilia Evdokimov <> writes:
> In the `clause_selectivity_ext()` function, there’s a comment regarding 
> a NULL clause check that asks, "can this still happen?". I decided to 
> investigate whether this scenario is still valid.

> Here’s what I found after reviewing the relevant cases:

> - approx_tuple_count(): The function iterates over a loop of other clauses.
> - get_foreign_key_join_selectivity(): The function is invoked within an 
> `if (clause)` condition.
> - consider_new_or_clause(): The clause is generated by 
> `make_restrictinfo()`, which never returns NULL.
> - clauselist_selectivity_ext(): This function either checks 
> `list_length(clauses) == 1` before being called, or it is called within 
> a loop of clauses.

That list_length check doesn't prove anything about whether the list
element is NULL, though.

While I suspect that you may be right that the case doesn't occur
anymore (if it ever did), I'm inclined to leave this test in place.
It's cheap enough compared to what the rest of the function will do,
and more importantly we can't assume that all interesting call sites
are within Postgres core.  There are definitely extensions calling
clauselist_selectivity and related functions.  It's possible that
some of them rely on clause_selectivity not crashing on a NULL.
Certainly, such an assumption could be argued to be a bug they
should fix; but I'm disinclined to make them jump through that
hoop for a vanishingly small performance improvement.

Also, there are boatloads of other places where the planner has
possibly-redundant checks for null clause pointers.  It's likely
that some of the other ones are more performance-critical than
this.  But I wouldn't be in favor of retail removal of the others
either.  Maybe with a more holistic approach we could remove a
whole lot of them and make a measurable improvement; but it
would require some careful thought about what invariants we
want to assume.  There's not really any design principles
about this right now, and where we've ended up is that most
functions operating on expression trees assume they've got to
defend against NULL inputs.  To remove those checks, we'd
need a clear understanding of where caller-side checks need
to be added instead.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Remove redundant NULL check in clause_selectivity_ext() function

Ilia Evdokimov

On 19.8.24 18:02, Tom Lane wrote:
Ilia Evdokimov <> writes:
In the `clause_selectivity_ext()` function, there’s a comment regarding 
a NULL clause check that asks, "can this still happen?". I decided to 
investigate whether this scenario is still valid.
Here’s what I found after reviewing the relevant cases:
- approx_tuple_count(): The function iterates over a loop of other clauses.
- get_foreign_key_join_selectivity(): The function is invoked within an 
`if (clause)` condition.
- consider_new_or_clause(): The clause is generated by 
`make_restrictinfo()`, which never returns NULL.
- clauselist_selectivity_ext(): This function either checks 
`list_length(clauses) == 1` before being called, or it is called within 
a loop of clauses.
That list_length check doesn't prove anything about whether the list
element is NULL, though.

While I suspect that you may be right that the case doesn't occur
anymore (if it ever did), I'm inclined to leave this test in place.
It's cheap enough compared to what the rest of the function will do,
and more importantly we can't assume that all interesting call sites
are within Postgres core.  There are definitely extensions calling
clauselist_selectivity and related functions.  It's possible that
some of them rely on clause_selectivity not crashing on a NULL.
Certainly, such an assumption could be argued to be a bug they
should fix; but I'm disinclined to make them jump through that
hoop for a vanishingly small performance improvement.

Also, there are boatloads of other places where the planner has
possibly-redundant checks for null clause pointers.  It's likely
that some of the other ones are more performance-critical than
this.  But I wouldn't be in favor of retail removal of the others
either.  Maybe with a more holistic approach we could remove a
whole lot of them and make a measurable improvement; but it
would require some careful thought about what invariants we
want to assume.  There's not really any design principles
about this right now, and where we've ended up is that most
functions operating on expression trees assume they've got to
defend against NULL inputs.  To remove those checks, we'd
need a clear understanding of where caller-side checks need
to be added instead.
			regards, tom lane

Let's assume that this check needs to remain, and the length check doesn't guarantee anything. However, I'm a bit concerned that there's a NULL check here, but it's missing in the clauselist_selectivity_ext() function. For the reasons mentioned above, I would suggest the following: either we perform the NULL check in both places, or we don't perform it in either.
Ilia Evdokimov,
Tantor Labs LCC.

Re: Remove redundant NULL check in clause_selectivity_ext() function

David Rowley
On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 at 03:48, Ilia Evdokimov
<> wrote:
> Let's assume that this check needs to remain, and the length check doesn't guarantee anything. However, I'm a bit
concernedthat there's a NULL check here, but it's missing in the clauselist_selectivity_ext() function. For the reasons
mentionedabove, I would suggest the following: either we perform the NULL check in both places, or we don't perform it

I don't follow this comparison. clauselist_selectivity_ext() is
perfectly capable of accepting a NIL List of clauses.

I agree with Tom that it's unlikely to be worth the risk removing the
NULL check from clause_selectivity_ext(). From my point of view, the
risk-to-reward ratio is nowhere near the level of being worth it.
There'd just be no way to measure any sort of speedup from this change
as there are far too many other things going on during planning. This
one is a drop in the ocean.

However, I'd like to encourage you to look for other places that might
have a more meaningful impact on performance. For those, it's best to
come armed with a benchmark and results that demonstrate the speedup
along with your justification as to why you think the change is
worthwhile. We've not received the former and you've not convinced two
committers with your attempt on the latter.

I suggest marking the CF entry for this patch as rejected.
