Thread: BUG #18580: The pg_similarity appears to be wrong

BUG #18580: The pg_similarity appears to be wrong

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18580
Logged by:          Karan Bosamia
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 14.10
Operating system:   Ubuntu

    similarity(provision_clean_description, 'Policies The General Partner
shall promptly notify the Investor of any proposed changes in the Funds
leverage policies including adjustments to leverage ratios') AS sim_tim
  FROM provision_database
) pd
  WHERE sim_tim <= 1 and sim_tim > 0.7 and firm_id=18;

This both sentences giving similarity score as 1 despite the fact that the
sentence 1. has Policies as the starting word(do not include the starting
hyphen in the sentences):
- Policies The General Partner shall promptly notify the Investor of any
proposed changes in the Funds leverage policies including adjustments to
leverage ratios
- The General Partner shall promptly notify the Investor of any proposed
changes in the Funds leverage policies including adjustments to leverage