Thread: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth

PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth

Scot Kreienkamp

Hi list, I’m trying to setup two versions of PGAdmin, 6.12 and latest, using dockerhub images running on RH9.  I’m fronting this with HTTPD as a reverse proxy and authentication layer. 


Here’s the commandline I’m using to run both versions:


/usr/bin/podman run \








        --conmon-pidfile %t/%n-pid  \

        --cidfile %t/%n-cid \

        --privileged  \

        -p \

        -v /var/lib/pgadmin/%N:/var/lib/pgadmin \

        --name %N \$VERSION



This works perfectly with 6.12.  I can connect with the web browser and go to PGAdmin, and I’m logged in as I expected to be. 


With latest I keep getting the messages “webserver authenticate failed” from PGAdmin, and I keep landing at the PGAdmin login screen despite having internal authentication disabled. 


I’m seeing these syslog messages:
Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.



I thought maybe it wasn’t picking up the default email and password so I tried every combination I could think of for quoting default email and password, with no improvement.  The default email and password don’t work on the login screen and I never get into PGAdmin.   I can’t figure out why it works on the old version but not the new version.  I know I don’t need the mount on /var/lib/pgadmin with the database, that’s just there because I haven’t taken it out yet.  With the database config that directory is empty anyway.


Any ideas?



Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  | *  |  | |
Smaller LZB Only Logo for Sign.png

This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain privileged, confidential information which is exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disseminating or distributing this information (other than to the intended recipient) or copying this information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or by telephone at the above number. Thank you.


Re: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth

Yogesh Mahajan

Have you tried using a private window? Also can you please share your HTTPD conf?

Yogesh Mahajan

On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 1:13 AM Scot Kreienkamp <> wrote:

Hi list, I’m trying to setup two versions of PGAdmin, 6.12 and latest, using dockerhub images running on RH9.  I’m fronting this with HTTPD as a reverse proxy and authentication layer. 


Here’s the commandline I’m using to run both versions:


/usr/bin/podman run \








        --conmon-pidfile %t/%n-pid  \

        --cidfile %t/%n-cid \

        --privileged  \

        -p \

        -v /var/lib/pgadmin/%N:/var/lib/pgadmin \

        --name %N \$VERSION



This works perfectly with 6.12.  I can connect with the web browser and go to PGAdmin, and I’m logged in as I expected to be. 


With latest I keep getting the messages “webserver authenticate failed” from PGAdmin, and I keep landing at the PGAdmin login screen despite having internal authentication disabled. 


I’m seeing these syslog messages:
Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.



I thought maybe it wasn’t picking up the default email and password so I tried every combination I could think of for quoting default email and password, with no improvement.  The default email and password don’t work on the login screen and I never get into PGAdmin.   I can’t figure out why it works on the old version but not the new version.  I know I don’t need the mount on /var/lib/pgadmin with the database, that’s just there because I haven’t taken it out yet.  With the database config that directory is empty anyway.


Any ideas?



Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  | *  |  | |
Smaller LZB Only Logo for Sign.png

This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain privileged, confidential information which is exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disseminating or distributing this information (other than to the intended recipient) or copying this information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or by telephone at the above number. Thank you.


RE: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth

Scot Kreienkamp

I have tried the private window.. it makes no difference.  I’ve also tried changing the working instance to using the latest image, which then doesn’t work.  I’m using the same config for both versions, it works on the older version but not the latest version.  The only difference between the two is the port.


Here’s the HTTPD config:

<VirtualHost *:8080>

        SSLEngine on

        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/wildcard.crt

        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/wildcard.key

        ProxyPass / retry=0

        ProxyPassReverse / retry=0

        <LocationMatch "^(?!/dologin.html|/4C-Vertical.jpg)" >

                AuthType form

                AuthName "Login Required"

                AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/dologin.html

                AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/

                AuthFormProvider ldap-vip ldap-na

                AuthFormLogoutLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/login.html

                #Redirect to login.html for anything unauthorized

                ErrorDocument 401 "/dologin.html"

                Require valid-user

                Session On

                SessionCookieName session path=/

                RewriteEngine on

                RewriteCond %{REMOTE_USER} (.*)

                RewriteRule .* - [E=X_REMOTE_USER:%1]

                RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{X_REMOTE_USER}e


        <Location /dologin>

                SetHandler form-login-handler

                Header unset ETag

                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

                Header set Pragma "no-cache"

                Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"




Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  Email:


From: Yogesh Mahajan <>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 2:44 AM
To: Scot Kreienkamp <>
Subject: Re: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth




Have you tried using a private window? Also can you please share your HTTPD conf?




Yogesh Mahajan




On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 1:13AM Scot Kreienkamp <> wrote:

Hi list, I’m trying to setup two versions of PGAdmin, 6.12 and latest, using dockerhub images running on RH9.  I’m fronting this with HTTPD as a reverse proxy and authentication layer. 


Here’s the commandline I’m using to run both versions:


/usr/bin/podman run \








        --conmon-pidfile %t/%n-pid  \

        --cidfile %t/%n-cid \

        --privileged  \

        -p \

        -v /var/lib/pgadmin/%N:/var/lib/pgadmin \

        --name %N \$VERSION



This works perfectly with 6.12.  I can connect with the web browser and go to PGAdmin, and I’m logged in as I expected to be. 


With latest I keep getting the messages “webserver authenticate failed” from PGAdmin, and I keep landing at the PGAdmin login screen despite having internal authentication disabled. 


I’m seeing these syslog messages:
Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.



I thought maybe it wasn’t picking up the default email and password so I tried every combination I could think of for quoting default email and password, with no improvement.  The default email and password don’t work on the login screen and I never get into PGAdmin.   I can’t figure out why it works on the old version but not the new version.  I know I don’t need the mount on /var/lib/pgadmin with the database, that’s just there because I haven’t taken it out yet.  With the database config that directory is empty anyway.


Any ideas?



Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  | *
 |  | |
Smaller LZB Only Logo for Sign.png

This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain privileged, confidential information which is exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disseminating or distributing this information (other than to the intended recipient) or copying this information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or by telephone at the above number. Thank you.


RE: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth

Scot Kreienkamp

For anyone interested in this issue:




Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  Email:


From: Scot Kreienkamp <>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 8:34 AM
To: Yogesh Mahajan <>
Subject: RE: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth


I have tried the private window.. it makes no difference.  I’ve also tried changing the working instance to using the latest image, which then doesn’t work.  I’m using the same config for both versions, it works on the older version but not the latest version.  The only difference between the two is the port.


Here’s the HTTPD config:

<VirtualHost *:8080>

        SSLEngine on

        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/wildcard.crt

        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/wildcard.key

        ProxyPass / retry=0

        ProxyPassReverse / retry=0

        <LocationMatch "^(?!/dologin.html|/4C-Vertical.jpg)" >

                AuthType form

                AuthName "Login Required"

                AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/dologin.html

                AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/

                AuthFormProvider ldap-vip ldap-na

                AuthFormLogoutLocation https://%{SERVER_NAME}/login.html

                #Redirect to login.html for anything unauthorized

                ErrorDocument 401 "/dologin.html"

                Require valid-user

                Session On

                SessionCookieName session path=/

                RewriteEngine on

                RewriteCond %{REMOTE_USER} (.*)

                RewriteRule .* - [E=X_REMOTE_USER:%1]

                RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{X_REMOTE_USER}e


        <Location /dologin>

                SetHandler form-login-handler

                Header unset ETag

                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

                Header set Pragma "no-cache"

                Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"




Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  Email:


From: Yogesh Mahajan <>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 2:44 AM
To: Scot Kreienkamp <>
Subject: Re: PGAdmin with Postgres backend and web auth




Have you tried using a private window? Also can you please share your HTTPD conf?




Yogesh Mahajan




On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 1:13AM Scot Kreienkamp <> wrote:

Hi list, I’m trying to setup two versions of PGAdmin, 6.12 and latest, using dockerhub images running on RH9.  I’m fronting this with HTTPD as a reverse proxy and authentication layer. 


Here’s the commandline I’m using to run both versions:


/usr/bin/podman run \








        --conmon-pidfile %t/%n-pid  \

        --cidfile %t/%n-cid \

        --privileged  \

        -p \

        -v /var/lib/pgadmin/%N:/var/lib/pgadmin \

        --name %N \$VERSION



This works perfectly with 6.12.  I can connect with the web browser and go to PGAdmin, and I’m logged in as I expected to be. 


With latest I keep getting the messages “webserver authenticate failed” from PGAdmin, and I keep landing at the PGAdmin login screen despite having internal authentication disabled. 


I’m seeing these syslog messages:
Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,292: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin[452429]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.

Jul 17 15:06:11 pgadmin.service[452271]: 2024-07-17 19:06:11,293: DEBUG        pgadmin:        Authentication initiated via source: webserver is failed.



I thought maybe it wasn’t picking up the default email and password so I tried every combination I could think of for quoting default email and password, with no improvement.  The default email and password don’t work on the login screen and I never get into PGAdmin.   I can’t figure out why it works on the old version but not the new version.  I know I don’t need the mount on /var/lib/pgadmin with the database, that’s just there because I haven’t taken it out yet.  With the database config that directory is empty anyway.


Any ideas?



Scot Kreienkamp | Applications Infrastructure Architect | La-Z-Boy Corporate
One La-Z-Boy Drive | Monroe, Michigan 48162 | ( (734) 384-6403 | |  ) 1-734-915-1444  | *
 |  | |
Smaller LZB Only Logo for Sign.png

This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain privileged, confidential information which is exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disseminating or distributing this information (other than to the intended recipient) or copying this information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or by telephone at the above number. Thank you.
