Thread: gamma() and lgamma() functions

gamma() and lgamma() functions

Dean Rasheed
Attached is a patch adding support for the gamma and log-gamma
functions. See, for example:

I think these are very useful general-purpose mathematical functions.
They're part of C99, and they're commonly included in other
mathematical libraries, such as the python math module, so I think
it's useful to make them available from SQL.

The error-handling for these functions seems to be a little trickier
than most, so that might need further discussion.



Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Stepan Neretin

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 5:33 PM Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
Attached is a patch adding support for the gamma and log-gamma
functions. See, for example:

I think these are very useful general-purpose mathematical functions.
They're part of C99, and they're commonly included in other
mathematical libraries, such as the python math module, so I think
it's useful to make them available from SQL.

The error-handling for these functions seems to be a little trickier
than most, so that might need further discussion.


Hi! The patch file seems broken.
git apply gamma-and-lgamma.patch
error: git apply: bad git-diff  — exptec /dev/null in line 2
Best regards, Stepan Neretin.

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 1 Jul 2024, at 16:20, Stepan Neretin <> wrote:

> The patch file seems broken.
> git apply gamma-and-lgamma.patch error: git apply: bad git-diff  — exptec /dev/null in line 2

It's a plain patch file, if you apply it with patch and not git it will work fine:

$ patch -p1 < gamma-and-lgamma.patch
patching file 'doc/src/sgml/func.sgml'
patching file 'src/backend/utils/adt/float.c'
patching file 'src/include/catalog/pg_proc.dat'
patching file 'src/test/regress/expected/float8.out'
patching file 'src/test/regress/sql/float8.sql'

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Stepan Neretin

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 5:33 PM Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
Attached is a patch adding support for the gamma and log-gamma
functions. See, for example:

I think these are very useful general-purpose mathematical functions.
They're part of C99, and they're commonly included in other
mathematical libraries, such as the python math module, so I think
it's useful to make them available from SQL.

The error-handling for these functions seems to be a little trickier
than most, so that might need further discussion.


I tried to review the patch without applying it. It looks good to me, but I have one notice:
ERROR:  value out of range: overflow. I think we need to add information about the available ranges in the error message

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Jul-01, Stepan Neretin wrote:

> I have one notice:
> ERROR:  value out of range: overflow. I think we need to add information
> about the available ranges in the error message

I think this is a project of its own.  The error comes from calling
float_overflow_error(), which is a generic routine used in several
functions which have different overflow conditions.  It's not clear to
me that throwing errors listing the specific range for each case is
worth the effort.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
"Escucha y olvidarás; ve y recordarás; haz y entenderás" (Confucio)

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Dean Rasheed
On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 at 16:04, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> On 2024-Jul-01, Stepan Neretin wrote:
> > I have one notice:
> > ERROR:  value out of range: overflow. I think we need to add information
> > about the available ranges in the error message
> I think this is a project of its own.  The error comes from calling
> float_overflow_error(), which is a generic routine used in several
> functions which have different overflow conditions.  It's not clear to
> me that throwing errors listing the specific range for each case is
> worth the effort.

Right. It's also worth noting that gamma() has several distinct ranges
of validity for which it doesn't overflow, so it'd be hard to codify
that succinctly in an error message.

Something that bothers me about float.c is that there is precious
little consistency as to whether functions raise overflow errors or
return infinity. For example, exp() gives an overflow error for
sufficiently large (finite) inputs, whereas sinh() and cosh() (very
closely related) return infinity. I think raising an error is the more
technically correct thing to do, but returning infinity is sometimes
perhaps more practically useful.

However, given how much more quickly the result from gamma() explodes,
I think it's more useful for it to raise an error so that you know you
have a problem, and that you probably want to use lgamma() instead.

(As an aside, I've seen people (and ChatGPT) write algorithms to solve
the Birthday Problem using the gamma() function. That doesn't work
because gamma(366) overflows, so you have to use lgamma().)


Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Peter Eisentraut
On 01.07.24 12:33, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> Attached is a patch adding support for the gamma and log-gamma
> functions. See, for example:
> I think these are very useful general-purpose mathematical functions.
> They're part of C99, and they're commonly included in other
> mathematical libraries, such as the python math module, so I think
> it's useful to make them available from SQL.

What are examples of where this would be useful in a database context?

> The error-handling for these functions seems to be a little trickier
> than most, so that might need further discussion.

Yeah, this is quite something.

I'm not sure why you are doing the testing for special values (NaN etc.) 
yourself when the C library function already does it.  For example, if I 
remove the isnan(arg1) check in your dlgamma(), then it still behaves 
the same in all tests.  However, the same does not happen in your 
dgamma().  The overflow checks after the C library call are written 
differently for the two functions.  dgamma() does not check errno for 
ERANGE for example.  It might also be good if dgamma() checked errno for 
EDOM, because other the result of gamma(-1) being "overflow" seems a bit 

I'm also not clear why you are turning a genuine result overflow into 
infinity in lgamma().

I think this could use some kind of chart or something about all the 
possible behaviors and how the C library reports them and what we intend 
to do with them.

Btw., I'm reading that lgamma() in the C library is not necessarily 
thread-safe.  Is that a possible problem?

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Tom Lane
Dean Rasheed <> writes:
> On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 13:40, Peter Eisentraut <> wrote:
>> What are examples of where this would be useful in a database context?

> Of course, there's a somewhat fuzzy line between what is generally
> useful enough, and what is too specialised for core Postgres, but I
> would argue that these qualify, since they are part of C99, and
> commonly appear in other general-purpose math libraries like the
> Python math module.

Yeah, I think any math function that's part of C99 or POSIX is
arguably of general interest.

>> I'm not sure why you are doing the testing for special values (NaN etc.)
>> yourself when the C library function already does it.  For example, if I
>> remove the isnan(arg1) check in your dlgamma(), then it still behaves
>> the same in all tests.

> It's useful to do that so that we don't need to assume that every
> platform conforms to the POSIX standard, and because it simplifies the
> later overflow checks. This is consistent with the approach taken in
> other functions, such as dexp(), dsin(), dcos(), etc.

dexp() and those other functions date from the late stone age, before
it was safe to assume that libm's behavior matched the POSIX specs.
Today I think we can assume that, at least till proven differently.
There's not necessarily anything wrong with what you've coded, but
I don't buy this argument for it.

>> Btw., I'm reading that lgamma() in the C library is not necessarily
>> thread-safe.  Is that a possible problem?

> It's not quite clear what to do about that.

Per the Linux man page, the reason lgamma() isn't thread-safe is

       The lgamma(), lgammaf(), and lgammal()  functions  return  the  natural
       logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.  The sign of the
       Gamma function is returned in the external integer signgam declared  in
       <math.h>.  It is 1 when the Gamma function is positive or zero, -1 when
       it is negative.

AFAICS this patch doesn't inspect signgam, so whether it gets
overwritten by a concurrent thread wouldn't matter.  However,
it'd be a good idea to add a comment noting the hazard.

(Presumably, the reason POSIX says "need not be thread-safe"
is that an implementation could make it thread-safe by
making signgam thread-local, but the standard doesn't wish
to mandate that.)

            regards, tom lane

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> AFAICS this patch doesn't inspect signgam, so whether it gets
> overwritten by a concurrent thread wouldn't matter.  However,
> it'd be a good idea to add a comment noting the hazard.

Further to that ... I looked at POSIX issue 8 (I had been reading 7)
and found this illuminating discussion:

    Earlier versions of this standard did not require lgamma(),
    lgammaf(), and lgammal() to be thread-safe because signgam was a
    global variable. They are now required to be thread-safe to align
    with the ISO C standard (which, since the introduction of threads
    in 2011, requires that they avoid data races), with the exception
    that they need not avoid data races when storing a value in the
    signgam variable. Since signgam is not specified by the ISO C
    standard, this exception is not a conflict with that standard.

So the other reason to avoid using signgam is that it might
not exist at all in some libraries.

            regards, tom lane

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Dmitry Koval

I think having gamma() and lgamma() functions in PostgreSQL would be 
useful for some users, this is asked [1].

I have a question regarding the current implementation of gamma() 
function. Code block:

+    if (errno == ERANGE && arg1 != 0)
+    {
+        if (result != 0.0)
+            float_overflow_error();
+        else
+            float_underflow_error();
+    }
+    else if (isinf(result) && arg1 != 0 && !isinf(arg1))
+        float_overflow_error();
+    else if (result == 0.0)
+        float_underflow_error();

Why in some cases (if arg1 is close to 0, but not 0) an error 
(float_overflow_error) will be returned, but in the case of "arg1 = 0" 
the value 'Infinity' will be returned?
For example:

 >SELECT gamma(float8 '1e-320');
ERROR:  value out of range: overflow

 >SELECT gamma(float8 '0');
(1 row)

Perhaps it would be logical if the behavior in these cases was the same 
(either ERROR or 'Infinity')?


With best regards,
Dmitry Koval

Postgres Professional:

Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Dean Rasheed
On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 at 16:28, Dmitry Koval <> wrote:
> I think having gamma() and lgamma() functions in PostgreSQL would be
> useful for some users, this is asked [1].

Thanks for looking.

>  >SELECT gamma(float8 '1e-320');
> ERROR:  value out of range: overflow
>  >SELECT gamma(float8 '0');
>    gamma
> ----------
>   Infinity
> (1 row)

That's correct since gamma(1e-320) is roughly 1e320, which overflows
the double precision type, but it's not actually infinite, whereas
gamma(0) is infinite.

> Perhaps it would be logical if the behavior in these cases was the same
> (either ERROR or 'Infinity')?

In general, I think that having gamma() throw overflow errors is
useful for spotting real problems in user code. In my experience, it's
uncommon to pass negative or even close-to-zero inputs to gamma(), but
it is common to fail to appreciate just how quickly the result grows
for positive inputs (it overflows for inputs just over 171.6), so it
seems better to be made aware of such problems (which might be solved
by using lgamma() instead).

So I think throwing overflow errors is the most useful thing to do
from a practical point of view, and if we do that for too-large
inputs, it makes sense to do the same for too-close-to-zero inputs.

OTOH, gamma(+/-0) = +/-Infinity is right from a mathematical point of
view, and consistent with the POSIX spec, and it's also consistent
with the functions cot() and cotd().


Re: gamma() and lgamma() functions

Dean Rasheed
On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 at 22:35, Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 at 16:28, Dmitry Koval <> wrote:
> >
> >  >SELECT gamma(float8 '1e-320');
> > ERROR:  value out of range: overflow
> >
> >  >SELECT gamma(float8 '0');
> >    gamma
> > ----------
> >   Infinity
> > (1 row)
> >
> > Perhaps it would be logical if the behavior in these cases was the same
> > (either ERROR or 'Infinity')?
> In general, I think that having gamma() throw overflow errors is
> useful for spotting real problems in user code.

Thinking about this afresh, I remain of the opinion that having the
gamma function throw overflow errors is useful for inputs that are too
large, like gamma(200). But then, if we're going to do that, maybe we
should just do the same for other invalid inputs (zero, negative
integers, and -Inf). That resolves the consistency issue with inputs
very close to zero, and seems like a practical solution.

Attached is an update doing that.

