Thread: Vacuum Analyze

Vacuum Analyze

Michael Wallach

Having issue with DB where we see SQL get slow, not sure what is causing but queries that have been running sub second jump to 2-5 secs. Seems when we manually run VACUUM ANALYZE query perf immediately improves. To add to this we have a “job” to trigger VACUUM ANALYZE to run every day but despite this, some acton against DB results in performance regarding that is only fixed by again running VACUUM ANALYZE.

What I’m trying to understand is what should I be looking at as before/after in the tables to determine what exactly VACUUM ANALYZE might be affecting to identify cause, what is corrected in DB such that perf improves? The DB is being exercised by custom apps via API so not sure what is happening that is causing DB to quickly become non-performant?

Have run this query but not sure what in results might explain why after vacuum perf is better, bad before. Also, anything else in DB we could look at as before/after?
SELECT relname, 
       n_tup_upd  as "updates", 
       n_tup_del  as "deletes", 
       n_live_tup as "live_tuples", 
                   n_dead_tup as "dead_tuples", 
                   trunc(100*n_dead_tup/(n_live_tup+1))::float "ratio%",
       to_char(last_vacuum, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as vacuum_date,
       to_char(last_analyze, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as analyze_date,
       to_char(last_autovacuum, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as autovacuum_date,
       to_char(last_autoanalyze, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as autoanalyze_date
FROM   pg_stat_all_tables 
ORDER BY last_autovacuum; 

Mike W

Re: Vacuum Analyze

Laurenz Albe
On Fri, 2024-06-28 at 17:09 -0400, Michael Wallach wrote:
> Having issue with DB where we see SQL get slow, not sure what is causing but
> queries that have been running sub second jump to 2-5 secs. Seems when we manually
> run VACUUM ANALYZE query perf immediately improves. To add to this we have a “job”
> to trigger VACUUM ANALYZE to run every day but despite this, some acton against DB
> results in performance regarding that is only fixed by again running VACUUM ANALYZE.
> What I’m trying to understand is what should I be looking at as before/after in the
> tables to determine what exactly VACUUM ANALYZE might be affecting to identify cause,
> what is corrected in DB such that perf improves? The DB is being exercised by custom
> apps via API so not sure what is happening that is causing DB to quickly become
> non-performant?

You'd have to investigate that more closely.


Do that when the query is fast and then again later when the query is slow.

The output tells you what exactly the database is doing to execute the query,
and it also tells you what parts are slow in the second case.  Once you understand
the cause of the problem, you can usually address it in a much more precise fashion.

VACUUM (ANALYZE) on the whole database is a pretty big hammer.  Perhaps all that
is necessary is to tune autovacuum to ANALYZE or VACUUM a certain table more often.

Laurenz Albe