Thread: Custom type's modifiers

Custom type's modifiers

Marthin Laubscher

I’m defining a custom type “MyType” with additional functions and an custom aggregate in a C-coded extension. From a
PostgreSQLperspective it is a base type that piggybacks on the bytea type, i.e. LIKE = BYTEA. 

But now I need to (re)define MyType to support type modifiers (e.g. MyType(1,14,18)) and I got that done using CREATE
TYPE’sTYPMOD_IN and TYPMOD_OUT parameters resulting in the correct packed value getting stored in pg_attribute when I
definea column of that type.  

But when I pass a MyType value to a function defined in my C extension how would I access the type modifier value for
theargument which could have been drawn from the catalog or the result of a cast.  

E.g. if I:
SELECT MyFunc(‘xDEADBEEF’::MyType(1,14,18));
In the C function MyFunc calls I get a pointer to the data using PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0) macro and its length using the
VARSIZEmacro but I also need the given type modifiers (1, 14 and 18 in the example) before I can process the data
correctly.Clearly I'd have to unpack the component values myself from the 16-bit atttypemod value into which the
TYPMOD_OUTfunction has packed it, but where would I get access to that value?  My type is written in C to be as fast as
possiblehaving to go do some SPI-level lookup or involved logic would slow it right down again. 

My searches to date only yielded results referring to the value stored for a table in pg_attribute with the possibility
ofthere being a value in HeapTupleHeader obtained by using the PG_GETARG_HEAPTUPLEHEADER(0) macro but that assumes the
parameteris a tuple, not the individual value it actually is. I struggle to imagine that the type modifier value isn't
beingmaintained by whatever casts are applied and not getting passed through to the extension already, but where to

Can someone please point me in the right direction here, the name of the structure containing the raw type modifier
value,the name of the value in that structure, the name of a macro that accesses it, even if it’s just what keywords to
searchfor in the documentation and/or archives? Even if it’s just a pointer to the code where e.g. the numeric type
(whichhas type modifiers) is implemented so I can see how that code does it. Anything, I’m getting desperate. Perhaps
notmany before me needed to do this so it's not often mentioned, but sure it is in there somewhere, how else would type
likenumeric and even varchar actually work (given that the VARSIZE of a varlena gives its actual size, not the maximum
asgiven when the column or value was created)? 

Thank you in advance,

Marthin Laubscher

Re: Custom type's modifiers

Tom Lane
Marthin Laubscher <> writes:
> But now I need to (re)define MyType to support type modifiers (e.g. MyType(1,14,18)) and I got that done using CREATE
TYPE’sTYPMOD_IN and TYPMOD_OUT parameters resulting in the correct packed value getting stored in pg_attribute when I
definea column of that type.  

OK ...

> But when I pass a MyType value to a function defined in my C extension how would I access the type modifier value for
theargument which could have been drawn from the catalog or the result of a cast.  

You can't.  Whatever info is needed by operations on the type had
better be embedded in the value.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Custom type's modifiers

Marthin Laubscher
On 2024/06/27, 17:06, "Tom Lane" < <>> wrote:
> You can't. Whatever info is needed by operations on the type had better be embedded in the value.

OK, thanks, that's clear and easy enough. I'll ensure the the third parameter to the input function is embedded in my

I don't see another function getting passed the value so I'd assume that (unless I return a MyType value from one of my
ownfunctions which would follow its internal logic to determine which type modifiers to use) the only way a MyType can
getan initial value is via the input function. If the type is in a table column the input function would be called with
thedefault value specified in external format if a value isn't specified during insert, but either way it would always
originatefrom the eternal format. I suppose when a cast is involved it goes via the external format as well, right?

Are those sound assumptions to make or am I still way off base here?

      --- Thanks for your time - Marthin Laubscher

Re: Custom type's modifiers

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 8:49 AM Marthin Laubscher <> wrote:

I suppose when a cast is involved it goes via the external format as well, right?

A cast between two types is going to accept a concrete instance of the input type, in memory, as its argument and then produces a concrete instance of the output type, in memory, as output.  If the input data is serialized the constructor for the input type will handle deserialization.

See: create cast

In particular the phrasing: identical to or binary-coercible to

David J.

Re: Custom type's modifiers

Tom Lane
Marthin Laubscher <> writes:
> I don't see another function getting passed the value so I'd assume that (unless I return a MyType value from one of
myown functions which would follow its internal logic to determine which type modifiers to use) the only way a MyType
canget an initial value is via the input function. If the type is in a table column the input function would be called
withthe default value specified in external format if a value isn't specified during insert, but either way it would
alwaysoriginate from the eternal format. I suppose when a cast is involved it goes via the external format as well,

The only code anywhere in the system that can produce a MyType value
is code you've written.  So that has to come originally from your
input function, or cast functions or constructor functions you write.

You'd be well advised to read the CREATE CAST doco about how to
support notations like 'something'::MyType(x,y,z).  Although the
input function is expected to be able to apply a typemod if it's
passed one, in most situations coercion to a specific typemod is
handled by invoking a multi-parameter cast function.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Custom type's modifiers

Marthin Laubscher
On 2024/06/27, 18:13, "David G. Johnston" <> wrote:
> A cast between two types is going to accept a concrete instance of the input type, in memory, as its argument and
thenproduces a concrete instance of the output type, in memory, as output.  If the input data is serialized the
constructorfor the input type will handle deserialization. 

I confess to some uncertainty whether the PostgreSQL specific x::y notation and the standards based CAST(x AS y) would
bothbe addressed by creating a cast. What you’re saying means both forms engage the same code and defining a cast would
coverthe :: syntax as well. Thanks for that. 

If my understanding is accurate, it means that even when both values are of MyType the CAST function would still be
invokedso the type logic can determine how to handle (or reject) the cast. Cast would (obviously) require the target
typemodifiers as well, and the good news is that it’s already there as the second parameter of the function. So that’s
theother function that receives the type modifier that I was missing. It’s starting to make plenty sense.  

To summarise:
- The type modifiers, encoded by the TYPMOD_IN function are passed directly as parameters to:-
  -  the type's input function (parameter 3), and
  - any "with function" cast where the target type has type modifiers.
- Regardless of the syntax used to invoke the cast, the same function will be called.
- Depending on what casts are defined, converting from the external string format to a value of MyType will be handled
eitherby the input function or a cast function. By default (without any casts) only values recognised by input can be
convertedto MyType values. 

     -- Thanks for your time – Marthin Laubscher

Re: Custom type's modifiers

Tom Lane
Marthin Laubscher <> writes:
> I confess to some uncertainty whether the PostgreSQL specific x::y notation and the standards based CAST(x AS y)
wouldboth be addressed by creating a cast. 

Those notations are precisely equivalent, modulo concerns about
operator precedence (ie, if x isn't a single token you might have
to parenthesize x to get (x)::y to mean the same as CAST(x AS y)).

            regards, tom lane