Thread: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
Attached is a POC patch that adds skip scan to nbtree. The patch
teaches nbtree index scans to efficiently use a composite index on
'(a, b)' for queries with a predicate such as "WHERE b = 5". This is
feasible in cases where the total number of distinct values in the
column 'a' is reasonably small (think tens or hundreds, perhaps even
thousands for very large composite indexes).

In effect, a skip scan treats this composite index on '(a, b)' as if
it was a series of subindexes -- one subindex per distinct value in
'a'. We can exhaustively "search every subindex" using an index qual
that behaves just like "WHERE a = ANY(<every possible 'a' value>) AND
b = 5" would behave.

This approach might be much less efficient than an index scan that can
use an index on 'b' alone, but skip scanning can still be orders of
magnitude faster than a sequential scan. The user may very well not
have a dedicated index on 'b' alone, for whatever reason.

Note that the patch doesn't just target these simpler "skip leading
index column omitted from the predicate" cases. It's far more general
than that -- skipping attributes (or what the patch refers to as skip
arrays) can be freely mixed with SAOPs/conventional arrays, in any
order you can think of. They can also be combined with inequalities to
form range skip arrays.

This patch is a direct follow-up to the Postgres 17 work that became
commit 5bf748b8. Making everything work well together is an important
design goal here. I'll talk more about that further down, and will
show a benchmark example query that'll give a good general sense of
the value of the patch with these more complicated cases.

A note on terminology

The terminology in this area has certain baggage. Many of us will
recall the patch that implemented loose index scan. That patch also
dubbed itself "skip scan", but that doesn't seem right to me (it's at
odds with how other RDBMSs describe features in this area). I would
like to address the issues with the terminology in this area now, to
avoid creating further confusion.

When I use the term "skip scan", I'm referring to a feature that's
comparable to the skip scan features from Oracle and MySQL 8.0+. This
*isn't* at all comparable to the feature that MySQL calls "loose index
scan" -- don't confuse the two features.

Loose index scan is a far more specialized technique than skip scan.
It only applies within special scans that feed into a DISTINCT group
aggregate. Whereas my skip scan patch isn't like that at all -- it's
much more general. With my patch, nbtree has exactly the same contract
with the executor/core code as before. There are no new index paths
generated by the optimizer to make skip scan work, even. Skip scan
isn't particularly aimed at improving group aggregates (though the
benchmark I'll show happens to involve a group aggregate, simply
because the technique works best with large and expensive index

My patch is an additive thing, that speeds up what we'd currently
refer to as full index scans (as well as range index scans that
currently do a "full scan" of a range/subset of an index). These index
paths/index scans can no longer really be called "full index scans",
of course, but they're still logically the same index paths as before.

MDAM and skip scan

As I touched on already, the patch actually implements a couple of
related optimizations. "Skip scan" might be considered one out of the
several optimizations from the 1995 paper "Efficient Search of
Multidimensional B-Trees" [1] -- the paper describes skip scan under
its "Missing Key Predicate" subsection. I collectively refer to the
optimizations from the paper as the "MDAM techniques".

Alternatively, you could define these MDAM techniques as each
implementing some particular flavor of skip scan, since they all do
rather similar things under the hood. In fact, that's how I've chosen
to describe things in my patch: it talks about skip scan, and about
range skip scan, which is considered a minor variant of skip scan.
(Note that the term "skip scan" is never used in the MDAM paper.)

MDAM is short for "multidimensional access method". In the context of
the paper, "dimension" refers to dimensions in a decision support
system. These dimensions are represented by low cardinality columns,
each of which appear in a large composite B-Tree index. The emphasis
in the paper (and for my patch) is DSS and data warehousing; OLTP apps
typically won't benefit as much.

Note: Loose index scan *isn't* described by the paper at all. I also
wouldn't classify loose index scan as one of the MDAM techniques. I
think of it as being in a totally different category, due to the way
that it applies semantic information. No MDAM technique will ever
apply high-level semantic information about what is truly required by
the plan tree, one level up. And so my patch simply teaches nbtree to
find the most efficient way of navigating through an index, based
solely on information that is readily available to the scan. The same
principles apply to all of the other MDAM techniques; they're
basically all just another flavor of skip scan (that do some kind of
clever preprocessing/transformation that enables reducing the scan to
a series of disjunctive accesses, and that could be implemented using
the new abstraction I'm calling skip arrays).

The paper more or less just applies one core idea, again and again.
It's surprising how far that one idea can take you. But it is still
just one core idea (don't overlook that point).

Range skip scan

To me, the most interesting MDAM technique is probably one that I
refer to as "range skip scan" in the patch. This is the technique that
the paper introduces first, in its "Intervening Range Predicates"
subsection. The best way of explaining it is through an example (you
could also just read the paper, which has an example of its own).

Imagine a table with just one index: a composite index on "(pdate,
customer_id)". Further suppose we have a query such as:

SELECT * FROM payments WHERE pdate BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND
'2024-01-30' AND customer_id = 5; -- both index columns (pdate and
customer_id) appear in predicate

The patch effectively makes the nbtree code execute the index scan as
if the query had been written like this instead:

SELECT * FROM payments WHERE pdate = ANY ('2024-01-01', '2024-01-02',
..., '2024-01-30') AND customer_id = 5;

The use of a "range skip array" within nbtree allows the scan to skip
when that makes sense, locating the next date with customer_id = 5
each time (we might skip over many irrelevant leaf pages each time).
The scan must also *avoid* skipping when it *doesn't* make sense.

As always (since commit 5bf748b8 went in), whether and to what extent
we skip using array keys depends in large part on the physical
characteristics of the index at runtime. If the tuples that we need to
return are all clustered closely together, across only a handful of
leaf pages, then we shouldn't be skipping at all. When skipping makes
sense, we should skip constantly.

I'll discuss the trade-offs in this area a little more below, under "Design".

Using multiple MDAM techniques within the same index scan (includes benchmark)

I recreated the data in the MDAM paper's "sales" table by making
inferences from the paper. It's very roughly the same data set as the
paper (close enough to get the general idea across). The table size is
about 51GB, and the index is about 25GB (most of the attributes from
the table are used as index columns). There is nothing special about
this data set -- I just thought it would be cool to "recreate" the
queries from the paper, as best I could. Thought that this approach
might make my points about the design easier to follow.

The index we'll be using for this can be created via: "create index
mdam_idx on sales_mdam_paper(dept, sdate, item_class, store)". Again,
this is per the paper. It's also the order that the columns appear in
every WHERE clause in every query from the paper.

(That said, the particular column order from the index definition
mostly doesn't matter. Every index column is a low cardinality column,
so unless the order used completely obviates the need to skip a column
that would otherwise need to be skipped, such as "dept", the effect on
query execution time from varying column order is in the noise.
Obviously that's very much not how users are used to thinking about
composite indexes.)

The MDAM paper has numerous example queries, each of which builds on
the last, adding one more complication each time -- each of which is
addressed by another MDAM technique. The query I'll focus on here is
an example query that's towards the end of the paper, and so combines
multiple techniques together -- it's the query that appears in the "IN
Lists" subsection:

  -- omitted: leading "dept" column from composite index
  sdate between '1995-06-01' and '1995-06-30'
  and item_class in (20, 35, 50)
  and store in (200, 250)
group by dept, sdate, item_class, store
order by dept, sdate, item_class, store;

On HEAD, when we run this query we either get a sequential scan (which
is very slow) or a full index scan (which is almost as slow). Whereas
with the patch, nbtree will execute the query as a succession of a few
thousand very selective primitive index scans (which usually only scan
one leaf page, though some may scan two neighboring leaf pages).

Results: The full index scan on HEAD takes about 32 seconds. With the
patch, the query takes just under 52ms to execute. That works out to
be about 630x faster with the patch.

See the attached SQL file for full details. It provides all you'll
need to recreate this test result with the patch.

Nobody would put up with such an inefficient full index scan in the
first place, so the behavior on HEAD is not really a sensible baseline
-- 630x isn't very meaningful. I could have come up with a case that
showed an even larger improvement if I'd felt like it, but that
wouldn't have proven anything.

The important point is that the patch makes a huge composite index
like the one I've built for this actually make sense, for the first
time. So we're not so much making something faster as enabling a whole
new approach to indexing -- particularly for data warehousing use
cases. The way that Postgres DBAs choose which indexes they'll need to
create is likely to be significantly changed by this optimization.

I'll break down how this is possible. This query makes use of 3
separate MDAM techniques:

1. A "simple" skip scan (on "dept").

2. A "range" skip scan (on "sdate").

3. The pair of IN() lists/SAOPs on item_class and on store. (Nothing
new here, except that nbtree needs these regular SAOP arrays to roll
over the higher-order skip arrays to trigger moving on to the next

Internally, we're just doing a series of several thousand distinct
non-overlapping accesses, in index key space order (so as to preserve
the appearance of one continuous index scan). These accesses starts
out like this:

dept=INT_MIN, date='1995-06-01', item_class=20, store=200
    (Here _bt_advance_array_keys discovers that the actual lowest dept
is 1, not INT_MIN)
dept=1, date='1995-06-01', item_class=20, store=200
dept=1, date='1995-06-01', item_class=20, store=250
dept=1, date='1995-06-01', item_class=35, store=200
dept=1, date='1995-06-01', item_class=35, store=250

(Side note: as I mentioned, each of the two "store" values usually
appear together on the same leaf page in practice. Arguably I should
have shown 2 lines/accesses here (for "dept=1"), rather than showing
4. The 4 "dept=1" lines shown required only 2 primitive index
scans/index descents/leaf page reads. Disjunctive accesses don't
necessarily map 1:1 with primitive/physical index scans.)

About another ten thousand similar accesses occur (omitted for
brevity). Execution of the scan within nbtree finally ends with these
primitive index scans/accesses:
dept=100, date='1995-06-30', item_class=50, store=250
dept=101, date='1995-06-01', item_class=20, store=200

There is no "dept=101" entry in the index (the highest department in
the index happens to be 100). The index scan therefore terminates at
this point, having run out of leaf pages to scan (we've reached the
rightmost point of the rightmost leaf page, as the scan attempts to
locate non-existent dept=101 tuples).


Since index scans with skip arrays work just like index scans with
regular arrays (as of Postgres 17), naturally, there are no special
restrictions. Associated optimizer index paths have path keys, and so
could (just for example) appear in a merge join, or feed into a group
aggregate, while avoiding a sort node. Index scans that skip could
also feed into a relocatable cursor.

As I mentioned already, the patch adds a skipping mechanism that is
purely an additive thing. I think that this will turn out to be an
important enabler of using the optimizations, even when there's much
uncertainty about how much they'll actually help at runtime.


We make a broad assumption that skipping is always to our advantage
during nbtree preprocessing -- preprocessing generates as many skip
arrays as could possibly make sense based on static rules (rules that
don't apply any kind of information about data distribution). Of
course, skipping isn't necessarily the best approach in all cases, but
that's okay. We only actually skip when physical index characteristics
show that it makes sense. The real decisions about skipping are all
made dynamically.

That approach seems far more practicable than preempting the problem
during planning or during nbtree preprocessing. It seems like it'd be
very hard to model the costs statistically. We need revisions to
btcostestimate, of course, but the less we can rely on btcostestimate
the better. As I said, there are no new index paths generated by the
optimizer for any of this.

What do you call an index scan where 90% of all index tuples are 1 of
only 3 distinct values, while the remaining 10% of index tuples are
all perfectly unique in respect of a leading column? Clearly the best
strategy when skipping using the leading column to "use skip scan for
90% of the index, and use a conventional range scan for the remaining
10%". Skipping generally makes sense, but we legitimately need to vary
our strategy *during the same index scan*. It makes no sense to think
of skip scan as a discrete sort of index scan.

I have yet to prove that always having the option of skipping (even
when it's very unlikely to help) really does "come for free" -- for
now I'm just asserting that that's possible. I'll need proof. I expect
to hear some principled skepticism on this point. It's probably not
quite there in this v1 of the patch -- there'll be some regressions (I
haven't looked very carefully just yet). However, we seem to already
be quite close to avoiding regressions from excessive/useless

Extensible infrastructure/support functions

Currently, the patch only supports skip scan for a subset of all
opclasses -- those that have the required support function #6, or
"skip support" function. This provides the opclass with (among other
things) a way to increment the current skip array value (or to
decrement it, in the case of backward scans). In practice we only have
this for a handful of discrete integer (and integer-ish) types. Note
that the patch currently cannot skip for an index column that happens
to be text. Note that even this v1 supports skip scans that use
unsupported types, provided that the input opclass of the specific
columns we'll need to skip has support.

The patch should be able to support every type/opclass as a target for
skipping, regardless of whether an opclass support function happened
to be available. That could work by teaching the nbtree code to have
explicit probes for the next skip array value in the index, only then
combining that new value with the qual from the input scan keys/query.
I've put that off for now because it seems less important -- it
doesn't really affect anything I've said about the core design, which
is what I'm focussing on for now.

It makes sense to use increment/decrement whenever feasible, even
though it isn't strictly necessary (or won't be, once the patch has
the required explicit probe support). The only reason to not apply
increment/decrement opclass skip support (that I can see) is because
it just isn't practical (this is generally the case for continuous
types). While it's slightly onerous to have to invent all this new
opclass infrastructure, it definitely makes sense.

There is a performance advantage to having skip arrays that can
increment through each distinct possible indexable value (this
increment/decrement stuff comes from the MDAM paper). The MDAM
techniques inherently work best when "skipping" columns of discrete
types like integer and date, which is why the paper has examples that
all look like that. If you look at my example query and its individual
accesses, you'll realize why this is so.


Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Aleksander Alekseev
Hi Peter,

> Attached is a POC patch that adds skip scan to nbtree. The patch
> teaches nbtree index scans to efficiently use a composite index on
> '(a, b)' for queries with a predicate such as "WHERE b = 5". This is
> feasible in cases where the total number of distinct values in the
> column 'a' is reasonably small (think tens or hundreds, perhaps even
> thousands for very large composite indexes).
> [...]
> Thoughts?

Many thanks for working on this. I believe it is an important feature
and it would be great to deliver it during the PG18 cycle.

I experimented with the patch and here are the results I got so far.

Firstly, it was compiled on Intel MacOS and ARM Linux. All the tests
pass just fine.

Secondly, I tested the patch manually using a release build on my
Raspberry Pi 5 and the GUCs that can be seen in [1].

Test 1 - simple one.

CREATE TABLE test1(c char, n bigint);
CREATE INDEX test1_idx ON test1 USING btree(c,n);

  SELECT chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


Test 2 - a more complicated one.

CREATE TABLE test2(c1 char, c2 char, n bigint);
CREATE INDEX test2_idx ON test2 USING btree(c1,c2,n);

  SELECT chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c1,
         chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c2,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


Test 3 - to see how it works with covering indexes.

CREATE TABLE test3(c char, n bigint, s text DEFAULT 'text_value' || n);
CREATE INDEX test3_idx ON test3 USING btree(c,n) INCLUDE(s);

  SELECT chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n,
         'text_value_' || random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS s
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


In all the cases the patch worked as expected.

I noticed that with the patch we choose Index Only Scans for Test 1
and without the patch - Parallel Seq Scan. However the Parallel Seq
Scan is 2.4 times faster. Before the patch the query takes 53 ms,
after the patch - 127 ms. I realize this could be just something
specific to my hardware and/or amount of data.

Do you think this is something that was expected or something worth
investigating further?

I haven't looked at the code yet.


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 8:53 AM Aleksander Alekseev
<> wrote:
> CREATE TABLE test1(c char, n bigint);
> CREATE INDEX test1_idx ON test1 USING btree(c,n);

The type "char" (note the quotes) is different from char(1). It just
so happens that v1 has support for skipping attributes that use the
default opclass for "char", without support for char(1).

If you change your table definition to CREATE TABLE test1(c "char", n
bigint), then your example queries can use the optimization. This
makes a huge difference.

> EXPLAIN [ANALYZE] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test1 WHERE n > 900_000_000;

For example, this first test query goes from needing a full index scan
that has 5056 buffer hits to a skip scan that requires only 12 buffer

> I noticed that with the patch we choose Index Only Scans for Test 1
> and without the patch - Parallel Seq Scan. However the Parallel Seq
> Scan is 2.4 times faster. Before the patch the query takes 53 ms,
> after the patch - 127 ms.

I'm guessing that it's actually much faster once you change the
leading column to the "char" type/default opclass.

> I realize this could be just something
> specific to my hardware and/or amount of data.

The selfuncs.c costing current has a number of problems.

One problem is that it doesn't know that some opclasses/types don't
support skipping at all. That particular problem should be fixed on
the nbtree side; nbtree should support skipping regardless of the
opclass that the skipped attribute uses (while still retaining the new
opclass support functions for a subset of types where we expect it to
make skip scans somewhat faster).

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 9:30 AM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> > EXPLAIN [ANALYZE] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test1 WHERE n > 900_000_000;
> For example, this first test query goes from needing a full index scan
> that has 5056 buffer hits to a skip scan that requires only 12 buffer
> hits.

Actually, looks like that's an invalid result. The "char" opclass
support function appears to have bugs.

My testing totally focussed on types like integer, date, and UUID. The
"char" opclass was somewhat of an afterthought. Will fix "char" skip
support for v2.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 9:40 AM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 9:30 AM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> > > EXPLAIN [ANALYZE] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test1 WHERE n > 900_000_000;
> >
> > For example, this first test query goes from needing a full index scan
> > that has 5056 buffer hits to a skip scan that requires only 12 buffer
> > hits.
> Actually, looks like that's an invalid result. The "char" opclass
> support function appears to have bugs.

Attached v2 fixes this bug. The problem was that the skip support
function used by the "char" opclass assumed signed char comparisons,
even though the authoritative B-Tree comparator (support function 1)
uses signed comparisons (via uint8 casting). A simple oversight. Your
test cases will work with this v2, provided you use "char" (instead of
unadorned char) in the create table statements.

Another small change in v2: I added a DEBUG2 message to nbtree
preprocessing, indicating the number of attributes that we're going to
skip. This provides an intuitive way to see whether the optimizations
are being applied in the first place. That should help to avoid
further confusion like this as the patch continues to evolve.

Support for char(1) doesn't seem feasible within the confines of a
skip support routine. Just like with text (which I touched on in the
introductory email), this will require teaching nbtree to perform
explicit next-key probes. An approach based on explicit probes is
somewhat less efficient in some cases, but it should always work. It's
impractical to write opclass support that (say) increments a char
value 'a' to 'b'. Making that approach work would require extensive
cooperation from the collation provider, and some knowledge of
encoding, which just doesn't make sense (if it's possible at all). I
don't have the problem with "char" because it isn't a collatable type
(it is essentially the same thing as an uint8 integer type, except
that it outputs printable ascii characters).

FWIW, your test cases don't seem like particularly good showcases for
the patch. The queries you came up with require a relatively large
amount of random I/O when accessing the heap, which skip scan will
never help with -- so skip scan is a small win (at least relative to
an unoptimized full index scan). Obviously, no skip scan can ever
avoid any required heap accesses compared to a naive full index scan
(loose index scan *does* have that capability, which is possible only
because it applies semantic information in a way that's very

FWIW, a more sympathetic version of your test queries would have
involved something like "WHERE n = 900_500_000". That would allow the
implementation to perform a series of *selective* primitive index
scans (one primitive index scan per "c" column/char grouping). That
change has the effect of allowing the scan to skip over many
irrelevant leaf pages, which is of course the whole point of skip
scan. It also makes the scan will require far fewer heap accesses, so
heap related costs no longer drown out the nbtree improvements.

Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 12:25 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Attached v2 fixes this bug. The problem was that the skip support
> function used by the "char" opclass assumed signed char comparisons,
> even though the authoritative B-Tree comparator (support function 1)
> uses signed comparisons (via uint8 casting). A simple oversight.

Although v2 gives correct answers to the queries, the scan itself
performs an excessive amount of leaf page accesses. In short, it
behaves just like a full index scan would, even though we should
expect it to skip over significant runs of the index. So that's
another bug.

It looks like the queries you posted have a kind of adversarial
quality to them, as if they were designed to confuse the
implementation. Was it intentional? Did you take them from an existing
test suite somewhere?

The custom instrumentation I use to debug these issues shows:

_bt_readpage: 🍀  1981 with 175 offsets/tuples (leftsib 4032, rightsib 3991) ➡️
 _bt_readpage first: (c, n)=(b, 998982285), TID='(1236,173)',
0x7f1464fe9fc0, from non-pivot offnum 2 started page
 _bt_readpage final:  , (nil), continuescan high key check did not set
so->currPos.moreRight=false ➡️  🟢
 _bt_readpage stats: currPos.firstItem: 0, currPos.lastItem: 173,
nmatching: 174 ✅
_bt_readpage: 🍀  3991 with 175 offsets/tuples (leftsib 1981, rightsib 9) ➡️
 _bt_readpage first: (c, n)=(b, 999474517), TID='(4210,9)',
0x7f1464febfc8, from non-pivot offnum 2 started page
 _bt_readpage final:  , (nil), continuescan high key check did not set
so->currPos.moreRight=false ➡️  🟢
 _bt_readpage stats: currPos.firstItem: 0, currPos.lastItem: 173,
nmatching: 174 ✅
_bt_readpage: 🍀  9 with 229 offsets/tuples (leftsib 3991, rightsib 3104) ➡️
 _bt_readpage first: (c, n)=(c, 1606), TID='(882,68)', 0x7f1464fedfc0,
from non-pivot offnum 2 started page
 _bt_readpage final:  , (nil), continuescan high key check did not set
so->currPos.moreRight=false ➡️  🟢
 _bt_readpage stats: currPos.firstItem: 0, currPos.lastItem: -1, nmatching: 0 ❌
_bt_readpage: 🍀  3104 with 258 offsets/tuples (leftsib 9, rightsib 1685) ➡️
 _bt_readpage first: (c, n)=(c, 706836), TID='(3213,4)',
0x7f1464feffc0, from non-pivot offnum 2 started page
 _bt_readpage final:  , (nil), continuescan high key check did not set
so->currPos.moreRight=false ➡️  🟢
 _bt_readpage stats: currPos.firstItem: 0, currPos.lastItem: -1, nmatching: 0 ❌
*** SNIP, many more "nmatching: 0" pages appear after these two ***

The final _bt_advance_array_keys call for leaf page 3991 should be
scheduling a new primitive index scan (i.e. skipping), but that never
happens. Not entirely sure why that is, but it probably has something
to do with _bt_advance_array_keys failing to hit the
"has_required_opposite_direction_only" path for determining if another
primitive scan is required. You're using an inequality required in the
opposite-to-scan-direction here, so that path is likely to be

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 12:55 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Although v2 gives correct answers to the queries, the scan itself
> performs an excessive amount of leaf page accesses. In short, it
> behaves just like a full index scan would, even though we should
> expect it to skip over significant runs of the index. So that's
> another bug.

Hit "send" too soon. I simply forgot to run "alter table test1 alter
column c type "char";" before running the query. So, I was mistaken
about there still being a bug in v2. The issue here is that we don't
have support for the underlying type, char(1) -- nothing more.

v2 of the patch with your query 1 (when changed to use the "char"
type/opclass instead of the currently unsupported char(1)
type/opclass) performs 395 index related buffer hits, and 5406 heap
block accesses. Whereas it's 3833 index buffer hits with master
(naturally, the same 5406 heap accesses are required with master). In
short, this query isn't particularly sympathetic to the patch. Nor is
it unsympathetic.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Aleksander Alekseev
Hi Peter,

> It looks like the queries you posted have a kind of adversarial
> quality to them, as if they were designed to confuse the
> implementation. Was it intentional?

To some extent. I merely wrote several queries that I would expect
should benefit from skip scans. Since I didn't look at the queries you
used there was a chance that I will hit something interesting.

> Attached v2 fixes this bug. The problem was that the skip support
> function used by the "char" opclass assumed signed char comparisons,
> even though the authoritative B-Tree comparator (support function 1)
> uses signed comparisons (via uint8 casting). A simple oversight. Your
> test cases will work with this v2, provided you use "char" (instead of
> unadorned char) in the create table statements.

Thanks for v2.

> If you change your table definition to CREATE TABLE test1(c "char", n
> bigint), then your example queries can use the optimization. This
> makes a huge difference.

You are right, it does.

Test1 takes 33.7 ms now (53 ms before the path, x1.57)

Test3 I showed before contained an error in the table definition
(Postgres can't do `n bigint, s text DEFAULT 'text_value' || n`). Here
is the corrected test:

CREATE TABLE test3(c "char", n bigint, s text);
CREATE INDEX test3_idx ON test3 USING btree(c,n) INCLUDE(s);

  SELECT chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n,
         'text_value_' || random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS s
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


It runs fast (< 1 ms) and uses the index, as expected.

Test2 with "char" doesn't seem to benefit from the patch anymore
(pretty sure it did in v1). It always chooses Parallel Seq Scans even
if I change the condition to `WHERE n > 999_995_000` or `WHERE n =
999_997_362`. Is it an expected behavior?

I also tried Test4 and Test5.

In Test4 I was curious if scip scans work properly with functional indexes:

CREATE TABLE test4(d date, n bigint);
CREATE INDEX test4_idx ON test4 USING btree(extract(year from d),n);

  SELECT ('2024-' || random(1,12) || '-' || random(1,28)) :: date AS d,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


The query uses Index Scan, however the performance is worse than with
Seq Scan chosen before the patch. It doesn't matter if I choose '>' or
'=' condition.

Test5 checks how skip scans work with partial indexes:

CREATE TABLE test5(c "char", n bigint);
CREATE INDEX test5_idx ON test5 USING btree(c, n) WHERE n > 900_000_000;

  SELECT chr(ascii('a') + random(0,2)) AS c,
         random(0, 1_000_000_000) AS n
  FROM generate_series(0, 1_000_000);


It runs fast and choses Index Only Scan. But then I discovered that
without the patch Postgres also uses Index Only Scan for this query. I
didn't know it could do this - what is the name of this technique? The
query takes 17.6 ms with the patch, 21 ms without the patch. Not a
huge win but still.

That's all I have for now.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 7:04 AM Aleksander Alekseev
<> wrote:
> Test2 with "char" doesn't seem to benefit from the patch anymore
> (pretty sure it did in v1). It always chooses Parallel Seq Scans even
> if I change the condition to `WHERE n > 999_995_000` or `WHERE n =
> 999_997_362`. Is it an expected behavior?

The "char" opclass's skip support routine was totally broken in v1, so
its performance isn't really relevant. In any case v2 didn't make any
changes to the costing, so I'd expect it to use exactly the same query
plan as v1.

> The query uses Index Scan, however the performance is worse than with
> Seq Scan chosen before the patch. It doesn't matter if I choose '>' or
> '=' condition.

That's because the index has a leading/skipped column of type
"numeric", which isn't a supported type just yet (a supported B-Tree
opclass, actually).

The optimization is effective if you create the expression index with
a cast to integer:

CREATE INDEX test4_idx ON test4 USING btree(((extract(year from d))::int4),n);

This performs much better. Now I see "DEBUG:  skipping 1 index
attributes" when I run the query "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT
COUNT(*) FROM test4 WHERE n > 900_000_000", which indicates that the
optimization has in fact been used as expected. There are far fewer
buffers hit with this version of your test4, which also indicates that
the optimization has been effective.

Note that the original numeric expression index test4 showed "DEBUG:
skipping 0 index attributes" when the test query ran, which indicated
that the optimization couldn't be used. I suggest that you look out
for that, by running "set client_min_messages to debug2;" from psql
when testing the patch.

> It runs fast and choses Index Only Scan. But then I discovered that
> without the patch Postgres also uses Index Only Scan for this query. I
> didn't know it could do this - what is the name of this technique?

It is a full index scan. These have been possible for many years now
(possibly well over 20 years).

Arguably, the numeric case that didn't use the optimization (your
test4) should have been costed as a full index scan, but it wasn't --
that's why you didn't get a faster sequential scan, which would have
made a little bit more sense. In general, the costing changes in the
patch are very rough.

That said, this particular problem (the test4 numeric issue) should be
fixed by inventing a way for nbtree to use skip scan with types that
lack skip support. It's not primarily a problem with the costing. At
least not in my mind.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 8:44 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> CREATE INDEX test4_idx ON test4 USING btree(((extract(year from d))::int4),n);
> This performs much better. Now I see "DEBUG:  skipping 1 index
> attributes" when I run the query "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT
> COUNT(*) FROM test4 WHERE n > 900_000_000", which indicates that the
> optimization has in fact been used as expected. There are far fewer
> buffers hit with this version of your test4, which also indicates that
> the optimization has been effective.

Actually, with an index-only scan it is 281 buffer hits (including
some small number of VM buffer hits) with the patch, versus 2736
buffer hits on master. So a big change to the number of index page
accesses only.

If you use a plain index scan for this, then the cost of random heap
accesses totally dominates, so skip scan cannot possibly give much
benefit. Even a similar bitmap scan requires 4425 distinct heap page accesses,
which is significantly more than the total number of index pages in
the index. 4425 heap pages is almost the entire table; the table
consists of 4480 mainfork blocks.

This is a very nonselective query. It's not at all surprising that
this query (and others like it) hardly benefit at all, except when we
can use an index-only scan (so that the cost of heap accesses doesn't
totally dominate).

Peter Geoghegan


Since I'd like to understand the skip scan to improve the EXPLAIN output
for multicolumn B-Tree Index[1], I began to try the skip scan with some
queries and look into the source code.

I have some feedback and comments.


At first, I was surprised to look at your benchmark result because the skip scan
index can improve much performance. I agree that there are many users to be
happy with the feature for especially OLAP use-case. I expected to use v18.


I found the cost is estimated to much higher if the number of skipped attributes
is more than two. Is it expected behavior?

# Test result. The attached file is the detail of tests.

-- Index Scan
-- The actual time is low since the skip scan works well
-- But the cost is higher than one of seqscan
                                                              QUERY PLAN

 Index Scan using idx_id1_id2_id3 on public.test  (cost=0.42..26562.77 rows=984 width=20) (actual time=0.051..15.533
   Output: id1, id2, id3, value
   Index Cond: (test.id3 = 101)
   Buffers: shared hit=4402
   Buffers: shared hit=7
 Planning Time: 0.234 ms
 Execution Time: 15.711 ms
(8 rows)

-- Seq Scan
-- actual time is high, but the cost is lower than one of the above Index Scan.
                                                          QUERY PLAN

 Gather  (cost=1000.00..12676.73 rows=984 width=20) (actual time=0.856..113.861 rows=991 loops=1)
   Output: id1, id2, id3, value
   Workers Planned: 2
   Workers Launched: 2
   Buffers: shared hit=6370
   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..11578.33 rows=410 width=20) (actual time=0.061..102.016 rows=330
         Output: id1, id2, id3, value
         Filter: (test.id3 = 101)
         Rows Removed by Filter: 333003
         Buffers: shared hit=6370
         Worker 0:  actual time=0.099..98.014 rows=315 loops=1
           Buffers: shared hit=2066
         Worker 1:  actual time=0.054..97.162 rows=299 loops=1
           Buffers: shared hit=1858
   Buffers: shared hit=19
 Planning Time: 0.194 ms
 Execution Time: 114.129 ms
(18 rows)

I look at btcostestimate() to find the reason and found the bound quals
and cost.num_sa_scans are different from my expectation.

My assumption is
* bound quals is id3=XXX (and id1 and id2 are skipped attributes)
* cost.num_sa_scans = 100 (=10*10 because assuming 10 primitive index scans
                          per skipped attribute)

But it's wrong. The above index scan result is
* bound quals is NULL
* cost.num_sa_scans = 1

As I know you said the below, but I'd like to know the above is expected or not.

> That approach seems far more practicable than preempting the problem
> during planning or during nbtree preprocessing. It seems like it'd be
> very hard to model the costs statistically. We need revisions to
> btcostestimate, of course, but the less we can rely on btcostestimate
> the better. As I said, there are no new index paths generated by the
> optimizer for any of this.

I couldn't understand why there is the below logic well.

              if (indexcol != iclause->indexcol)
                  /* no quals at all for indexcol */
                  found_skip = true;
                  if (index->pages < 100)
                  num_sa_scans += 10 * (indexcol - iclause->indexcol);     // why add minus value?
                  continue;                                                  // why skip to add bound quals?


Currently, there is an assumption that "there will be 10 primitive index scans
per skipped attribute". Is any chance to use pg_stats.n_distinct?

[1] Improve EXPLAIN output for multicolumn B-Tree Index

Masahiro Ikeda


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 1:19 AM <> wrote:
> Since I'd like to understand the skip scan to improve the EXPLAIN output
> for multicolumn B-Tree Index[1], I began to try the skip scan with some
> queries and look into the source code.

Thanks for the review!

Attached is v3, which generalizes skip scan, allowing it to work with
opclasses/types that lack a skip support routine. In other words, v3
makes skip scan work for all types, including continuous types, where
it's impractical or infeasible to add skip support. So now important
types like text and numeric also get the skip scan optimization (it's
not just discrete types like integer and date, as in previous

I feel very strongly that everything should be implemented as part of
the new skip array abstraction; the patch should only add the concept
of skip arrays, which should work just like SAOP arrays. We should
avoid introducing any special cases. In short, _bt_advance_array_keys
should work in exactly the same way as it does as of Postgres 17
(except for a few representational differences for skip arrays). This
seems essential because _bt_advance_array_keys inherently need to be
able to trigger moving on to the next skip array value when it reaches
the end of a SAOP array (and vice-versa). And so it just makes sense
to abstract-away the differences, hiding the difference in lower level

I have described the new _bt_first behavior that is now available in
this new v3 of the patch as "adding explicit next key probes". While
v3 does make new changes to _bt_first, it's not really a special kind
of index probe. v3 invents new sentinel values instead.

The use of sentinels avoids inventing true special cases: the values
-inf, +inf, as well as variants of = that use a real datum value, but
match on the next key in the index. These new = variants can be
thought of as "+infinitesimal" values. So when _bt_advance_array_keys
has to "increment" the numeric value 5.0, it sets the scan key to the
value "5.0 +infinitesimal". There can never be any matching tuples in
the index (just like with -inf sentinel values), but that doesn't
matter. So the changes v3 makes to _bt_first doesn't change the basic
conceptual model. The added complexity is kept to a manageable level,
particularly within _bt_advance_array_keys, which is already very

To help with testing and review, I've added another temporary testing
GUC to v3: skipscan_skipsupport_enabled. This can be set to "false" to
avoid using skip support, even where available. The GUC makes it easy
to measure how skip support routines can help performance (with
discrete types like integer and date).

> I found the cost is estimated to much higher if the number of skipped attributes
> is more than two. Is it expected behavior?

Yes and no.

Honestly, the current costing is just placeholder code. It is totally
inadequate. I'm not surprised that you found problems with it. I just
didn't put much work into it, because I didn't really know what to do.

> # Test result. The attached file is the detail of tests.
> -- Index Scan
> -- The actual time is low since the skip scan works well
> -- But the cost is higher than one of seqscan
>                                                               QUERY PLAN
>  Index Scan using idx_id1_id2_id3 on public.test  (cost=0.42..26562.77 rows=984 width=20) (actual time=0.051..15.533
>    Output: id1, id2, id3, value
>    Index Cond: (test.id3 = 101)
>    Buffers: shared hit=4402
>  Planning:
>    Buffers: shared hit=7
>  Planning Time: 0.234 ms
>  Execution Time: 15.711 ms
> (8 rows)

This is a useful example, because it shows the difficulty with the
costing. I ran this query using my own custom instrumentation of the
scan. I saw that we only ever manage to skip ahead by perhaps 3 leaf
pages at a time, but we still come out ahead. As you pointed out, it's
~7.5x faster than the sequential scan, but not very different to the
equivalent full index scan. At least not very different in terms of
leaf page accesses. Why should we win by this much, for what seems
like a marginal case for skip scan?

Even cases where "skipping" doesn't manage to skip any leaf pages can
still benefit from skipping *index tuples* -- there is more than one
kind of skipping to consider. That is, the patch helps a lot with some
(though not all) cases where I didn't really expect that to happen:
the Postgres 17 SAOP tuple skipping code (the code in
_bt_checkkeys_look_ahead, and the related code in _bt_readpage) helps
quite a bit in "marginal" skip scan cases, even though it wasn't
really designed for that purpose (it was added to avoid regressions in
SAOP array scans for the Postgres 17 work).

I find that some queries using my original example test case are about
twice as fast as an equivalent full index scan, even when only the
fourth and final index column is used in the query predicate. The scan
can't even skip a single leaf page at a time, and yet we still win by
a nice amount. We win, though it is almost by mistake!

This is mostly a good thing. Both for the obvious reason (fast is
better than slow), and because it justifies being so aggressive in
assuming that skip scan might work out during planning (being wrong
without really losing is nice). But there is also a downside: it makes
it even harder to model costs at runtime, from within the optimizer.

If I measure the actual runtime costs other than runtime (e.g.,
buffers accesses), I'm not sure that the optimizer is wrong to think
that the parallel sequential scan is faster. It looks approximately
correct. It is only when we look at runtime that the optimizer's
choice looks wrong. Which is...awkward.

In general, I have very little idea about how to improve the costing
within btcostestimate. I am hoping that somebody has better ideas
about it. btcostestimate is definitely the area where the patch is
weakest right now.

> I look at btcostestimate() to find the reason and found the bound quals
> and cost.num_sa_scans are different from my expectation.
> My assumption is
> * bound quals is id3=XXX (and id1 and id2 are skipped attributes)
> * cost.num_sa_scans = 100 (=10*10 because assuming 10 primitive index scans
>                           per skipped attribute)
> But it's wrong. The above index scan result is
> * bound quals is NULL
> * cost.num_sa_scans = 1

The logic with cost.num_sa_scans was definitely not what I intended.
That's fixed in v3, at least. But the code in btcostestimate is still
essentially the same as in earlier versions -- it needs to be
completely redesigned (or, uh, designed for the first time).

> As I know you said the below, but I'd like to know the above is expected or not.

> Currently, there is an assumption that "there will be 10 primitive index scans
> per skipped attribute". Is any chance to use pg_stats.n_distinct?

It probably makes sense to use pg_stats.n_distinct here. But how?

If the problem is that we're too pessimistic, then I think that this
will usually (though not always) make us more pessimistic. Isn't that
the wrong direction to go in? (We're probably also too optimistic in
some cases, but being too pessimistic is a bigger problem in

For example, your test case involved 11 distinct values in each
column. The current approach of hard-coding 10 (which is just a
temporary hack) should actually make the scan look a bit cheaper than
it would if we used the true ndistinct.

Another underlying problem is that the existing SAOP costing really
isn't very accurate, without skip scan -- that's a big source of the
pessimism with arrays/skipping. Why should we be able to get the true
number of primitive index scans just by multiplying together each
omitted prefix column's ndistinct? That approach is good for getting
the worst case, which is probably relevant -- but it's probably not a
very good assumption for the average case. (Though at least we can cap
the total number of primitive index scans to 1/3 of the total number
of pages in the index in btcostestimate, since we have guarantees
about the worst case as of Postgres 17.)

Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 2:34 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Attached is v3, which generalizes skip scan, allowing it to work with
> opclasses/types that lack a skip support routine. In other words, v3
> makes skip scan work for all types, including continuous types, where
> it's impractical or infeasible to add skip support.

Attached is v4, which:

* Fixes a previous FIXME item affecting range skip scans/skip arrays
used in cross-type scenarios.

* Refactors and simplifies the handling of range inequalities
associated with skip arrays more generally. We now always use
inequality scan keys during array advancement (and when descending the
tree within _bt_first), rather than trying to use a datum taken from
the range inequality as an array element directly.

This gives us cleaner separation between scan keys/data types in
cross-type scenarios: skip arrays will now only ever contain
"elements" of opclass input type. Sentinel values such as -inf are
expanded to represent "the lowest possible value that comes after the
array's low_compare lower bound, if any". Opclasses that don't offer
skip support took roughly this same approach within v3, but in v4 all
opclasses do it the same way (so opclasses with skip support use the
SK_BT_NEG_INF sentinel marking in their scan keys, though never the
SK_BT_NEXTKEY sentinel marking).

This is really just a refactoring revision. Nothing particularly
exciting here compared to v3.

Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Dmitry Dolgov
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 03:16:07PM GMT, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> Loose index scan is a far more specialized technique than skip scan.
> It only applies within special scans that feed into a DISTINCT group
> aggregate. Whereas my skip scan patch isn't like that at all -- it's
> much more general. With my patch, nbtree has exactly the same contract
> with the executor/core code as before. There are no new index paths
> generated by the optimizer to make skip scan work, even. Skip scan
> isn't particularly aimed at improving group aggregates (though the
> benchmark I'll show happens to involve a group aggregate, simply
> because the technique works best with large and expensive index
> scans).

I see that the patch is not supposed to deal with aggregates in any special
way. But from what I understand after a quick review, skip scan is not getting
applied to them if there are no quals in the query (in that case
_bt_preprocess_keys returns before calling _bt_preprocess_array_keys). Yet such
queries could benefit from skipping, I assume they still could be handled by
the machinery introduced in this patch?

> > Currently, there is an assumption that "there will be 10 primitive index scans
> > per skipped attribute". Is any chance to use pg_stats.n_distinct?
> It probably makes sense to use pg_stats.n_distinct here. But how?
> If the problem is that we're too pessimistic, then I think that this
> will usually (though not always) make us more pessimistic. Isn't that
> the wrong direction to go in? (We're probably also too optimistic in
> some cases, but being too pessimistic is a bigger problem in
> practice.)
> For example, your test case involved 11 distinct values in each
> column. The current approach of hard-coding 10 (which is just a
> temporary hack) should actually make the scan look a bit cheaper than
> it would if we used the true ndistinct.
> Another underlying problem is that the existing SAOP costing really
> isn't very accurate, without skip scan -- that's a big source of the
> pessimism with arrays/skipping. Why should we be able to get the true
> number of primitive index scans just by multiplying together each
> omitted prefix column's ndistinct? That approach is good for getting
> the worst case, which is probably relevant -- but it's probably not a
> very good assumption for the average case. (Though at least we can cap
> the total number of primitive index scans to 1/3 of the total number
> of pages in the index in btcostestimate, since we have guarantees
> about the worst case as of Postgres 17.)

Do I understand correctly, that the only way how multiplying ndistincts could
produce too pessimistic results is when there is a correlation between distinct
values? Can one benefit from the extended statistics here?

And while we're at it, I think it would be great if the implementation will
allow some level of visibility about the skip scan. From what I see, currently
it's by design impossible for users to tell whether something was skipped or
not. But when it comes to planning and estimates, maybe it's not a bad idea to
let explain analyze show something like "expected number of primitive scans /
actual number of primitive scans".

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 3:34 PM Dmitry Dolgov <> wrote:
> I see that the patch is not supposed to deal with aggregates in any special
> way.


> But from what I understand after a quick review, skip scan is not getting
> applied to them if there are no quals in the query (in that case
> _bt_preprocess_keys returns before calling _bt_preprocess_array_keys).


> Yet such queries could benefit from skipping, I assume they still could be handled by
> the machinery introduced in this patch?

I'm not sure.

There are no real changes required inside _bt_advance_array_keys with
this patch -- skip arrays are dealt with in essentially the same way
as conventional arrays (as of Postgres 17). I suspect that loose index
scan would be best implemented using _bt_advance_array_keys. It could
also "plug in" to the existing _bt_advance_array_keys design, I

As I touched on already, your loose index scan patch applies
high-level semantic information in a way that is very different to my
skip scan patch. This means that it makes revisions to the index AM
API (if memory serves it adds a callback called amskip to that API).
It also means that loose index scan can actually avoid heap accesses;
loose scans wholly avoid accessing logical rows (in both the index and
the heap) by reasoning that it just isn't necessary to do so at all.
Skipping happens in both data structures. Right?

Obviously, my new skip scan patch cannot possibly reduce the number of
heap page accesses required by a given index scan. Precisely the same
logical rows must be accessed as before. There is no two-way
conversation between the index AM and the table AM about which
rows/row groupings have at least one visible tuple. We're just
navigating through the index more efficiently, without changing any
contract outside of nbtree itself.

The "skip scan" name collision is regrettable. But the fact is that
Oracle, MySQL, and now SQLite all call this feature skip scan. That
feels like the right precedent to follow.

> Do I understand correctly, that the only way how multiplying ndistincts could
> produce too pessimistic results is when there is a correlation between distinct
> values?

Yes, that's one problem with the costing. Not the only one, though.

The true number of primitive index scans depends on the cardinality of
the data. For example, a skip scan might be the cheapest plan by far
if (say) 90% of the index has the same leading column value and the
remaining 10% has totally unique values. We'd still do a bad job of
costing this query with an accurate ndistinct for the leading column.
We really one need to do one or two primitive index scans for "the
first 90% of the index", and one more primitive index scan for "the
remaining 10% of the index". For a query such as this, we "require a
full index scan for the remaining 10% of the index", which is
suboptimal, but doesn't fundamentally change anything (I guess that a
skip scan is always suboptimal, in the sense that you could always do
better by having more indexes).

> Can one benefit from the extended statistics here?

I really don't know. Certainly seems possible in cases with more than
one skipped leading column.

The main problem with the costing right now is that it's just not very
well thought through, in general. The performance at runtime depends
on the layout of values in the index itself, so the underlying way
that you'd model the costs doesn't have any great precedent in
costsize.c. We do have some idea of the number of leaf pages we'll
access in btcostestimate(), but that works in a way that isn't really
fit for purpose. It kind of works with one primitive index scan, but
works much less well with multiple primitive scans.

> And while we're at it, I think it would be great if the implementation will
> allow some level of visibility about the skip scan. From what I see, currently
> it's by design impossible for users to tell whether something was skipped or
> not. But when it comes to planning and estimates, maybe it's not a bad idea to
> let explain analyze show something like "expected number of primitive scans /
> actual number of primitive scans".

I agree. I think that that's pretty much mandatory for this patch. At
least the actual number of primitive scans should be exposed. Not
quite as sure about showing the estimated number, since that might be
embarrassingly wrong quite regularly, without it necessarily mattering
that much (I'd worry that it'd be distracting).

Displaying the number of primitive scans would already be useful for
index scans with SAOPs, even without this patch. The same general
concepts (estimated vs. actual primitive index scans) already exist,
as of Postgres 17. That's really nothing new.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 6:14 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Displaying the number of primitive scans would already be useful for
> index scans with SAOPs, even without this patch. The same general
> concepts (estimated vs. actual primitive index scans) already exist,
> as of Postgres 17. That's really nothing new.

We actually expose this via instrumentation, in a certain sense. This
is documented by a "Note":

That is, we already say "Each internal primitive index scan increments
pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_scan, so it's possible for the count of index
scans to significantly exceed the total number of index scan executor
node executions". So, as I said in the last email, advertising the
difference between # of primitive index scans and # of index scan
executor node executions in EXPLAIN ANALYZE is already a good idea.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 5:14 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Attached is v4

Attached is v5, which splits the code from v4 patch into 2 pieces --
it becomes 0002-* and 0003-*. Certain refactoring work now appears
under its own separate patch/commit -- see 0002-* (nothing new here,
except the commit message/patch structure). The patch that actually
adds skip scan (0003-* in this new version) has been further polished,
though not in a way that I think is interesting enough to go into

The interesting and notable change for v5 is the addition of the code
in 0001-*. The new 0001-* patch is concerned with certain aspects of
how _bt_advance_array_keys decides whether to start another primitive
index scan (or to stick with the ongoing one for one more leaf page
instead). This is a behavioral change, albeit a subtle one. It's also
kinda independent of skip scan (more on why that is at the end).

It's easiest to explain why 0001-* matters by way of an example. My
example will show significantly more internal/root page accesses than
seen on master, though only when 0002-* and 0003-* are applied, and
0001-* is omitted. When all 3 v5 patches are applied together, the
total number of index pages accessed by the test query will match the
master branch. It's important that skip scan never loses by much to
the master branch, of course. Even when the details of the index/scan
are inconvenient to the implementation, in whatever way.


create table demo (int4 a, numeric b);
create index demo_idx on demo (a, b);
insert into demo select a, random() from generate_series(1, 10000) a,
generate_series(1,5) five_rows_per_a_val;
vacuum demo;

We now have a btree index "demo_idx", which has two levels (a root
page plus a leaf level). The root page contains several hundred pivot
tuples, all of which have their "b" value truncated away (or have the
value -inf, if you prefer), with just one prefix "a" column left in
place. Naturally, every leaf page has a high key with its own
separator key that matches one particular tuple that appears in the
root page (except for the rightmost leaf page). So our leaf level scan
will see lots of truncated leaf page high keys (all matching a
corresponding root page tuple).

Test query:

select a from demo where b > 0.99;

This is a query that really shouldn't be doing any skipping at all. We
nevertheless still see a huge amount of skipping with this query, ocne
0001-* is omitted. Prior to 0001-*, a new primitive index scan is
started whenever the scan reaches a "boundary" between adjoining leaf
pages. That is, whenever _bt_advance_array_keys stopped on a high key
pstate.finaltup. So without the new 0001-* work, the number of page
accesses almost doubles (because we access the root page once per leaf
page accessed, instead of just accessing it once for the whole scan).

What skip scan should have been doing all along (and will do now) is
to step forward to the next right sibling leaf page whenever it
reaches a boundary between leaf pages. This should happen again and
again, without our ever choosing to start a new primitive index scan
instead (it shouldn't happen even once with this query). In other
words, we ought to behave just like a full index scan would behave
with this query -- which is exactly what we get on master.

The scan will still nominally "use skip scan" even with this fix in
place, but in practice, for this particular query/index, the scan
won't ever actually decide to skip. So it at least "looks like" an
index scan from the point of view of EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS). There
is a separate question of how many CPU cycles we use to do all this,
but for now my focus is on total pages accessed by the patch versus on
master, especially for adversarial cases such as this.

It should be noted that the skip scan patch never had any problems
with this very similar query (same table as before):

select a from demo where b < 0.01;

The fact that we did the wrong thing for the first query, but the
right thing for this second similar query, was solely due to certain
accidental implementation details -- it had nothing to do with the
fundamentals of the problem. You might even say that 0001-* makes the
original "b > 0.99" case behave in the same manner as this similar "b
< 0.01" case, which is justifiable on consistency grounds. Why
wouldn't these two cases behave similarly? It's only logical.

The underlying problem arguably has little to do with skip scan;
whether we use a real SAOP array on "a" or a consed up skip array is
incidental to the problem that my example highlights. As always, the
underlying "array type" (skip vs SOAP) only matters to the lowest
level code. And so technically, this is an existing issue on
HEAD/master. You can see that for yourself by making the problematic
query's qual "where a = any ('every possible a value') and b > 0.99"
-- same problem on Postgres 17, without involving skip scan.

To be sure, the underlying problem does become more practically
relevant with the invention of skip arrays for skip scan, but 0001-*
can still be treated as independent work. It can be committed well
ahead of the other stuff IMV. The same is likely also true of the
refactoring now done in 0002-* -- it does refactoring that makes
sense, even without skip scan. And so I don't expect it to take all
that long for it to be committable.

Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 11:27 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> I started looking at this patch today.

Thanks for taking a look!

> The first thing I usually do for
> new patches is a stress test, so I did a simple script that generates
> random table and runs a random query with IN() clause with various
> configs (parallel query, index-only scans, ...). And it got stuck on a
> parallel query pretty quick.

I can reproduce this locally, without too much difficulty.
Unfortunately, this is a bug on master/Postgres 17. Some kind of issue
in my commit 5bf748b8.

The timing of this is slightly unfortunate. There's only a few weeks
until the release of 17, plus I have to travel for work over the next
week. I won't be back until the 16th, and will have limited
availability between then and now. I think that I'll have ample time
to debug and fix the issue ahead of the release of 17, though.

Looks like the problem is a parallel index scan with SAOP array keys
can find itself in a state where every parallel worker waits for the
leader to finish off a scheduled primitive index scan, while the
leader itself waits for the scan's tuple queue to return more tuples.
Obviously, the query will effectively go to sleep indefinitely when
that happens (unless and until the DBA cancels the query). This is
only possible with just the right/wrong combination of array keys and
index cardinality.

I cannot recreate the problem with parallel_leader_participation=off,
which strongly suggests that leader participation is a factor. I'll
find time to study this in detail as soon as I can.

Further background: I was always aware of the leader's tendency to go
away forever shortly after the scan begins. That was supposed to be
safe, since we account for it by serializing the scan's current array
keys in shared memory, at the point a primitive index scan is
scheduled -- any backend should be able to pick up where any other
backend left off, no matter how primitive scans are scheduled. That
now doesn't seem to be completely robust, likely due to restrictions
on when and how other backends can pick up the scheduled work from
within _bt_first, at the point that it calls _bt_parallel_seize.

In short, one or two details of how backends call _bt_parallel_seize
to pick up BTPARALLEL_NEED_PRIMSCAN work likely need to be rethought.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Tomas Vondra
On 9/12/24 16:49, Matthias van de Meent wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Sept 2024 at 21:55, Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> ...
> The fix in 0001 is relatively simple: we stop backends from waiting
> for a concurrent backend to resolve the NEED_PRIMSCAN condition, and
> instead move our local state machine so that we'll hit _bt_first
> ourselves, so that we may be able to start the next primitive scan.
> Also attached is 0002, which adds tracking of responsible backends to
> parallel btree scans, thus allowing us to assert we're never waiting
> for our own process to move the state forward. I found this patch
> helpful while working on solving this issue, even if it wouldn't have
> found the bug as reported.

No opinion on the analysis / coding, but per my testing the fix indeed
addresses the issue. The script reliably got stuck within a minute, now
it's running for ~1h just fine. It also checks results and that seems
fine too, so that seems fine too.


Tomas Vondra

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 3:13 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> I agree with your approach, but I'm concerned about it causing
> confusion inside _bt_parallel_done. And so I attach a v2 revision of
> your bug fix. v2 adds a check that nails that down, too.

Pushed this just now.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 6:05 PM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> I've been looking at this patch over the couple last days, mostly doing
> some stress testing / benchmarking (hence the earlier report) and basic
> review.

Thanks for taking a look! Very helpful.

> I do have some initial review comments, and the testing produced
> some interesting regressions (not sure if those are the cases where
> skipscan can't really help, that Peter mentioned he needs to look into).

The one type of query that's clearly regressed in a way that's just
not acceptable are queries where we waste CPU cycles during scans
where it's truly hopeless. For example, I see a big regression on one
of the best cases for the Postgres 17 work, described here:

Notably, these cases access exactly the same buffers/pages as before,
so this really isn't a matter of "doing too much skipping". The number
of buffers hit exactly matches what you'll see on Postgres 17. It's
just that we waste too many CPU cycles in code such as
_bt_advance_array_keys, to uselessly maintain skip arrays.

I'm not suggesting that there won't be any gray area with these
regressions -- nothing like this will ever be that simple. But it
seems to me like I should go fix these obviously-not-okay cases next,
and then see where that leaves everything else, regressions-wise. That
seems likely to be the most efficient way of dealing with the
regressions. So I'll start there.

That said, I *would* be surprised if you found a regression in any
query that simply didn't receive any new scan key transformations in
new preprocessing code in places like _bt_decide_skipatts and
_bt_skip_preproc_shrink. I see that many of the queries that you're
using for your stress-tests "aren't really testing skip scan", in this
sense. But I'm hardly about to tell you that you shouldn't spend time
on such queries -- that approach just discovered a bug affecting
Postgres 17 (that was also surprising, but it still happened!). My
point is that it's worth being aware of which test queries actually
use skip arrays in the first place -- it might help you with your
testing. There are essentially no changes to _bt_advance_array_keys
that'll affect traditional SAOP arrays (with the sole exception of
changes made by
v6-0003-Refactor-handling-of-nbtree-array-redundancies.patch, which
affect every kind of array in the same way).

> 1) v6-0001-Show-index-search-count-in-EXPLAIN-ANALYZE.patch
> - I find the places that increment "nsearches" a bit random. Each AM
> does it in entirely different place (at least it seems like that to me).
> Is there a way make this a bit more consistent?

From a mechanical perspective there is nothing at all random about it:
we do this at precisely the same point that we currently call
pgstat_count_index_scan, which in each index AM maps to one descent of
the index. It is at least consistent. Whenever a B-Tree index scan
shows "Index Scans: N", you'll see precisely the same number by
swapping it with an equivalent contrib/btree_gist-based GiST index and
running the same query again (assuming that index tuples that match
the array keys are spread apart in both the B-Tree and GiST indexes).

(Though I see problems with the precise place that nbtree calls
pgstat_count_index_scan right now, at least in certain edge-cases,
which I discuss below in response to your questions about that.)

>     uint64   btps_nsearches; /* instrumentation */
> Instrumentation what? What's the counter for?

Will fix.

In case you missed it, there is another thread + CF Entry dedicated to
discussing this instrumentation patch:

> - I see _bt_first moved the pgstat_count_index_scan, but doesn't that
> mean we skip it if the earlier code does "goto readcomplete"? Shouldn't
> that still count as an index scan?

In my opinion, no, it should not.

We're counting the number of times we'll have descended the tree using
_bt_search (or using _bt_endpoint, perhaps), which is a precisely
defined physical cost. A little like counting the number of buffers
accessed. I actually think that this aspect of how we call
pgstat_count_index_scan is a bug that should be fixed, with the fix
backpatched to Postgres 17. Right now, we see completely different
counts for a parallel index scan, compared to an equivalent serial
index scan -- differences that cannot be explained as minor
differences caused by parallel scan implementation details. I think
that it's just wrong right now, on master, since we're simply not
counting the thing that we're supposed to be counting (not reliably,
not if it's a parallel index scan).

> - show_indexscan_nsearches does this:
>     if (scanDesc && scanDesc->nsearches > 0)
>         ExplainPropertyUInteger("Index Searches", NULL,
>                                 scanDesc->nsearches, es);
> But shouldn't it divide the count by nloops, similar to (for example)
> show_instrumentation_count?

I can see arguments for and against doing it that way. It's
ambiguous/subjective, but on balance I favor not dividing by nloops.
You can make a similar argument for doing this with "Buffers: ", and
yet we don't divide by nloops there, either.

Honestly, I just want to find a way to do this that everybody can live
with. Better documentation could help here.

> 2) v6-0002-Normalize-nbtree-truncated-high-key-array-behavio.patch
> - Admittedly very subjective, but I find the "oppoDirCheck" abbreviation
> rather weird, I'd just call it "oppositeDirCheck".

Will fix.

> 3) v6-0003-Refactor-handling-of-nbtree-array-redundancies.patch
> - nothing

Great. I think that I should be able to commit this one soon, since
it's independently useful work.

> 4) v6-0004-Add-skip-scan-to-nbtree.patch
> - indices.sgml seems to hahve typo "Intevening" -> "Intervening"
> - It doesn't seem like a good idea to remove the paragraph about
> multicolumn indexes and replace it with just:
>   Multicolumn indexes should be used judiciously.
> I mean, what does judiciously even mean? what should the user consider
> to be judicious? Seems rather unclear to me. Admittedly, the old text
> was not much helpful, but at least it gave some advice.

Yeah, this definitely needs more work.

> But maybe more importantly, doesn't skipscan apply only to a rather
> limited subset of data types (that support increment/decrement)? Doesn't
> the new wording mostly ignore that, implying skipscan applies to all
> btree indexes? I don't think it mentions datatypes anywhere, but there
> are many indexes on data types like text, UUID and so on.

Actually, no, skip scan works in almost the same way with all data
types. Earlier versions of the patch didn't support every data type
(perhaps I should have waited for that before posting my v1), but the
version of the patch you looked at has no restrictions on any data

You must be thinking of whether or not an opclass has skip support.
That's just an extra optimization, which can be used for a small
handful of discrete data types such as integer and date (hard to
imagine how skip support could ever be implemented for types like
numeric and text). There is a temporary testing GUC that will allow
you to get a sense of how much skip support can help: try "set
skipscan_skipsupport_enabled=off" with (say) my original MDAM test
query to get a sense of that. You'll see more buffer hits needed for
"next key probes", though not dramatically more.

It's worth having skip support (the idea comes from the MDAM paper),
but it's not essential. Whether or not an opclass has skip support
isn't accounted for by the cost model, but I doubt that it's worth
addressing (the cost model is already pessimistic).

> - Very subjective nitpicking, but I find it a bit strange when a comment
> about a block is nested in the block, like in _bt_first() for the
> array->null_elem check.

Will fix.

> - assignProcTypes() claims providing skipscan for cross-type scenarios
> doesn't make sense. Why is that? I'm not saying the claim is wrong, but
> it's not clear to me why would that be the case.

It is just talking about the support function that skip scan can
optionally use, where it makes sense (skip support functions). The
relevant "else if (member->number == BTSKIPSUPPORT_PROC)" stanza is
largely copied from the existing nearby "else if (member->number ==
BTEQUALIMAGE_PROC)" stanza that was added for B-Tree deduplication. In
both stanzas we're talking about a capability that maps to a
particular "input opclass", which means the opclass that maps to the
datums that are stored on disk, in index tuples.

There are no restrictions on the use of skip scan with queries that
happen to involve the use of cross-type operators. It doesn't even
matter if we happen to be using an incomplete opfamily, since range
skip arrays never need to *directly* take the current array element
from a lower/upper bound inequality scan key's argument. It all
happens indirectly: code in places like _bt_first and _bt_checkkeys
can use inequalities (which are stored in BTArrayKeyInfo.low_compare
and BTArrayKeyInfo.high_compare) to locate the next matching on-disk
index tuple that satisfies the inequality in question. Obviously, the
located datum must be the same type as the one used by the array and
its scan key (it has to be the input opclass type if it's taken from
an index tuple).

I think that it's a bit silly that nbtree generally bends over
backwards to find a way to execute a scan, given an incomplete
opfamily; in a green field situation it would make sense to just throw
an error instead. Even still, skip scan works in a way that is
maximally forgiving when incomplete opfamilies are used. Admittedly,
it is just about possible to come up with a scenario where we'll now
throw an error for a query that would have worked on Postgres 17. But
that's no different to what would happen if the query had an explicit
"= any( )" non-cross-type array instead of an implicit non-cross-type
skip array. The real problem in these scenarios is the lack of a
suitable cross-type ORDER proc (for a cross-type-operator query)
within _bt_first -- not the lack of cross-type operators. This issue
with missing ORDER procs just doesn't seem worth worrying about,
since, as I said, even slightly different queries (that don't use skip
scan) are bound to throw the same errors either way.

> Peter asked me to look at the costing, and I think it looks generally
> sensible.

I'm glad that you think that I basically have the right idea here.
Hard to know how to approach something like this, which doesn't have
any kind of precedent to draw on.

> We don't really have a lot of information to base the costing
> on in the first place - the whole point of skipscan is about multicolumn
> indexes, but none of the existing extended statistic seems very useful.
> We'd need some cross-column correlation info, or something like that.

Maybe, but that would just mean that we'd sometimes be more optimistic
about skip scan helping than we are with the current approach of
pessimistically assuming that there is no correlation at all. Not
clear that being pessimistic in this sense isn't the right thing to
do, despite the fact that it's clearly less accurate on average.

> There's one thing that I don't quite understand, and that's how
> btcost_correlation() adjusts correlation for multicolumn indexes:
>     if (index->nkeycolumns > 1)
>         indexCorrelation = varCorrelation * 0.75;
> That seems fine for a two-column index, I guess. But shouldn't it
> compound for indexes with more keys? I mean, 0.75 * 0.75 for third
> column, etc? I don't think btcostestimate() does that, it just remembers
> whatever btcost_correlation() returns.

I don't know either. In general I'm out of my comfort zone here.

> The only alternative approach I can think of is not to adjust the
> costing for the index scan at all, and only use this to enable (or not
> enable) the skipscan internally. That would mean the overall plan
> remains the same, and maybe sometimes we would think an index scan would
> be too expensive and use something else. Not great, but it doesn't have
> the risk of regressions - IIUC we can disable the skipscan at runtime,
> if we realize it's not really helpful.

In general I would greatly prefer to not have a distinct kind of index
path for scans that use skip scan. I'm quite keen on a design that
allows the scan to adapt to unpredictable conditions at runtime.

Of course, that doesn't preclude passing the index scan a hint about
what's likely to work at runtime, based on information figured out
when costing the scan. Perhaps that will prove necessary to avoid
regressing index scans that are naturally quite cheap already -- scans
where we really need to have the right general idea from the start to
avoid any regressions. I'm not opposed to that, provided the index
scan has the ability to change its mind when (for whatever reason) the
guidance from the optimizer turns out to be wrong.

> As usual, I wrote a bash script to do a bit of stress testing. It
> generates tables with random data, and then runs random queries with
> random predicates on them, while mutating a couple parameters (like
> number of workers) to trigger different plans. It does that on 16,
> master and with the skipscan patch (with the fix for parallel scans).

I wonder if some of the regressions you see can be tied to the use of
an LWLock in place of the existing use of a spin lock. I did that
because I sometimes need to allocate memory to deserialize the array
keys, with the exclusive lock held. It might be the case that a lot of
these regressions are tied to that, or something else that is far from
obvious...have to investigate.

In general, I haven't done much on parallel index scans here (I only
added support for them very recently), whereas your testing places a
lot of emphasis on parallel scans. Nothing wrong with that emphasis
(it caught that 17 bug), but just want to put it in context.

> I've uploaded the script and results from the last run here:
> There's the "" script that generates tables/queries, runs
> them, collects all kinds of info about the query, and produces files
> with explain plans, CSV with timings, etc.

It'll take me a while to investigate all this data.

> Anyway, I ran a couple thousand such queries, and I haven't found any
> incorrect results (the script compares that between versions too). So
> that's good ;-)

That's good!

> But my main goal was to see how this affects performance. The tables
> were pretty small (just 1M rows, maybe ~80MB), but with restarts and
> dropping caches, large enough to test this.

The really compelling cases all tend to involve fairly selective index
scans. Obviously, skip scan can only save work by navigating the index
structure more efficiently (unlike loose index scan). So if the main
cost is inherently bound to be the cost of heap accesses, then we
shouldn't expect a big speed up.

> For example, one of the slowed down queries is query 702 (top of page 8
> in the PDF). The query is pretty simple:
>   explain (analyze, timing off, buffers off)
>   select id1,id2 from t_1000000_1000_1_2
>    where NOT (id1 in (:list)) AND (id2 = :value);
> and it was executed on a table with random data in two columns, each
> with 1000 distinct values. This is perfectly random data, so a great
> match for the assumptions in costing etc.
> But with uncached data, this runs in ~50 ms on master, but takes almost
> 200 ms with skipscan (these timings are from my laptop, but similar to
> the results).

I'll need to investigate this specifically. That does seem odd.

FWIW, it's a pity that the patch doesn't know how to push down the NOT
IN () here. The MDAM paper contemplates such a scheme. We see the use
of filter quals here, when in principle this could work by using a
skip array that doesn't generate elements that appear in the NOT IN()
list (it'd generate every possible indexable value *except* the given
list/array values). The only reason that I haven't implemented this
yet is because I'm not at all sure how to make it work on the
optimizer side. The nbtree side of the implementation will probably be
quite straightforward, since it's really just a slight variant of a
skip array, that excludes certain values.

> -- with skipscan
>  Index Only Scan using t_1000000_1000_1_2_id1_id2_idx on
> t_1000000_1000_1_2  (cost=0.96..983.26 rows=1719 width=16)
>                     (actual rows=811 loops=1)
>    Index Cond: (id2 = 997)
>    Index Searches: 1007
>    Filter: (id1 <> ALL ('{983,...,640}'::bigint[]))
>    Rows Removed by Filter: 163
>    Heap Fetches: 0
>  Planning Time: 3.730 ms
>  Execution Time: 238.554 ms
> (8 rows)
> I haven't looked into why this is happening, but this seems like a
> pretty good match for skipscan (on the first column). And for the
> costing too - it's perfectly random data, no correllation, etc.

I wonder what "Buffers: N" shows? That's usually the first thing I
look at (that and "Index Searches", which looks like what you said it
should look like here). But, yeah, let me get back to you on this.

Thanks again!
Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Tomas Vondra
On 9/18/24 00:14, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 6:05 PM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
>> I've been looking at this patch over the couple last days, mostly doing
>> some stress testing / benchmarking (hence the earlier report) and basic
>> review.
> Thanks for taking a look! Very helpful.
>> I do have some initial review comments, and the testing produced
>> some interesting regressions (not sure if those are the cases where
>> skipscan can't really help, that Peter mentioned he needs to look into).
> The one type of query that's clearly regressed in a way that's just
> not acceptable are queries where we waste CPU cycles during scans
> where it's truly hopeless. For example, I see a big regression on one
> of the best cases for the Postgres 17 work, described here:
> Notably, these cases access exactly the same buffers/pages as before,
> so this really isn't a matter of "doing too much skipping". The number
> of buffers hit exactly matches what you'll see on Postgres 17. It's
> just that we waste too many CPU cycles in code such as
> _bt_advance_array_keys, to uselessly maintain skip arrays.
> I'm not suggesting that there won't be any gray area with these
> regressions -- nothing like this will ever be that simple. But it
> seems to me like I should go fix these obviously-not-okay cases next,
> and then see where that leaves everything else, regressions-wise. That
> seems likely to be the most efficient way of dealing with the
> regressions. So I'll start there.
> That said, I *would* be surprised if you found a regression in any
> query that simply didn't receive any new scan key transformations in
> new preprocessing code in places like _bt_decide_skipatts and
> _bt_skip_preproc_shrink. I see that many of the queries that you're
> using for your stress-tests "aren't really testing skip scan", in this
> sense. But I'm hardly about to tell you that you shouldn't spend time
> on such queries -- that approach just discovered a bug affecting
> Postgres 17 (that was also surprising, but it still happened!). My
> point is that it's worth being aware of which test queries actually
> use skip arrays in the first place -- it might help you with your
> testing. There are essentially no changes to _bt_advance_array_keys
> that'll affect traditional SAOP arrays (with the sole exception of
> changes made by
> v6-0003-Refactor-handling-of-nbtree-array-redundancies.patch, which
> affect every kind of array in the same way).

Makes sense. I started with the testing before before even looking at
the code, so it's mostly a "black box" approach. I did read the 1995
paper before that, and the script generates queries with clauses
inspired by that paper, in particular:

- col = $value
- col IN ($values)
- col BETWEEN $value AND $value
- NOT (clause)
- clause [AND|OR] clause

There certainly may be gaps and interesting cases the script does not
cover. Something to improve.

>> 1) v6-0001-Show-index-search-count-in-EXPLAIN-ANALYZE.patch
>> - I find the places that increment "nsearches" a bit random. Each AM
>> does it in entirely different place (at least it seems like that to me).
>> Is there a way make this a bit more consistent?
> From a mechanical perspective there is nothing at all random about it:
> we do this at precisely the same point that we currently call
> pgstat_count_index_scan, which in each index AM maps to one descent of
> the index. It is at least consistent. Whenever a B-Tree index scan
> shows "Index Scans: N", you'll see precisely the same number by
> swapping it with an equivalent contrib/btree_gist-based GiST index and
> running the same query again (assuming that index tuples that match
> the array keys are spread apart in both the B-Tree and GiST indexes).
> (Though I see problems with the precise place that nbtree calls
> pgstat_count_index_scan right now, at least in certain edge-cases,
> which I discuss below in response to your questions about that.)

OK, understood. FWIW I'm not saying these places are "wrong", just that
it feels each AM does that in a very different place.

>>     uint64   btps_nsearches; /* instrumentation */
>> Instrumentation what? What's the counter for?
> Will fix.
> In case you missed it, there is another thread + CF Entry dedicated to
> discussing this instrumentation patch:

Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.

>> - I see _bt_first moved the pgstat_count_index_scan, but doesn't that
>> mean we skip it if the earlier code does "goto readcomplete"? Shouldn't
>> that still count as an index scan?
> In my opinion, no, it should not.
> We're counting the number of times we'll have descended the tree using
> _bt_search (or using _bt_endpoint, perhaps), which is a precisely
> defined physical cost. A little like counting the number of buffers
> accessed. I actually think that this aspect of how we call
> pgstat_count_index_scan is a bug that should be fixed, with the fix
> backpatched to Postgres 17. Right now, we see completely different
> counts for a parallel index scan, compared to an equivalent serial
> index scan -- differences that cannot be explained as minor
> differences caused by parallel scan implementation details. I think
> that it's just wrong right now, on master, since we're simply not
> counting the thing that we're supposed to be counting (not reliably,
> not if it's a parallel index scan).

OK, understood. If it's essentially an independent issue (perhaps even
counts as a bug?) what about correcting it on master first? Doesn't
sound like something we'd backpatch, I guess.

>> - show_indexscan_nsearches does this:
>>     if (scanDesc && scanDesc->nsearches > 0)
>>         ExplainPropertyUInteger("Index Searches", NULL,
>>                                 scanDesc->nsearches, es);
>> But shouldn't it divide the count by nloops, similar to (for example)
>> show_instrumentation_count?
> I can see arguments for and against doing it that way. It's
> ambiguous/subjective, but on balance I favor not dividing by nloops.
> You can make a similar argument for doing this with "Buffers: ", and
> yet we don't divide by nloops there, either.
> Honestly, I just want to find a way to do this that everybody can live
> with. Better documentation could help here.

Seems like a bit of a mess. IMHO we should either divide everything by
nloops (so that everything is "per loop", or not divide anything. My
vote would be to divide, but that's mostly my "learned assumption" from
the other fields. But having a 50:50 split is confusing for everyone.

>> 2) v6-0002-Normalize-nbtree-truncated-high-key-array-behavio.patch
>> - Admittedly very subjective, but I find the "oppoDirCheck" abbreviation
>> rather weird, I'd just call it "oppositeDirCheck".
> Will fix.
>> 3) v6-0003-Refactor-handling-of-nbtree-array-redundancies.patch
>> - nothing
> Great. I think that I should be able to commit this one soon, since
> it's independently useful work.


>> 4) v6-0004-Add-skip-scan-to-nbtree.patch
>> - indices.sgml seems to hahve typo "Intevening" -> "Intervening"
>> - It doesn't seem like a good idea to remove the paragraph about
>> multicolumn indexes and replace it with just:
>>   Multicolumn indexes should be used judiciously.
>> I mean, what does judiciously even mean? what should the user consider
>> to be judicious? Seems rather unclear to me. Admittedly, the old text
>> was not much helpful, but at least it gave some advice.
> Yeah, this definitely needs more work.
>> But maybe more importantly, doesn't skipscan apply only to a rather
>> limited subset of data types (that support increment/decrement)? Doesn't
>> the new wording mostly ignore that, implying skipscan applies to all
>> btree indexes? I don't think it mentions datatypes anywhere, but there
>> are many indexes on data types like text, UUID and so on.
> Actually, no, skip scan works in almost the same way with all data
> types. Earlier versions of the patch didn't support every data type
> (perhaps I should have waited for that before posting my v1), but the
> version of the patch you looked at has no restrictions on any data
> type.
> You must be thinking of whether or not an opclass has skip support.
> That's just an extra optimization, which can be used for a small
> handful of discrete data types such as integer and date (hard to
> imagine how skip support could ever be implemented for types like
> numeric and text). There is a temporary testing GUC that will allow
> you to get a sense of how much skip support can help: try "set
> skipscan_skipsupport_enabled=off" with (say) my original MDAM test
> query to get a sense of that. You'll see more buffer hits needed for
> "next key probes", though not dramatically more.
> It's worth having skip support (the idea comes from the MDAM paper),
> but it's not essential. Whether or not an opclass has skip support
> isn't accounted for by the cost model, but I doubt that it's worth
> addressing (the cost model is already pessimistic).

I admit I'm a bit confused. I probably need to reread the paper, but my
impression was that the increment/decrement is required for skipscan to
work. If we can't do that, how would it generate the intermediate values
to search for? I imagine it would be possible to "step through" the
index, but I thought the point of skip scan is to not do that.

Anyway, probably a good idea for extending the stress testing script.
Right now it tests with "bigint" columns only.

>> - Very subjective nitpicking, but I find it a bit strange when a comment
>> about a block is nested in the block, like in _bt_first() for the
>> array->null_elem check.
> Will fix.
>> - assignProcTypes() claims providing skipscan for cross-type scenarios
>> doesn't make sense. Why is that? I'm not saying the claim is wrong, but
>> it's not clear to me why would that be the case.
> It is just talking about the support function that skip scan can
> optionally use, where it makes sense (skip support functions). The
> relevant "else if (member->number == BTSKIPSUPPORT_PROC)" stanza is
> largely copied from the existing nearby "else if (member->number ==
> BTEQUALIMAGE_PROC)" stanza that was added for B-Tree deduplication. In
> both stanzas we're talking about a capability that maps to a
> particular "input opclass", which means the opclass that maps to the
> datums that are stored on disk, in index tuples.
> There are no restrictions on the use of skip scan with queries that
> happen to involve the use of cross-type operators. It doesn't even
> matter if we happen to be using an incomplete opfamily, since range
> skip arrays never need to *directly* take the current array element
> from a lower/upper bound inequality scan key's argument. It all
> happens indirectly: code in places like _bt_first and _bt_checkkeys
> can use inequalities (which are stored in BTArrayKeyInfo.low_compare
> and BTArrayKeyInfo.high_compare) to locate the next matching on-disk
> index tuple that satisfies the inequality in question. Obviously, the
> located datum must be the same type as the one used by the array and
> its scan key (it has to be the input opclass type if it's taken from
> an index tuple).
> I think that it's a bit silly that nbtree generally bends over
> backwards to find a way to execute a scan, given an incomplete
> opfamily; in a green field situation it would make sense to just throw
> an error instead. Even still, skip scan works in a way that is
> maximally forgiving when incomplete opfamilies are used. Admittedly,
> it is just about possible to come up with a scenario where we'll now
> throw an error for a query that would have worked on Postgres 17. But
> that's no different to what would happen if the query had an explicit
> "= any( )" non-cross-type array instead of an implicit non-cross-type
> skip array. The real problem in these scenarios is the lack of a
> suitable cross-type ORDER proc (for a cross-type-operator query)
> within _bt_first -- not the lack of cross-type operators. This issue
> with missing ORDER procs just doesn't seem worth worrying about,
> since, as I said, even slightly different queries (that don't use skip
> scan) are bound to throw the same errors either way.

OK. Thanks for the explanation. I'll think about maybe testing such
queries too (with cross-type clauses).

>> Peter asked me to look at the costing, and I think it looks generally
>> sensible.
> I'm glad that you think that I basically have the right idea here.
> Hard to know how to approach something like this, which doesn't have
> any kind of precedent to draw on.
>> We don't really have a lot of information to base the costing
>> on in the first place - the whole point of skipscan is about multicolumn
>> indexes, but none of the existing extended statistic seems very useful.
>> We'd need some cross-column correlation info, or something like that.
> Maybe, but that would just mean that we'd sometimes be more optimistic
> about skip scan helping than we are with the current approach of
> pessimistically assuming that there is no correlation at all. Not
> clear that being pessimistic in this sense isn't the right thing to
> do, despite the fact that it's clearly less accurate on average.

Hmmm, yeah. I think it'd be useful to explain this reasoning (assuming
no correlation means pessimistic skipscan costing) in a comment before
btcostestimate, or somewhere close.

>> There's one thing that I don't quite understand, and that's how
>> btcost_correlation() adjusts correlation for multicolumn indexes:
>>     if (index->nkeycolumns > 1)
>>         indexCorrelation = varCorrelation * 0.75;
>> That seems fine for a two-column index, I guess. But shouldn't it
>> compound for indexes with more keys? I mean, 0.75 * 0.75 for third
>> column, etc? I don't think btcostestimate() does that, it just remembers
>> whatever btcost_correlation() returns.
> I don't know either. In general I'm out of my comfort zone here.

Don't we do something similar elsewhere? For example, IIRC we do some
adjustments when estimating grouping in estimate_num_groups(), and
incremental sort had to deal with something similar too. Maybe we could
learn something from those places ... (both from the good and bad

>> The only alternative approach I can think of is not to adjust the
>> costing for the index scan at all, and only use this to enable (or not
>> enable) the skipscan internally. That would mean the overall plan
>> remains the same, and maybe sometimes we would think an index scan would
>> be too expensive and use something else. Not great, but it doesn't have
>> the risk of regressions - IIUC we can disable the skipscan at runtime,
>> if we realize it's not really helpful.
> In general I would greatly prefer to not have a distinct kind of index
> path for scans that use skip scan. I'm quite keen on a design that
> allows the scan to adapt to unpredictable conditions at runtime.

Right. I don't think I've been suggesting having a separate path, I 100%
agree it's better to have this as an option for index scan paths.

> Of course, that doesn't preclude passing the index scan a hint about
> what's likely to work at runtime, based on information figured out
> when costing the scan. Perhaps that will prove necessary to avoid
> regressing index scans that are naturally quite cheap already -- scans
> where we really need to have the right general idea from the start to
> avoid any regressions. I'm not opposed to that, provided the index
> scan has the ability to change its mind when (for whatever reason) the
> guidance from the optimizer turns out to be wrong.

+1 (assuming it's feasible, given the amount of available information)

>> As usual, I wrote a bash script to do a bit of stress testing. It
>> generates tables with random data, and then runs random queries with
>> random predicates on them, while mutating a couple parameters (like
>> number of workers) to trigger different plans. It does that on 16,
>> master and with the skipscan patch (with the fix for parallel scans).
> I wonder if some of the regressions you see can be tied to the use of
> an LWLock in place of the existing use of a spin lock. I did that
> because I sometimes need to allocate memory to deserialize the array
> keys, with the exclusive lock held. It might be the case that a lot of
> these regressions are tied to that, or something else that is far from
> obvious...have to investigate.
> In general, I haven't done much on parallel index scans here (I only
> added support for them very recently), whereas your testing places a
> lot of emphasis on parallel scans. Nothing wrong with that emphasis
> (it caught that 17 bug), but just want to put it in context.

Sure. With this kind of testing I don't know what I'm looking for, so I
try to cover very wide range of cases. Inevitably, some of the cases
will not test the exact subject of the patch. I think it's fine.

>> I've uploaded the script and results from the last run here:
>> There's the "" script that generates tables/queries, runs
>> them, collects all kinds of info about the query, and produces files
>> with explain plans, CSV with timings, etc.
> It'll take me a while to investigate all this data.

I think it'd help if I go through the results and try to prepare some
reproducers, to make it easier for you. After all, it's my script and
you'd have to reverse engineer some of it.

>> Anyway, I ran a couple thousand such queries, and I haven't found any
>> incorrect results (the script compares that between versions too). So
>> that's good ;-)
> That's good!
>> But my main goal was to see how this affects performance. The tables
>> were pretty small (just 1M rows, maybe ~80MB), but with restarts and
>> dropping caches, large enough to test this.
> The really compelling cases all tend to involve fairly selective index
> scans. Obviously, skip scan can only save work by navigating the index
> structure more efficiently (unlike loose index scan). So if the main
> cost is inherently bound to be the cost of heap accesses, then we
> shouldn't expect a big speed up.
>> For example, one of the slowed down queries is query 702 (top of page 8
>> in the PDF). The query is pretty simple:
>>   explain (analyze, timing off, buffers off)
>>   select id1,id2 from t_1000000_1000_1_2
>>    where NOT (id1 in (:list)) AND (id2 = :value);
>> and it was executed on a table with random data in two columns, each
>> with 1000 distinct values. This is perfectly random data, so a great
>> match for the assumptions in costing etc.
>> But with uncached data, this runs in ~50 ms on master, but takes almost
>> 200 ms with skipscan (these timings are from my laptop, but similar to
>> the results).
> I'll need to investigate this specifically. That does seem odd.
> FWIW, it's a pity that the patch doesn't know how to push down the NOT
> IN () here. The MDAM paper contemplates such a scheme. We see the use
> of filter quals here, when in principle this could work by using a
> skip array that doesn't generate elements that appear in the NOT IN()
> list (it'd generate every possible indexable value *except* the given
> list/array values). The only reason that I haven't implemented this
> yet is because I'm not at all sure how to make it work on the
> optimizer side. The nbtree side of the implementation will probably be
> quite straightforward, since it's really just a slight variant of a
> skip array, that excludes certain values.
>> -- with skipscan
>>  Index Only Scan using t_1000000_1000_1_2_id1_id2_idx on
>> t_1000000_1000_1_2  (cost=0.96..983.26 rows=1719 width=16)
>>                     (actual rows=811 loops=1)
>>    Index Cond: (id2 = 997)
>>    Index Searches: 1007
>>    Filter: (id1 <> ALL ('{983,...,640}'::bigint[]))
>>    Rows Removed by Filter: 163
>>    Heap Fetches: 0
>>  Planning Time: 3.730 ms
>>  Execution Time: 238.554 ms
>> (8 rows)
>> I haven't looked into why this is happening, but this seems like a
>> pretty good match for skipscan (on the first column). And for the
>> costing too - it's perfectly random data, no correllation, etc.
> I wonder what "Buffers: N" shows? That's usually the first thing I
> look at (that and "Index Searches", which looks like what you said it
> should look like here). But, yeah, let me get back to you on this.

Yeah, I forgot to get that from my reproducer. But the logs in the
github repo with results has BUFFERS - for master (SEQ 12621), the plan
looks like this:

 Index Only Scan using t_1000000_1000_1_2_id1_id2_idx
                    on t_1000000_1000_1_2
                    (cost=0.96..12179.41 rows=785 width=16)
                    (actual rows=785 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id2 = 997)
   Filter: (id1 <> ALL ('{983, ..., 640}'::bigint[]))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 181
   Heap Fetches: 0
   Buffers: shared read=3094
   Buffers: shared hit=93 read=27
 Planning Time: 9.962 ms
 Execution Time: 38.007 ms
(10 rows)

and with the patch (SEQ 12623) it's this:

 Index Only Scan using t_1000000_1000_1_2_id1_id2_idx
                    on t_1000000_1000_1_2
                    (cost=0.96..1745.27 rows=784 width=16)
                    (actual rows=785 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id2 = 997)
   Index Searches: 1002
   Filter: (id1 <> ALL ('{983, ..., 640}'::bigint[]))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 181
   Heap Fetches: 0
   Buffers: shared hit=1993 read=1029
   Buffers: shared hit=93 read=27
 Planning Time: 9.506 ms
 Execution Time: 179.048 ms
(11 rows)

This is on exactly the same data, after dropping caches and restarting
the instance. So there should be no caching effects. Yet, there's a
pretty clear difference - the total number of buffers is the same, but
the patched version has many more hits. Yet it's slower. Weird, right?


Tomas Vondra

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 7:36 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> Makes sense. I started with the testing before before even looking at
> the code, so it's mostly a "black box" approach. I did read the 1995
> paper before that, and the script generates queries with clauses
> inspired by that paper, in particular:

I think that this approach with black box testing is helpful, but also
something to refine over time. Gray box testing might work best.

> OK, understood. If it's essentially an independent issue (perhaps even
> counts as a bug?) what about correcting it on master first? Doesn't
> sound like something we'd backpatch, I guess.

What about backpatching it to 17?

As things stand, you can get quite contradictory counts of the number
of index scans due to irrelevant implementation details from parallel
index scan. It just looks wrong, particularly on 17, where it is
reasonable to expect near exact consistency between parallel and
serial scans of the same index.

> Seems like a bit of a mess. IMHO we should either divide everything by
> nloops (so that everything is "per loop", or not divide anything. My
> vote would be to divide, but that's mostly my "learned assumption" from
> the other fields. But having a 50:50 split is confusing for everyone.

My idea was that it made most sense to follow the example of
"Buffers:", since both describe physical costs.

Honestly, I'm more than ready to take whatever the path of least
resistance is. If dividing by nloops is what people want, I have no

> > It's worth having skip support (the idea comes from the MDAM paper),
> > but it's not essential. Whether or not an opclass has skip support
> > isn't accounted for by the cost model, but I doubt that it's worth
> > addressing (the cost model is already pessimistic).
> >
> I admit I'm a bit confused. I probably need to reread the paper, but my
> impression was that the increment/decrement is required for skipscan to
> work. If we can't do that, how would it generate the intermediate values
> to search for? I imagine it would be possible to "step through" the
> index, but I thought the point of skip scan is to not do that.

I think that you're probably still a bit confused because the
terminology in this area is a little confusing. There are two ways of
explaining the situation with types like text and numeric (types that
lack skip support). The two explanations might seem to be
contradictory, but they're really not, if you think about it.

The first way of explaining it, which focuses on how the scan moves
through the index:

For a text index column "a", and an int index column "b", skip scan
will work like this for a query with a qual "WHERE b = 55":

1. Find the first/lowest sorting "a" value in the index. Let's say
that it's "Aardvark".

2. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b = 55", possibly
returning some matches.

3. Find the next value after "Aardvark" in the index using a probe
like the one we'd use for a qual "WHERE a > 'Aardvark'". Let's say
that it turns out to be "Abacus".

4. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Abacus' and b = 55"...

... (repeat these steps until we've exhaustively processed every
existing "a" value in the index)...

The second way of explaining it, which focuses on how the skip arrays
advance. Same query (and really the same behavior) as in the first

1. Skip array's initial value is the sentinel -inf, which cannot
possibly match any real index tuple, but can still guide the search.
So we search for tuples "WHERE a = -inf AND b = 55" (actually we don't
include the "b = 55" part, since it is unnecessary, but conceptually
it's a part of what we search for within _bt_first).

2. Find that the index has no "a" values matching -inf (it inevitably
cannot have any matches for -inf), but we do locate the next highest
match. The closest matching value is "Aardvark". The skip array on "a"
therefore advances from -inf to "Aardvark".

3. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b = 55", possibly
returning some matches.

4. Reach tuples after the last match for "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b =
55", which will cause us to advance the array on "a" incrementally
inside _bt_advance_array_keys (just like it would if there was a
standard SAOP array on "a" instead). The skip array on "a" therefore
advances from "Aardvark" to "Aardvark" +infinitesimal (we need to use
sentinel values for this text column, which lacks skip support).

5. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark'+infinitesimal and b = 55",
which cannot possibly find matches, but, again, can reposition the
scan as needed. We can't find an exact match, of course, but we do
locate the next closest match -- which is "Abacus", again. So the skip
array now advances from "Aardvark" +infinitesimal to "Abacus". The
sentinel values are made up values, but that doesn't change anything.
(And, again, we don't include the "b = 55" part here, for the same
reason as before.)

6. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Abacus' and b = 55"...

...(repeat these steps as many times as required)...

In summary:

Even index columns that lack skip support get to "increment" (or
"decrement") their arrays by using sentinel values that represent -inf
(or +inf for backwards scans), as well as sentinels that represent
concepts such as "Aardvark" +infinitesimal (or "Zebra" -infinitesimal
for backwards scans, say). This scheme sounds contradictory, because
in one sense it allows every skip array to be incremented, but in
another sense it makes it okay that we don't have a type-specific way
to increment values for many individual types/opclasses.

Inventing these sentinel values allows _bt_advance_array_keys to reason about
arrays without really having to care about which kinds of arrays are
involved, their order relative to each other, etc. In a certain sense,
we don't really need explicit "next key" probes of the kind that the
MDAM paper contemplates, though we do still require the same index
accesses as a design with explicit accesses.

Does that make sense?

Obviously, if we did add skip support for text, it would be very
unlikely to help performance. Sure, one can imagine incrementing from
"Aardvark" to "Aardvarl" using dedicated opclass infrastructure, but
that isn't very helpful. You're almost certain to end up accessing the
same pages with such a scheme, anyway. What are the chances of an
index with a leading text column actually containing tuples matching
(say) "WHERE a = 'Aardvarl' and b = 55"? The chances are practically
zero. Whereas if the column "a" happens to use a discrete type such as
integer or date, then skip support is likely to help: there's a decent
chance that a value generated by incrementing the last value
(and I mean incrementing it for real) will find a real match when
combined with the user-supplied "b" predicate.

It might be possible to add skip support for text, but there wouldn't
be much point.

> Anyway, probably a good idea for extending the stress testing script.
> Right now it tests with "bigint" columns only.

Good idea.

> Hmmm, yeah. I think it'd be useful to explain this reasoning (assuming
> no correlation means pessimistic skipscan costing) in a comment before
> btcostestimate, or somewhere close.

Will do.

> Don't we do something similar elsewhere? For example, IIRC we do some
> adjustments when estimating grouping in estimate_num_groups(), and
> incremental sort had to deal with something similar too. Maybe we could
> learn something from those places ... (both from the good and bad
> experiences).

I'll make a note of that. Gonna focus on regressions for now.

> Right. I don't think I've been suggesting having a separate path, I 100%
> agree it's better to have this as an option for index scan paths.


> Sure. With this kind of testing I don't know what I'm looking for, so I
> try to cover very wide range of cases. Inevitably, some of the cases
> will not test the exact subject of the patch. I think it's fine.

I agree. Just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page.

> I think it'd help if I go through the results and try to prepare some
> reproducers, to make it easier for you. After all, it's my script and
> you'd have to reverse engineer some of it.

Yes, that would be helpful.

I'll probably memorialize the problem by writing my own minimal test
case for it. I'm using the same TDD approach for this project as was
used for the related Postgres 17 project.

> This is on exactly the same data, after dropping caches and restarting
> the instance. So there should be no caching effects. Yet, there's a
> pretty clear difference - the total number of buffers is the same, but
> the patched version has many more hits. Yet it's slower. Weird, right?

Yes, it's weird. It seems likely that you've found an unambiguous bug,
not just a "regular" performance regression. The regressions that I
already know about aren't nearly this bad. So it seems like you have
the right general idea about what to expect, and it seems like your
approach to testing the patch is effective.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 6:05 PM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> For example, one of the slowed down queries is query 702 (top of page 8
> in the PDF). The query is pretty simple:
>   explain (analyze, timing off, buffers off)
>   select id1,id2 from t_1000000_1000_1_2
>    where NOT (id1 in (:list)) AND (id2 = :value);
> and it was executed on a table with random data in two columns, each
> with 1000 distinct values.

I cannot recreate this problem using the q702.sql repro you provided.
Feels like I'm missing a step, because I find that skip scan wins
nicely here.

> This is perfectly random data, so a great
> match for the assumptions in costing etc.

FWIW, I wouldn't say that this is a particularly sympathetic case for
skip scan. It's definitely still a win, but less than other cases I
can imagine. This is due to the relatively large number of rows
returned by the scan. Plus 1000 distinct leading values for a skip
array isn't all that low, so we end up scanning over 1/3 of all of the
leaf pages in the index.

BTW, be careful to distinguish between leaf pages and internal pages
when interpreting "Buffers:" output with the patch. Generally
speaking, the patch repeats many internal page accesses, which needs
to be taken into account when compare "Buffers:" counts against
master. It's not uncommon for 3/4 or even 4/5 of all index page hits
to be for internal pages with the patch. Whereas on master the number
of internal page hits is usually tiny. This is one reason why the
additional context provided by "Index Searches:" can be helpful.

> But with uncached data, this runs in ~50 ms on master, but takes almost
> 200 ms with skipscan (these timings are from my laptop, but similar to
> the results).

Even 50ms seems really slow for your test case -- with or without my
patch applied.

Are you sure that this wasn't an assert-enabled build? There's lots of
extra assertions for the code paths used by skip scan for this, which
could explain the apparent regression.

I find that this same query takes only ~2.056 ms with the patch. When
I disabled skip scan locally via "set skipscan_prefix_cols = 0" (which
should give me behavior that's pretty well representative of master),
it takes ~12.039 ms. That's exactly what I'd expect for this query: a
solid improvement, though not the really enormous ones that you'll see
when skip scan is able to avoid reading many of the index pages that
master reads.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Tomas Vondra
On 9/19/24 21:22, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 6:05 PM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
>> For example, one of the slowed down queries is query 702 (top of page 8
>> in the PDF). The query is pretty simple:
>>   explain (analyze, timing off, buffers off)
>>   select id1,id2 from t_1000000_1000_1_2
>>    where NOT (id1 in (:list)) AND (id2 = :value);
>> and it was executed on a table with random data in two columns, each
>> with 1000 distinct values.
> I cannot recreate this problem using the q702.sql repro you provided.
> Feels like I'm missing a step, because I find that skip scan wins
> nicely here.

I don't know, I can reproduce it just fine. I just tried with v7.

What I do is this:

1) build master and patched versions:

  ./configure --enable-depend --prefix=/mnt/data/builds/$(build}/
  make -s clean
  make -s -j4 install

2) create a new cluster (default config), create DB, generate the data

3) restart cluster, drop caches

4) run the query from the SQL script

I suspect you don't do (3). I didn't mention this explicitly, my message
only said "with uncached data", so maybe that's the problem?

>> This is perfectly random data, so a great
>> match for the assumptions in costing etc.
> FWIW, I wouldn't say that this is a particularly sympathetic case for
> skip scan. It's definitely still a win, but less than other cases I
> can imagine. This is due to the relatively large number of rows
> returned by the scan. Plus 1000 distinct leading values for a skip
> array isn't all that low, so we end up scanning over 1/3 of all of the
> leaf pages in the index.

I wasn't suggesting it's a sympathetic case for skipscan. My point is
that it perfectly matches the costing assumptions, i.e. columns are
independent etc. But if it's not sympathetic, maybe the cost shouldn't
be 1/5 of cost from master?

> BTW, be careful to distinguish between leaf pages and internal pages
> when interpreting "Buffers:" output with the patch. Generally
> speaking, the patch repeats many internal page accesses, which needs
> to be taken into account when compare "Buffers:" counts against
> master. It's not uncommon for 3/4 or even 4/5 of all index page hits
> to be for internal pages with the patch. Whereas on master the number
> of internal page hits is usually tiny. This is one reason why the
> additional context provided by "Index Searches:" can be helpful.

Yeah, I recall there's an issue with that.

>> But with uncached data, this runs in ~50 ms on master, but takes almost
>> 200 ms with skipscan (these timings are from my laptop, but similar to
>> the results).
> Even 50ms seems really slow for your test case -- with or without my
> patch applied.
> Are you sure that this wasn't an assert-enabled build? There's lots of
> extra assertions for the code paths used by skip scan for this, which
> could explain the apparent regression.
> I find that this same query takes only ~2.056 ms with the patch. When
> I disabled skip scan locally via "set skipscan_prefix_cols = 0" (which
> should give me behavior that's pretty well representative of master),
> it takes ~12.039 ms. That's exactly what I'd expect for this query: a
> solid improvement, though not the really enormous ones that you'll see
> when skip scan is able to avoid reading many of the index pages that
> master reads.

I'm pretty sure you're doing this on cached data, because 2ms is exactly
the timing I see in that case.


Tomas Vondra

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Tomas Vondra
On 9/18/24 20:52, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 7:36 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
>> Makes sense. I started with the testing before before even looking at
>> the code, so it's mostly a "black box" approach. I did read the 1995
>> paper before that, and the script generates queries with clauses
>> inspired by that paper, in particular:
> I think that this approach with black box testing is helpful, but also
> something to refine over time. Gray box testing might work best.
>> OK, understood. If it's essentially an independent issue (perhaps even
>> counts as a bug?) what about correcting it on master first? Doesn't
>> sound like something we'd backpatch, I guess.
> What about backpatching it to 17?
> As things stand, you can get quite contradictory counts of the number
> of index scans due to irrelevant implementation details from parallel
> index scan. It just looks wrong, particularly on 17, where it is
> reasonable to expect near exact consistency between parallel and
> serial scans of the same index.

Yes, I think backpatching to 17 would be fine. I'd be worried about
maybe disrupting some monitoring in production systems, but for 17 that
shouldn't be a problem yet. So fine with me.

FWIW I wonder how likely is it that someone has some sort of alerting
tied to this counter. I'd bet few people do. It's probably more about a
couple people looking at explain plans, but they'll be confused even if
we change that only starting with 17.

>> Seems like a bit of a mess. IMHO we should either divide everything by
>> nloops (so that everything is "per loop", or not divide anything. My
>> vote would be to divide, but that's mostly my "learned assumption" from
>> the other fields. But having a 50:50 split is confusing for everyone.
> My idea was that it made most sense to follow the example of
> "Buffers:", since both describe physical costs.
> Honestly, I'm more than ready to take whatever the path of least
> resistance is. If dividing by nloops is what people want, I have no
> objections.

I don't have a strong opinion on this. I just know I'd be confused by
half the counters being total and half /loop, but chances are other
people would disagree.

>>> It's worth having skip support (the idea comes from the MDAM paper),
>>> but it's not essential. Whether or not an opclass has skip support
>>> isn't accounted for by the cost model, but I doubt that it's worth
>>> addressing (the cost model is already pessimistic).
>> I admit I'm a bit confused. I probably need to reread the paper, but my
>> impression was that the increment/decrement is required for skipscan to
>> work. If we can't do that, how would it generate the intermediate values
>> to search for? I imagine it would be possible to "step through" the
>> index, but I thought the point of skip scan is to not do that.
> I think that you're probably still a bit confused because the
> terminology in this area is a little confusing. There are two ways of
> explaining the situation with types like text and numeric (types that
> lack skip support). The two explanations might seem to be
> contradictory, but they're really not, if you think about it.
> The first way of explaining it, which focuses on how the scan moves
> through the index:
> For a text index column "a", and an int index column "b", skip scan
> will work like this for a query with a qual "WHERE b = 55":
> 1. Find the first/lowest sorting "a" value in the index. Let's say
> that it's "Aardvark".
> 2. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b = 55", possibly
> returning some matches.
> 3. Find the next value after "Aardvark" in the index using a probe
> like the one we'd use for a qual "WHERE a > 'Aardvark'". Let's say
> that it turns out to be "Abacus".
> 4. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Abacus' and b = 55"...
> ... (repeat these steps until we've exhaustively processed every
> existing "a" value in the index)...

Ah, OK. So we do probe the index like this. I was under the impression
we don't do that. But yeah, this makes sense.

> The second way of explaining it, which focuses on how the skip arrays
> advance. Same query (and really the same behavior) as in the first
> explanation:
> 1. Skip array's initial value is the sentinel -inf, which cannot
> possibly match any real index tuple, but can still guide the search.
> So we search for tuples "WHERE a = -inf AND b = 55" (actually we don't
> include the "b = 55" part, since it is unnecessary, but conceptually
> it's a part of what we search for within _bt_first).
> 2. Find that the index has no "a" values matching -inf (it inevitably
> cannot have any matches for -inf), but we do locate the next highest
> match. The closest matching value is "Aardvark". The skip array on "a"
> therefore advances from -inf to "Aardvark".
> 3. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b = 55", possibly
> returning some matches.
> 4. Reach tuples after the last match for "WHERE a = 'Aardvark' and b =
> 55", which will cause us to advance the array on "a" incrementally
> inside _bt_advance_array_keys (just like it would if there was a
> standard SAOP array on "a" instead). The skip array on "a" therefore
> advances from "Aardvark" to "Aardvark" +infinitesimal (we need to use
> sentinel values for this text column, which lacks skip support).
> 5. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Aardvark'+infinitesimal and b = 55",
> which cannot possibly find matches, but, again, can reposition the
> scan as needed. We can't find an exact match, of course, but we do
> locate the next closest match -- which is "Abacus", again. So the skip
> array now advances from "Aardvark" +infinitesimal to "Abacus". The
> sentinel values are made up values, but that doesn't change anything.
> (And, again, we don't include the "b = 55" part here, for the same
> reason as before.)
> 6. Look for matches "WHERE a = 'Abacus' and b = 55"...
> ...(repeat these steps as many times as required)...

Yeah, this makes more sense. Thanks.

> In summary:
> Even index columns that lack skip support get to "increment" (or
> "decrement") their arrays by using sentinel values that represent -inf
> (or +inf for backwards scans), as well as sentinels that represent
> concepts such as "Aardvark" +infinitesimal (or "Zebra" -infinitesimal
> for backwards scans, say). This scheme sounds contradictory, because
> in one sense it allows every skip array to be incremented, but in
> another sense it makes it okay that we don't have a type-specific way
> to increment values for many individual types/opclasses.
> Inventing these sentinel values allows _bt_advance_array_keys to reason about
> arrays without really having to care about which kinds of arrays are
> involved, their order relative to each other, etc. In a certain sense,
> we don't really need explicit "next key" probes of the kind that the
> MDAM paper contemplates, though we do still require the same index
> accesses as a design with explicit accesses.
> Does that make sense?

Yes, it does. Most of my confusion was caused by my belief that we can't
probe the index for the next value without "incrementing" the current
value, but that was a silly idea.

> Obviously, if we did add skip support for text, it would be very
> unlikely to help performance. Sure, one can imagine incrementing from
> "Aardvark" to "Aardvarl" using dedicated opclass infrastructure, but
> that isn't very helpful. You're almost certain to end up accessing the
> same pages with such a scheme, anyway. What are the chances of an
> index with a leading text column actually containing tuples matching
> (say) "WHERE a = 'Aardvarl' and b = 55"? The chances are practically
> zero. Whereas if the column "a" happens to use a discrete type such as
> integer or date, then skip support is likely to help: there's a decent
> chance that a value generated by incrementing the last value
> (and I mean incrementing it for real) will find a real match when
> combined with the user-supplied "b" predicate.
> It might be possible to add skip support for text, but there wouldn't
> be much point.

Stupid question - so why does it make sense for types like int? There
can also be a lot of values between the current and the next value, so
why would that be very different from "incrementing" a text value?

>> I think it'd help if I go through the results and try to prepare some
>> reproducers, to make it easier for you. After all, it's my script and
>> you'd have to reverse engineer some of it.
> Yes, that would be helpful.
> I'll probably memorialize the problem by writing my own minimal test
> case for it. I'm using the same TDD approach for this project as was
> used for the related Postgres 17 project.

Sure. Still, giving you a reproducer should make it easier .

>> This is on exactly the same data, after dropping caches and restarting
>> the instance. So there should be no caching effects. Yet, there's a
>> pretty clear difference - the total number of buffers is the same, but
>> the patched version has many more hits. Yet it's slower. Weird, right?
> Yes, it's weird. It seems likely that you've found an unambiguous bug,
> not just a "regular" performance regression. The regressions that I
> already know about aren't nearly this bad. So it seems like you have
> the right general idea about what to expect, and it seems like your
> approach to testing the patch is effective.

Yeah, it's funny. It's not the first time I start stress testing a patch
only to stumble over some pre-existing issues ... ;-)


Tomas Vondra

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 9:45 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> 3) restart cluster, drop caches
> 4) run the query from the SQL script
> I suspect you don't do (3). I didn't mention this explicitly, my message
> only said "with uncached data", so maybe that's the problem?

You're right that I didn't do step 3 here. I'm generally in the habit
of using fully cached data when testing this kind of work.

The only explanation I can think of is that (at least on your
hardware) OS readahead helps the master branch more than skipping
helps the patch. That's surprising, but I guess it's possible here
because skip scan only needs to access about every third page. And
because this particular index was generated by CREATE INDEX, and so
happens to have a strong correlation between key space order and
physical block order. And probably because this is an index-only scan.

> I wasn't suggesting it's a sympathetic case for skipscan. My point is
> that it perfectly matches the costing assumptions, i.e. columns are
> independent etc. But if it's not sympathetic, maybe the cost shouldn't
> be 1/5 of cost from master?

The costing is pretty accurate if we assume cached data, though --
which is what the planner will actually assume. In any case, is that
really the only problem you see here? That the costing might be
inaccurate because it fails to account for some underlying effect,
such as the influence of OS readhead?

Let's assume for a moment that the regression is indeed due to
readahead effects, and that we deem it to be unacceptable. What can be
done about it? I have a really hard time thinking of a fix, since by
most conventional measures skip scan is indeed much faster here.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Tomas Vondra
On 9/20/24 16:21, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 9:45 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
>> 3) restart cluster, drop caches
>> 4) run the query from the SQL script
>> I suspect you don't do (3). I didn't mention this explicitly, my message
>> only said "with uncached data", so maybe that's the problem?
> You're right that I didn't do step 3 here. I'm generally in the habit
> of using fully cached data when testing this kind of work.
> The only explanation I can think of is that (at least on your
> hardware) OS readahead helps the master branch more than skipping
> helps the patch. That's surprising, but I guess it's possible here
> because skip scan only needs to access about every third page. And
> because this particular index was generated by CREATE INDEX, and so
> happens to have a strong correlation between key space order and
> physical block order. And probably because this is an index-only scan.

Good idea. Yes, it does seem to be due to readahead - if I disable that,
the query takes ~320ms on master and ~280ms with the patch.

>> I wasn't suggesting it's a sympathetic case for skipscan. My point is
>> that it perfectly matches the costing assumptions, i.e. columns are
>> independent etc. But if it's not sympathetic, maybe the cost shouldn't
>> be 1/5 of cost from master?
> The costing is pretty accurate if we assume cached data, though --
> which is what the planner will actually assume. In any case, is that
> really the only problem you see here? That the costing might be
> inaccurate because it fails to account for some underlying effect,
> such as the influence of OS readhead?
> Let's assume for a moment that the regression is indeed due to
> readahead effects, and that we deem it to be unacceptable. What can be
> done about it? I have a really hard time thinking of a fix, since by
> most conventional measures skip scan is indeed much faster here.

It does seem to be due to readahead, and the costing not accounting for
these effects. And I don't think it's unacceptable - I don't think we
consider readahead elsewhere, and it certainly is not something I'd
expect this patch to fix. So I think it's fine.

Ultimately, I think this should be "fixed" by explicitly prefetching
pages. My index prefetching patch won't really help, because AFAIK this
is about index pages. And I don't know how feasible it is.


Tomas Vondra

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 10:07 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> Yes, I think backpatching to 17 would be fine. I'd be worried about
> maybe disrupting some monitoring in production systems, but for 17 that
> shouldn't be a problem yet. So fine with me.

I'll commit minimal changes to _bt_first that at least make the
counters consistent, then. I'll do so soon.

> FWIW I wonder how likely is it that someone has some sort of alerting
> tied to this counter. I'd bet few people do. It's probably more about a
> couple people looking at explain plans, but they'll be confused even if
> we change that only starting with 17.

On 17 the behavior in this area is totally different, either way.

> Ah, OK. So we do probe the index like this. I was under the impression
> we don't do that. But yeah, this makes sense.

Well, we don't have *explicit* next-key probes. If you think of values
like "Aardvark" + infinitesimal as just another array value (albeit
one that requires a little special handling in _bt_first), then there
are no explicit probes. There are no true special cases required.

Maybe this sounds like a very academic point. I don't think that it
is, though. Bear in mind that even when _bt_first searches for index
tuples matching a value like "Aardvark" + infinitesimal, there's some
chance that _bt_search will return a leaf page with tuples that the
index scan ultimately returns. And so there really is no "separate
explicit probe" of the kind the MDAM paper contemplates.

When this happens, we won't get any exact matches for the sentinel
search value, but there could still be matches for (say) "WHERE a =
'Abacus' AND b = 55" on that same leaf page. In general, repositioning
the scan to later "within" the 'Abacus' index tuples might not be
required -- our initial position (based on the sentinel search key)
could be "close enough". This outcome is more likely to happen if the
query happened to be written "WHERE b = 1", rather than "WHERE b =

> Yes, it does. Most of my confusion was caused by my belief that we can't
> probe the index for the next value without "incrementing" the current
> value, but that was a silly idea.

It's not a silly idea, I think. Technically that understanding is
fairly accurate -- we often *do* have to "increment" to get to the
next value (though reading the next value from an index tuple and then
repositioning using it with later/less significant scan keys is the
other possibility).

Incrementing is always possible, even without skip support, because we
can always fall back on +infinitesimal style sentinel values (AKA
SK_BT_NEXTPRIOR values). That's the definitional sleight-of-hand that
allows _bt_advance_array_keys to not have to think about skip arrays
as a special case, regardless of whether or not they happen to have
skip support.

> > It might be possible to add skip support for text, but there wouldn't
> > be much point.
> >
> Stupid question - so why does it make sense for types like int? There
> can also be a lot of values between the current and the next value, so
> why would that be very different from "incrementing" a text value?

Not a stupid question at all. You're right; it'd be the same.

Obviously, there are at least some workloads (probably most) where any
int columns will contain values that are more or less fully
contiguous. I also expect there to be some workloads where int columns
appear in B-Tree indexes that contain values with large gaps between
neighboring values (e.g., because the integers are hash values). We'll
always use skip support for any omitted prefix int column (same with
any opclass that offers skip support), but we can only expect to see a
benefit in the former "dense" cases -- never in the latter "sparse"

The MDAM paper talks about an adaptive strategy for dense columns and
sparse columns. I don't see any point in that, and assume that it's
down to some kind of implementation deficiencies in NonStop SQL back
in the 1990s. I can just always use skip support in the hope that
integer column data will turn out to be "sparse" because there's no
downside to being optimistic about it. The access patterns are exactly
the same as they'd be with skip support disabled.

My "academic point" about not having *explicit* next-key probes might
make more sense now. This is the thing that makes it okay to always be
optimistic about types with skip support containing "dense" data.

FWIW I actually have skip support for the UUID opclass. I implemented
it to have test coverage for pass-by-reference types in certain code
paths, but it's otherwise I don't expect it to be useful -- in
practice all UUID columns contain "sparse" data. There's still no real
downside to it, though. (I wouldn't try to do it with text because
it'd be much harder to implement skip support correctly, especially
with collated text.)

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 10:59 AM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 10:07 AM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:
> > Yes, I think backpatching to 17 would be fine. I'd be worried about
> > maybe disrupting some monitoring in production systems, but for 17 that
> > shouldn't be a problem yet. So fine with me.
> I'll commit minimal changes to _bt_first that at least make the
> counters consistent, then. I'll do so soon.

Pushed, thanks

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 4:58 PM Matthias van de Meent
<> wrote:
> This is a review on v11, not the latest v13. I suspect most comments
> still apply, but I haven't verified this.

v11 is indeed quite similar to v13, so this shouldn't really matter.

> I'm a bit concerned about the additional operations that are being
> added to the scan. Before this patch, the amount of work in the
> "horizontal" portion of the scan was limited to user-supplied
> scankeys, so O(1) even when the index condition is only (f < 7). But,
> with this patch, we're adding work for (a=, b=, c=, etc.) for every
> tuple in the scan.

There's no question that there are still some cases where this cannot
possibly pay for itself. And that just isn't acceptable -- no
arguments here.

> As these new "skip array" keys are primarily useful for inter-page
> coordination (by determining if we want to start a primitive scan to
> skip to a different page and which value range that primitive scan
> would search for, or continue on to the next sibling), can't we only
> apply the "skip array" portion of the code at the final tuple we
> access on this page?

I plan on doing something like that. I'll need to.

AFAICT I only need to avoid wasting CPU cycles here -- there are no
notable regressions from performing excessive amounts of index
descents, as far as I can tell. And so I plan on doing this without
fundamentally changing anything about the current design.

In particular, I want the performance to remain robust in cases where
the best strategy varies significantly as the scan progresses -- even
when we need to strongly favor skipping at first, and then strongly
favor staying/not skipping later on (all during the same individual
index scan). I really like that the current design gets that part

> While this section already defines some things about index scans which
> seem btree-specific, I don't think we should add more references to
> btree scan internals in a section about bitmaps and bitmap index
> scans.

This section of the docs discusses the trade-off between multiple
single column indexes, and fewer multi-column indexes. How could skip
scan not be relevant to such a discussion? One of the main benefits of
skip scan is that it'll allow users to get by with fewer indexes.

> > +++ b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtree.c
> [...]
> > -    slock_t        btps_mutex;        /* protects above variables, btps_arrElems */
> > +    LWLock        btps_lock;        /* protects above variables, btps_arrElems */
> Why is this changed to LWLock, when it's only ever acquired exclusively?

In general one should never do more than an extremely small, tightly
controlled amount of work with a spinlock held. It's now possible that
we'll allocate memory with the lock held -- doing that with a spinlock
held is an obvious no-no. We really need to use an LWLock for this
stuff now, on general principle.

> > +btestimateparallelscan(Relation rel, int nkeys, int norderbys)
> I notice you're using DatumSerialize. Are there reasons why we
> wouldn't want to use heap_fill_tuple, which generally produces much
> more compact output?

heap_fill_tuple doesn't support the notion of -inf and +inf scan key
sentinel values. Plus I'm inclined to use DatumSerialize because it's
more or less designed for this kind of problem.

> Also, I think you can limit the space usage to BLCKSZ in total,
> because a full index tuple can't be larger than 1/3rd of a block; and
> for skip scans we'll only have known equality bounds for a prefix of
> attributes available in the index tuples, and a single (?)
> index-produced dynamic attribute we want to skip ahead of. So, IIUC,
> at most we'll have 2 index tuples' worth of data, or 2/3 BLCKSZ.
> Right?

Possibly, but who wants to take a chance? The scheme you're describing
only saves memory when there's 3 skip arrays, which is fairly unlikely
in general.

I think that the approach taken to serializing the array keys should
be as conservative as possible. It's not particularly likely that
we'll want to do a parallel skip scan. It's rather hard to test those
code paths.

> I needed to look up what this 'cons up' thing is, as it wasn't
> something that I'd seen before. It also seems used exclusively in
> btree code, and only after the array keys patch, so I think it'd be
> better in general to use 'construct' here.

FWIW I wasn't the first person to use the term in the nbtree code.

I think you're right, though. It is a needlessly obscure term that is
only known to Lisp hackers. I'll fix it.

> > +++ b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtcompare.c
> The changes here are essentially 6x the same code, but for different
> types. What do you think about the attached
> 0001-Deduplicate[...].patch.txt, which has the same effect but with
> only 1 copy of the code checked in?

Reminds me of the approach taken by this extension:

I do find the need to write so much boilerplate code for B-Tree
opclasses annoying. I also find it annoying that the nbtree code
insists on being as forgiving as possible with incomplete opfamilies.
But those problems seem out of scope here -- not like I'm really
making it any worse.

> > +++b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
> [...]
> > +_bt_decide_skipatts(IndexScanDesc scan, BTSkipPreproc *skipatts)
> Why does this stop processing keys after hitting a row compare?

Why not? It's not ideal, but there are a number of things about
RowCompare scan keys that are already less than ideal. We don't even
try to do any kind of preprocessing that involves RowCompares --
they're already a slightly awkward special case to the nbtree code.

> Doesn't skip scan still apply to any subsequent normal keys? E.g.
> "c=1" creates a scan "a=skip, b=skip, c=1", so "(a, b)>(1, 2), c=1"
> should IMO still allow a skip scan for a=skip, b=1 to be constructed -
> it shouldn't be that we get a much less specific (and potentially,
> performant) scan just by adding a rowcompare scankey on early
> attributes.

It's just awkward to get it to work as expected, while still
preserving all of the useful properties of the design.

Your "(a, b)>(1,2)" scan key returns rows matching:

WHERE (a = 1 AND b > 2) OR (a > 1)

And so your complete "(a, b)>(1,2) AND c = 1" qual returns rows matching:

WHERE ((a = 1 AND b > 2) OR (a > 1)) AND c = 1

It is difficult to imagine how the existing design for skip arrays can
be extended to support this kind of qual, though. I guess we'd still
need skip arrays on both "a" and "b" here, though. Right?

The "b" skip array would be restricted to a range of values between 3
and +inf inclusive, if and only if we were still on the "a" skip
array's first array element (i.e. iff "a = 1" the "b" has a valid
low_compare). Otherwise (i.e. when "a > 1"), the "b" skip array
wouldn't be constrained by any low_compare inequality. So
low_compare/high_compare only apply conditionally, in a world where we
support these kinds of RowCompare quals. Right now I can avoid the
problem by refusing to allow "c = 1" to ever be marked required (by
never creating any skip array on an index attribute >= an attribute
with a RowCompare key on input).

Obviously, the current design of skip arrays involves arrays that are
always constrained by the same range/low_compare and high_compare
inequalities, independent of any other factor/any wider context. It's
not impossible to make something like your RowCompare case work, but
it'd be very significantly more complicated than the existing design.
Though not all that much more useful.

Doing something like this might make sense in the context of a project
that adds support for the MDAM paper's "General OR Optimization"
transformations -- RowCompare support would only be a bonus. I don't
see any opportunities to target RowCompare as independent work --
seems as if RowCompare quals aren't significantly simpler than what is
required to support very general MDAM OR optimizations.

> > _bt_preprocess_array_keys
> > -                output_ikey = 0;
> > +                numArrayKeyData,
> > +                numSkipArrayKeys;
> I don't think numArrayKeyData/arrayKeyData are good names here, as it
> confused me many times reviewing this function's changes.

The code in this area actually did change recently, though I didn't announce it.

> On a scankey
> of a=1,b=2 we won't have any array keys, yet this variable is set to
> 2. Something like numOutputKeys is probably more accurate.

That's not accurate. _bt_preprocess_array_keys() sets
*new_numberOfKeys on output. When there are no array keys (of either
type) to be output, _bt_preprocess_array_keys will just return NULL --
it won't have changed the *new_numberOfKeys passed by its
_bt_preprocess_keys caller when it returns NULL.

In other words, when _bt_preprocess_array_keys determines that there
are no array keys to process (neither SAOP arrays nor skip arrays), it
won't modify anything, and won't return an alternative
input-to-_bt_preprocess_keys scan key array. _bt_preprocess_keys will
work directly off of the scan->keyData[] input scan keys passed by the
executor proper.

> > +        /* Create a skip array and scan key where indicated by skipatts */
> > +        while (numSkipArrayKeys &&
> > +               attno_skip <= scan->keyData[input_ikey].sk_attno)
> > +        {
> > +            Oid            opcintype = rel->rd_opcintype[attno_skip - 1];
> > +            Oid            collation = rel->rd_indcollation[attno_skip - 1];
> > +            Oid            eq_op = skipatts[attno_skip - 1].eq_op;
> > +            RegProcedure cmp_proc;
> > +
> > +            if (!OidIsValid(eq_op))
> > +            {
> > +                /* won't skip using this attribute */
> > +                attno_skip++;
> Isn't this branch impossible, given that numSkipArrayKeys is output
> from _bt_decide_skipatts, whose output won't contain skipped
> attributes which have eq_op=InvalidOid? I'd replace this with
> Assert(OidIsValid(eq_op)).

It's very possible to hit this code path -- we'll hit this code path
every time an explicit "=" input scan key appears before an attribute
that requires a skip array (which happens whenever there's a third,
later column that we'll be able to mark required thanks to the skip

Note that BTSkipPreproc.eq_op is the "= op to be used to add array, if
any". And so when we see !OidIsValid(eq_op) in this loop, it means
"this is for an index attribute that we don't want to add a skip array
to" (though, as I said, a later attribute is expected to get a skip
array when this happens).

> > _bt_rewind_nonrequired_arrays
> What types of scan keys can still generate non-required array keys?

Right now it's:

1. As you said, certain cases involving RowCompare scan keys.
2. Cases involving B-Tree operator classes that don't even have a "="
operator (yes, technically those are supported!).

Also seems possible that I'll end up relying on our support for
non-required arrays when I go fix those regressions. Seems possible
that I'll get rid of the explicit SK_BT_REQFWD/SK_BT_REQBKWD markings,
and go back to treating scan keys as required based on context (a
little like how things were prior to commit 7ccaf13a06).

> It seems to me those are now mostly impossible, as this patch generates
> required skip arrays for all attributes that don't yet have an
> equality key and which are ahead of any (in)equality keys, except the
> case with row compare keys which I already commented on above.

I agree that non-required arrays become an obscure edge case with the
patch, having been reasonably common before now (well, they were
common in Postgres 17). I don't think that that provides us with any
opportunities to get rid of unneeded code.

> > utils/skipsupport.[ch]
> I'm not sure why this is included in utils - isn't this exclusively
> used in access/nbtree/*?

The location of skip support is based on (though slightly different
to) the location of sort support. In general many B-Tree opclasses are
implemented in or around src/utils/adt/*. The exception is all of the
stuff in nbtcompare.c, though I always found that weird (I wouldn't
mind getting rid of nbtcompare.c by relocating its code places like
int.c and int8.c).

> > +++ b/src/include/access/nbtree.h
> BTArrayKeyInfo explodes in size, from 24B to 88B. I think some of that
> is necessary, but should it really be that large?

I'm disinclined to do anything about it right now.

I'll make a note of it, and review when the most important performance
problems are fixed.

Thanks for the review
Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Masahiro Ikeda
On 2024-11-21 04:40, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 4:04 AM Masahiro Ikeda 
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your quick response!
> Attached is v16. This is similar to v15, but the new
> v16-0003-Fix-regressions* patch to fix the regressions is much less
> buggy, and easier to understand.
> Unlike v15, the experimental patch in v16 doesn't change anything
> about which index pages are read by the scan -- not even in corner
> cases. It is 100% limited to fixing the CPU overhead of maintaining
> skip arrays uselessly *within* a leaf page. My extensive test suite
> passes; it no longer shows any changes in "Buffers: N" for any of the
> EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) ... output that the tests look at. This is
> what I'd expect.
> I think that it will make sense to commit this patch as a separate
> commit, immediately after skip scan itself is committed. It makes it
> clear that, at least in theory, the new v16-0003-Fix-regressions*
> patch doesn't change any behavior that's visible to code outside of
> _bt_readpage/_bt_checkkeys/_bt_advance_array_keys.

Thanks for the update! I'll look into the details and understand the
approach to the commit.

>> I didn't come up with the idea. At first glance, your idea seems good
>> for all cases.
> My approach of conditioning the new "beyondskip" behavior on
> "has_skip_array && beyond_end_advance" is at least a good start.
> The idea behind conditioning this behavior on having at least one
> beyond_end_advance array advancement is pretty simple: in practice
> that almost never happens during skip scans that actually end up
> skipping (either via another _bt_first that redesends the index, or
> via skipping "within the page" using the
> _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead/pstate->skip mechanism). So that definitely
> seems like a good general heuristic. It just isn't sufficient on its
> own, as you have shown.

Yes, I think so. This idea can make the worst-case execution time of a
skip scan almost the same as that of a full index scan.

>> Actually, test.sql shows a performance improvement, and the 
>> performance
>> is almost the same as the master's seqscan. To be precise, the 
>> master's
>> performance is 10-20% better than the v15 patch because the seqscan is
>> executed in parallel. However, the v15 patch is twice as fast as when
>> seqscan is not executed in parallel.
> I think that that's a good result, overall.
> Bear in mind that a case such as this might receive a big performance
> benefit if it can skip only once or twice. It's almost impossible to
> model those kinds of effects within the optimizer's cost model, but
> they're still important effects.
> FWIW, I notice that your "t" test table is 35 MB, whereas its t_idx
> index is 21 MB. That's not very realistic (the index size is usually a
> smaller fraction of the table size than we see here), which probably
> partly explains why the planner likes parallel sequential scan for
> this.

Yes, I agree that the above case is not realistic. If anything, the
purpose of this case might be to simply find regression scenarios.

One possible use case I can think of is enforcing a unique constraint
on all columns. However, such cases are probably very rare.

> I have an experimental fix in mind for this case. One not-very-good
> way to fix this new problem seems to work:
> diff --git a/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
> b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
> index b70b58e0c..ddae5f2a1 100644
> --- a/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
> +++ b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
> @@ -3640,7 +3640,7 @@ _bt_advance_array_keys(IndexScanDesc scan,
> BTReadPageState *pstate,
>       * for skip scan, and stop maintaining the scan's skip arrays 
> until we
>       * reach the page's finaltup, if any.
>       */
> -    if (has_skip_array && beyond_end_advance &&
> +    if (has_skip_array && !all_required_satisfied &&
>          !has_required_opposite_direction_skip && pstate->finaltup)
>          pstate->beyondskip = true;
> However, a small number of my test cases now fail. And (I assume) this
> approach has certain downsides on leaf pages where we're now too quick
> to stop maintaining skip arrays.

Since I've built with the above change and executed make check, I found
that there is an assertion error, which may not be related to what you 

* the reproducible simple query (you can see the original query in 
   select * from pg_proc
    where proname in (
    and pronamespace = 11;

* the assertion error
   TRAP: failed Assert("sktrig_required && required"), File: 
"nbtutils.c", Line: 3375, PID: 362411

While investigating the error, I thought we might need to consider 
whether key->sk_flags does not have SK_BT_SKIP. The assertion error 
occurs because
requiredSameDir doesn't become true since proname does not have 

+        if (beyondskip)
+        {
+            /*
+             * "Beyond end advancement" skip scan optimization.
+             *
+             * Just skip over any skip array scan keys.  Treat all other scan
+             * keys as not required for the scan to continue.
+             */
+            Assert(!prechecked);
+            if (key->sk_flags & SK_BT_SKIP)
+                continue;
+        }
+        else if (((key->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQFWD) && 
ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)) ||
+                 ((key->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQBKWD) && ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir)))
              requiredSameDir = true;

> What I really need to do next is to provide a vigorous argument for
> why the new pstate->beyondskip behavior is correct. I'm already
> imposing restrictions on range skip arrays in v16 of the patch --
> that's what the "!has_required_opposite_direction_skip" portion of the
> test is about. But it still feels too ad-hoc.
> I'm a little worried that these restrictions on range skip arrays will
> themselves be the problem for some other kind of query. Imagine a
> query like this:
> SELECT * FROM t WHERE id1 BETWEEN 0 AND 1_000_000 AND id2 = 1
> This is probably going to be regressed due to the aforementioned
> "!has_required_opposite_direction_skip" restriction. Right now I don't
> fully understand what restrictions are truly necessary, though. More
> research is needed.
> I think for v17 I'll properly fix all of the regressions that you've
> complained about so far, including the most recent "SELECT * FROM t
> WHERE id2 = 1_000_000" regression. Hopefully the best fix for this
> other "WHERE id1 BETWEEN 0 AND 1_000_000 AND id2 = 1" regression will
> become clearer once I get that far. What do you think?

To be honest, I don't fully understand 
and its context at the moment. Please give me some time to understand 
and I'd like to provide feedback afterward.

FWIW, the optimization is especially important for types that don't 
'skipsupport', like 'real'. Although the example case I provided uses 
types, they (like 'real') tend to have many different values and high
cardinality, which means the possibility of skip scan working 
can be low.

>> There may be a better way, such as the new idea you suggested, and I
>> think there
>> is room for discussion regarding how far we should go in handling
>> regressions,
>> regardless of whether we choose to accept regressions or sacrifice the
>> benefits of
>> skip scan to address them.
> There are definitely lots more options to address these regressions.
> For example, we could have the planner hint that it thinks that skip
> scan won't be a good idea, without that actually changing the basic
> choices that nbtree makes about which pages it needs to scan (only how
> to scan each individual leaf page). Or, we could remember that the
> previous page used "pstate-> beyondskip" each time _bt_readpage reads
> another page. I could probably think of 2 or 3 more ideas like that,
> if I had to.
> However, the problem is not a lack of ideas IMV. The important
> trade-off is likely to be the trade-off between how effectively we can
> avoid these regressions versus how much complexity each approach
> imposes. My guess is that complexity is more likely to impose limits
> on us than overall feasibility.

OK, I think you're right.

Masahiro Ikeda

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Masahiro Ikeda
> On 2024-11-21 17:47, Masahiro Ikeda wrote:
>> On 2024-11-21 04:40, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
>> diff --git a/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
>> b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
>> index b70b58e0c..ddae5f2a1 100644
>> --- a/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
>> +++ b/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c
>> @@ -3640,7 +3640,7 @@ _bt_advance_array_keys(IndexScanDesc scan,
>> BTReadPageState *pstate,
>>       * for skip scan, and stop maintaining the scan's skip arrays 
>> until we
>>       * reach the page's finaltup, if any.
>>       */
>> -    if (has_skip_array && beyond_end_advance &&
>> +    if (has_skip_array && !all_required_satisfied &&
>>          !has_required_opposite_direction_skip && pstate->finaltup)
>>          pstate->beyondskip = true;
>> However, a small number of my test cases now fail. And (I assume) this
>> approach has certain downsides on leaf pages where we're now too quick
>> to stop maintaining skip arrays.
> Since I've built with the above change and executed make check, I found
> that there is an assertion error, which may not be related to what you 
> pointed
> out.
> * the reproducible simple query (you can see the original query in
> opr_sanity.sql).
>   select * from pg_proc
>     where proname in (
>       'lo_lseek64',
>       'lo_truncate',
>       'lo_truncate64')
>     and pronamespace = 11;
> * the assertion error
>   TRAP: failed Assert("sktrig_required && required"), File:
> "nbtutils.c", Line: 3375, PID: 362411
> While investigating the error, I thought we might need to consider
> whether key->sk_flags does not have SK_BT_SKIP. The assertion error
> occurs because
> requiredSameDir doesn't become true since proname does not have 
> +        if (beyondskip)
> +        {
> +            /*
> +             * "Beyond end advancement" skip scan optimization.
> +             *
> +             * Just skip over any skip array scan keys.  Treat all other scan
> +             * keys as not required for the scan to continue.
> +             */
> +            Assert(!prechecked);
> +
> +            if (key->sk_flags & SK_BT_SKIP)
> +                continue;
> +        }
> +        else if (((key->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQFWD) && 
> ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)) ||
> +                 ((key->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQBKWD) && 
> ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir)))
>              requiredSameDir = true;

My previous investigation was incorrect, sorry. IIUC, 
should return false as soon as possible with continuescan=true after the
tuple fails the key check when beyondskip=true, rather than setting
requiredSameDir to true. Because it has already been triggered to 
a full index scan for the page.

Though the change fixes the assertion error in 'make check', there are 
cases where the number of return values is incorrect. I would also like 
continue investigating.

Masahiro Ikeda

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Masahiro Ikeda
On 2024-11-23 07:34, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 4:17 AM Masahiro Ikeda 
> <> wrote:
>> Though the change fixes the assertion error in 'make check', there are
>> still
>> cases where the number of return values is incorrect. I would also 
>> like
>> to
>> continue investigating.
> Thanks for taking a look at that! I've come up with a better approach,
> though (sorry about how quickly this keeps changing!). See the
> attached new revision, v17.
> I'm now calling the new optimization from the third patch the
> "skipskip" optimization. I believe that v17 will fix those bugs that
> you saw -- let me know if those are gone now. It also greatly improves
> the situation with regressions (more on that later).
> New approach
> ------------
> Before now, I was trying to preserve the usual invariants that we have
> for the scan's array keys: the array keys must "track the progress" of
> the scan through the index's key space -- that's what those
> _bt_tuple_before_array_skeys precondition and postcondition asserts
> inside _bt_advance_array_keys verify for us (these assertions have
> proven very valuable, both now and during the earlier Postgres 17
> nbtree SAOP project). My original approach (to managing the overhead
> of maintaining skip arrays in adversarial/unsympathetic cases) was
> overly complicated, inflexible, and brittle.
> It's simpler (much simpler) to allow the scan to temporarily forget
> about the invariants: once the "skipskip" optimization is activated,
> we don't care about the rules that require that "the array keys track
> progress through the key space" -- not until _bt_readpage actually
> reaches the page's finaltup. Then _bt_readpage can handle the problem
> using a trick that we already use elsewhere (e.g., in btrestrpos):
> _bt_readpage just calls _bt_start_array_keys to get the array keys to
> their initial positions (in the current scan direction), before
> calling _bt_checkkeys for finaltup in the usual way.
> Under this scheme, the _bt_checkkeys call for finaltup will definitely
> call _bt_advance_array_keys to advance the array keys to the correct
> place (the correct place when scanning forward is ">= finaltup in the
> key space"). The truly essential thing is that we never accidentally
> allow the array keys to "prematurely get ahead of the scan's tuple in
> the keyspace" -- that leads to wrong answers to queries once we reach
> the next page. But the arrays can be allowed to temporarily remain
> *before* the scan's tuples without consequence (it's safe when the
> skipskip optimization is in effect, at least, since the _bt_checkkeys
> calls treat everything as a non-required key, and so
> _bt_checkkeys/_bt_advance_array_keys will never expect any non-skipped
> SAOP arrays to tells them anything about the scan's progress through
> the index's key space -- there'll be no unsafe "cur_elem_trig" binary
> searches, for example).
> This approach also allowed me to restore all of the assertions in
> nbtutils.c to their original form. That was important to me -- those
> assertions have saved me quite a few times.
> Regressions, performance improvements
> -------------------------------------
> As I touched on briefly already, the new approach is also
> significantly *faster* than the master branch in certain "adversarial"
> cases (this is explained in the next paragraph). Overall, all of the
> cases that were unacceptably regressed before now, that I know of
> (e.g., all of the cases that you brought to my attention so far,
> Masahiro) are either significantly faster, or only very slightly
> slower. The regressions that we still have in v17 are probably
> acceptable -- though clearly I still have a lot of performance
> validation work to do before reaching a final conclusion about
> regressions.
> I also attach a variant of your test_for_v15.sql test case, Masahiro.
> I used this to do some basic performance validation of this latest
> version of the patch -- it'll give you a general sense of where we are
> with regressions, and will also show those "adversarial" cases that
> end up significantly faster than the master branch with v17.
> Significant improvements are sometimes seen because the "skipskip"
> optimization replaces the requiredOppositeDirOnly optimization (see
> commit e0b1ee17dc for context). We can do better than the existing
> requiredOppositeDirOnly optimizations because we can skip more
> individual scan key comparisons. For example, with this query:
> SELECT * FROM t WHERE id1 BETWEEN 0 AND 1_000_000 AND id2 = 1_000_000
> This goes from taking ~25ms with a warm cache on master, to only
> taking ~17ms on v17 of the patch series. I wasn't really trying to
> make anything faster, here -- it's a nice bonus.
> There are 3 scan keys involved here, when the query is run on the
> master branch: "id1 >= 0", "id1 <= 1_000_000", and "id2 = 1_000_000".
> The existing requiredOppositeDirOnly optimization doesn't work because
> only one page will ever have its pstate->first set to 'true' within
> _bt_readpage -- that's due to "id2 = 1_000_000" (a non-required scan
> key) only rarely evaluating to true. Whereas with skip scan (and its
> "skipskip" optimization), there are only 2 scan keys (well, sort of):
> the range skip array scan key on "id1", plus the "id2 = 1_000_000"
> scan key. We'll be able to skip over the range skip array scan key
> entirely with the "skipskip" optimization, so the range skip array's
> lower_bound and upper_bound "subsidiary" scan keys won't need to be
> evaluated more than once per affected leaf page. In other words, we'll
> still need to evaluate the "id2 = 1_000_000" against every tuple on
> every leaf page -- but we don't need to use the >= or <=
> subsidiary-to-skip-array scan keys (except once per page, to establish
> that the optimization is safe).

Thanks for updating the patch!

The approach looks good to me. In fact, the significant regressions I
reported have disappeared in my environment. And the test_for_v17.sql
shows that the performance of the master and the master with your 
is almost same.

One thing I am concerned about is that it reduces the cases where the
optimization of _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead() works effectively, as the 
skips the skip immediately on the first occurrence per page. But, I'd 
like to
take your approach because I prioritize stability.

FWIW, I conducted tests to understand the downside of 0003 patch. IIUC,
the worst-case scenario occurs when the first few tuples per page have 
different values for the first attribute, while the rest are the same 
value. The result
shows that the 0003 patch caused a 2x degradation in performance, 
although the
performance is faster than that of the master branch.

* master with 0001, 0002 and 0003 patch.
-- SET skipscan_prefix_cols=32
  Index Only Scan using t_idx on public.t  (cost=0.42..3576.58 rows=2712 
width=8) (actual time=0.019..15.107 rows=2717 loops=1)
    Output: id1, id2
    Index Cond: (t.id2 = 360)
    Index Searches: 2696
    Heap Fetches: 0
    Buffers: shared hit=8126
  Settings: effective_cache_size = '7932MB', work_mem = '15MB'
  Planning Time: 0.049 ms
  Execution Time: 15.203 ms
(9 rows)

* master with 0001 and 0002 patch. (without 0003 patch)
-- SET skipscan_prefix_cols=32
  Index Only Scan using t_idx on public.t  (cost=0.42..3576.55 rows=2709 
width=8) (actual time=
0.011..6.886 rows=2717 loops=1)
    Output: id1, id2
    Index Cond: (t.id2 = 360)
    Index Searches: 2696
    Heap Fetches: 0
    Buffers: shared hit=8126
  Settings: effective_cache_size = '7932MB', work_mem = '15MB'
  Planning Time: 0.062 ms
  Execution Time: 6.981 ms
(9 rows)

* the way to get the above result.
-- create table
CREATE unlogged TABLE t (id1 int, id2 int);
-- A special case where the 0003 patch performs poorly.
-- It inserts 367 index tuples per page, making only the first two id1
-- values different, and then makes the rest the same.
-- psql=# SELECT * FROM bt_page_stats('t_idx', 1);
-- -[ RECORD 1 ]-+-----
-- blkno         | 1
-- type          | l
-- live_items    | 367
-- dead_items    | 0
-- avg_item_size | 16
-- page_size     | 8192
-- free_size     | 808
-- btpo_prev     | 0
-- btpo_next     | 2
-- btpo_level    | 0
-- btpo_flags    | 1
   SELECT CASE WHEN i%368<3 THEN i%368+i/368*100 ELSE i/368*1000+10 END, 
   FROM generate_series(1, 1_000_000) s(i)
CREATE INDEX t_idx on t (id1, id2);

-- example data
SELECT * FROM t WHERE id2 > 365 LIMIT 10;

-- performance
SET skipscan_prefix_cols=32;
FROM t WHERE id2 = 360; -- cache
FROM t WHERE id2 = 360;
SET skipscan_prefix_cols=0;
FROM t WHERE id2 = 360;

Again, the above results are provided for reference, as I believe that
many users prioritize stability and I'd like to take your new approach.

Masahiro Ikeda

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Masahiro Ikeda
On 2024-11-26 07:32, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 4:07 AM Masahiro Ikeda 
> <> wrote:
>> One thing I am concerned about is that it reduces the cases where the
>> optimization of _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead() works effectively, as the
>> approach
>> skips the skip immediately on the first occurrence per page.
> I noticed that with the recent v17 revision of the patch, my original
> MDAM paper "sales_mdam_paper" test case (the complicated query in the
> introductory email of this thread) was about 2x slower. That's just
> not okay, obviously. But the issue was relatively easy to fix: it was
> fixed by making _bt_readpage not apply the "skipskip" optimization
> when on the first page for the current primitive index scan -- we
> already do this with the "precheck" optimization, so it's natural to
> do it with the "skipskip" optimization as well.
> The "sales_mdam_paper" test case involves thousands of primitive index
> scans that each access only one leaf page. But each leaf page returns
> 2 non-adjoining tuples, with quite a few non-matching tuples "in
> between" the matching tuples. There is one matching tuple for "store =
> 200", and another for "store = 250" -- and there's non-matching stores
> 201 - 249 between these two, which we want _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead to
> skip over. This is exactly the kind of case where the
> _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead() optimization is expected to help.

Great! Your new approach strikes a good balance between the trade-offs
of "skipskip" and "look ahead" optimization. Although the regression 
I provided seems to be a corner case, your regression case is realistic
and should be addressed.

>> Again, the above results are provided for reference, as I believe that
>> many users prioritize stability and I'd like to take your new 
>> approach.
> Adversarial cases specifically designed to "make the patch look bad"
> are definitely useful review feedback. Ideally, the patch will be 100%
> free of regressions -- no matter how unlikely (or even silly) they may
> seem. I always prefer to not have to rely on anybody's opinion of what
> is likely or unlikely.  :-)
> A quick test seems to show that this particular regression is more or
> less fixed by v18. As you said, the _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead stuff is
> the issue here (same with the MDAM sales query). You should confirm
> that the issue has actually been fixed, though.

Thanks to your new patch, I have confirmed that the issue is fixed.

I have no comments on the new patches. If I find any new regression
cases, I'll report them.

Masahiro Ikeda

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Heikki Linnakangas
On 03/01/2025 21:43, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> The newly revised "skipskip" optimization seems to get the regressions
> down to only a 5% - 10% increase in runtime across a wide variety of
> unsympathetic cases -- I'm now validating performance against a test
> suite based on the adversarial cases presented by Masahiro Ikeda on
> this thread. Although I think that I'll end up tuning the "skipskip"
> mechanism some more (I may have been too conservative in marginal
> cases that actually do benefit from skipping), I deem these
> regressions to be acceptable. They're only seen in the most
> unsympathetic cases, where an omitted leading column has groupings of
> no more than about 50 index tuples, making skipping pretty hopeless.

On my laptop, this is the worst case I could come up with:

create table skiptest as select g / 10 as a, g%10 as b from 
generate_series(1, 10000000) g;
vacuum freeze skiptest;
create index on skiptest (a, b);

set enable_seqscan=off; set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0;

\timing on

After repeating a few times, to warm the cache:

postgres=# select count(*) from skiptest where b=1;
(1 row)

Time: 202.501 ms

And after 'set skipscan_prefix_cols=0':

select count(*) from skiptest where b=1;
(1 row)

Time: 164.762 ms

EXPLAIN ANALYZE confirms that it uses an Index Only scan in both cases.

> I knew from the outset that the hardest part of this project would be
> avoiding regressions in highly unsympathetic cases. The regressions
> that are still there seem very difficult to minimize any further; the
> overhead that remains comes from the simple need to maintain the
> scan's skip arrays once per page, before leaving the page. Once a scan
> decides to apply the "skipskip" optimization, it tends to stick with
> it for all future leaf pages -- leaving only the overhead of checking
> the high key while advancing the scan's arrays. I've cut just about
> all that that I can reasonably cut from the hot code paths that are at
> issue with the regressed cases.

Hmm, looking at the code and profile with perf, a lot of code is 
executed per tuple. Just function calls, passing arguments, checking 
flags etc. I suspect you could shave off some cycles by structuring the 
code in a more compiler and branch-prediction friendly way. Or just with 
more aggressive inlining. Not sure what exactly to suggest, but the code 
of _bt_readpage() and all the subroutines it calls is complicated.

Aside from the performance of those routines, it doesn't feel very 
intuitive. _bt_checkkeys() not only checks the current keys, but it can 
also read ahead tuples on the same page and update the array keys.

One little thing I noticed by stepping with debugger is that it calls 
index_getattr() twice for the same tuple and attribute. First in 
_bt_check_compare(), and if that sets *continuescan=false, again in 
_bt_tuple_before_array_skeys(). The first index_getattr() call is 
certainly pretty expensive because that's where you get the cache miss 
on the tuple when scanning. Not sure if the second call matters much, 
but it feels like a bad smell.

The comment on _bt_tuple_before_array_skeys() says:

>  * readpagetup callers must only call here when _bt_check_compare already set
>  * continuescan=false.  We help these callers deal with _bt_check_compare's
>  * inability to distinguishing between the < and > cases (it uses equality
>  * operator scan keys, whereas we use 3-way ORDER procs)
That begs the question, why does _bt_check_compare() not call the 3-way 
ORDER proc in the first place? That would avoid the overhead of another 
call here.

Aside from these micro-optimizations, I wonder about the "look-ahead" 
logic in _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead. It feels pretty simplistic. Could you 
use Exponential Search 
( instead of a plain 
binary search on the page?

Heikki Linnakangas
Neon (

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 10:07 PM Heikki Linnakangas <> wrote:
> On my laptop, this is the worst case I could come up with:
> create table skiptest as select g / 10 as a, g%10 as b from
> generate_series(1, 10000000) g;
> vacuum freeze skiptest;
> create index on skiptest (a, b);
> set enable_seqscan=off; set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0;
> \timing on
> After repeating a few times, to warm the cache:
> postgres=# select count(*) from skiptest where b=1;
>    count
> ---------
>   1000000
> (1 row)

I can reproduce this. However, it should be noted that the regression
completely goes away if I make one small change to your test case: all
I need to do is make sure that the CREATE INDEX happens *before*
inserting any rows into the table. Once I do that, suffix truncation
tends to be quite a bit more effective. This makes all the difference
with your test case, since it encourages the existing heuristics
within _bt_advance_array_keys to do the right thing and stick on the
leaf level. That allows the "skipskip" mechanism to kick in as
expected, which doesn't seem to be happening when the index is built

Of course, this doesn't make your adversarial case invalid. But it
does suggest a solution: Maybe nbtsort.c could be taught to be more
careful about "picking a split point", matching the behavior of
nbtsplitloc.c. Alternatively, I could invent some new heuristics with
this issue in mind.

I already had an open item in my personal TODO. That open item
concerns backwards scans, which don't use the high key within
_bt_advance_array_keys. As such they cannot really expect to benefit
in the same way by my suggested changes to nbtsort.c.

Your adversarial case is probably exactly the same issue as the
backwards scan issue I plan on looking into, even though you used a
forward scan + CREATE INDEX. So I probably need a solution that'll
work just as well, regardless of how effective suffix truncation is
(since backwards scans will never have a "low key" to consider what's
likely to be on the next page in any case).

> Aside from the performance of those routines, it doesn't feel very
> intuitive. _bt_checkkeys() not only checks the current keys, but it can
> also read ahead tuples on the same page and update the array keys.

True. But none of that is new. That's all from Postgres 17.

> One little thing I noticed by stepping with debugger is that it calls
> index_getattr() twice for the same tuple and attribute. First in
> _bt_check_compare(), and if that sets *continuescan=false, again in
> _bt_tuple_before_array_skeys(). The first index_getattr() call is
> certainly pretty expensive because that's where you get the cache miss
> on the tuple when scanning. Not sure if the second call matters much,
> but it feels like a bad smell.

Possibly, but the right thing to do here is to just not maintain the
skip arrays at all. What's at issue with your test case is that the
scan doesn't quite manage to notice that that's what it should do. You
might still be right about this, but it is nevertheless true that this
*shouldn't* be relevant (it is relevant right now, but it's not hard
to see that it doesn't have to be relevant).

> The comment on _bt_tuple_before_array_skeys() says:
> >  * readpagetup callers must only call here when _bt_check_compare already set
> >  * continuescan=false.  We help these callers deal with _bt_check_compare's
> >  * inability to distinguishing between the < and > cases (it uses equality
> >  * operator scan keys, whereas we use 3-way ORDER procs)
> That begs the question, why does _bt_check_compare() not call the 3-way
> ORDER proc in the first place? That would avoid the overhead of another
> call here.

Again, this is a design decision made by the Postgres 17 SAOP patch.

I think that there is something to be said for matching the behavior
of regular scans, including using operators (not 3-way ORDER procs)
when scanning on the leaf level.

> Aside from these micro-optimizations, I wonder about the "look-ahead"
> logic in _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead. It feels pretty simplistic. Could you
> use Exponential Search
> ( instead of a plain
> binary search on the page?

Maybe. But, again, I don't think that that's really the issue with
your test case. The issue is that it doesn't quite manage to use the
skipskip optimization, even though that's clearly possible, and
actually fixes the issue. Once it does that then
_bt_checkkeys_look_ahead won't ever be used, so it can't matter (at
least not as far as the query you came up with is concerned).

Let me get back to you on this.

Thanks for the review!

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 10:38 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> I can reproduce this. However, it should be noted that the regression
> completely goes away if I make one small change to your test case: all
> I need to do is make sure that the CREATE INDEX happens *before*
> inserting any rows into the table. Once I do that, suffix truncation
> tends to be quite a bit more effective. This makes all the difference
> with your test case, since it encourages the existing heuristics
> within _bt_advance_array_keys to do the right thing and stick on the
> leaf level. That allows the "skipskip" mechanism to kick in as
> expected, which doesn't seem to be happening when the index is built

I think that I could have done better at explaining myself here. I'll
have another go at that:

Your test case showed an excessive number of primitive index scans:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE showed "Index Searches: 21859", even though the ideal
number of index searches is 1, given all these specifics. It would be
understandable if a person saw that and concluded that the added
overhead/regression comes from descending the index many more times
than is truly necessary -- blaming the added overhead that comes from
all those extra _bt_search calls is a good guess. But that's not it.
Not really.

You (Heikki) didn't actually make any claims about _bt_search being
too hot during profiling of this test case. You didn't actually see
_bt_search show up prominently when you ran "perf". What you actually
saw (and actually complained about) was stuff that is called from
_bt_readpage, to deal with array maintenance. Even still, I want to
avoid making this any more confusing than it needs to be. The nature
of the problem needs to be carefully teased apart.

There is an important sense in which the issue of excessive primitive
index scans *is* related to the regression from wasting cycles on
array maintenance, though only indirectly: the heuristics that decide
if the skipskip mechanism should be enabled during a _bt_readpage call
are indirectly influenced by certain other heuristics, in
These other heuristics are the heuristics that determine
whether or not we'll start another primitive index scan (all of which
are in _bt_advance_array_key, and were added in Postgres 17, and
haven't been touched by this patch series).

More concretely: if we choose to start another primitive index scan,
and make a bad choice (because we land on the very next sibling leaf
page when we could gotten to by simply stepping right without calling
_bt_first/_bt_search again), then we also won't have an opportunity to
apply the skipskip mechanism when on that same sibling leaf page.
That's because in practice every leaf page read within _bt_readpage
will be the first leaf page of the ongoing primitive index scan with
this test case. Being the first leaf page of a primscan supposedly
makes a leaf page a bad target for the skipskip optimization, and so
we never actually apply the skipskip optimization in practice here.

Again, the real problem is simply that we're not applying the skipskip
optimization at all -- even though it was specifically written with
cases like Heikki's adversarial case in mind, and even though it
actually works as designed once it is forced to activate with Heikki's
test case. It may also be a bit of a problem that there's 21859 calls to
_bt_search instead of just 1, but that's a surprisingly small
contributor to the added overhead. (I'll probably fix the problem by
avoiding useless primitive index scans in the first place, rather than
by changing the heuristics that activate skipskip, which condition the
use of skipskip on firstPage=false. But, again, that doesn't mean that
the problem is excessive primscan overhead from all of the extra
_bt_first/_bt_search calls. The problem is indirect, and so my solution
can be indirect, too.)

Peter Geoghegan

Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 6:06 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> Attached is v24, which breaks out these recent changes to primscan
> scheduling into their own commit/patch (namely
> v24-0002-Improve-nbtree-SAOP-primitive-scan-scheduling.patch). The
> primscan scheduling improvement stuff hasn't really changed since
> v23, though (though I did polish it some more). I hope to be able to
> commit this new primscan scheduling patch sooner rather than later
> (though I don't think that it's quite committable yet).

The patch series recently bitrot due to conflicting changes on HEAD,
so I decided to post a new v25 now.

New in v25:

* Fixed a regression with parallel index scans caused by the improved
scheduling logic added by

v24 did not account for how "firstPage=false" calls to _bt_readpage
might originate from _bt_first (not _bt_next) during parallel scans,
even during the first page for the parallel worker's primitive
scan/_bt_first call -- which made the heuristics added to
_bt_advance_array_keys do the wrong thing by not terminating primitive
scan based on faulty information. This was possible via the parallel
scan _bt_readnextpage "seized=true" path, which led to regressions. In
v24 we now pass "firstPage=true" whenever a call to _bt_readpage
happens through _bt_first, no matter the details (for the first
_bt_readpage call's page).

* The additional EXPLAIN ANALYZE logic (that shows "Index Searches:
N") added by 0001-Show-index-search-count-in-EXPLAIN-ANALYZE.patch has
been adjusted, and no longer divides by nloops.

I explain why dividing by nloops has some fairly bad consequences on
the thread I started for the quasi-independent enhancement to EXPLAIN
ANALYZE output:

* Polished commit messages.

* Added more test coverage. The LOC covered percentage is now at just
over 90% for nbtutils.c. We now have coverage for almost all of the
new code that advances the scan's skip arrays, including code that
deals with NULL values that is seldom reached.

Peter Geoghegan


Re: Adding skip scan (including MDAM style range skip scan) to nbtree

Peter Geoghegan
On Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 12:19 PM Peter Geoghegan <> wrote:
> The patch series recently bitrot due to conflicting changes on HEAD,
> so I decided to post a new v25 now.

Attached is v26, which has no functional changes. This is just to fix
yet more bitrot.

Peter Geoghegan
