Thread: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Gurjeet Singh
I have created the wiki page for PGConf NYC 2023 [1], and have linked one presentation/slides that I found a link to.

The slides were about 3.8 MB, and wiki wouldn't let me upload anything larger than 2MB, so I had to settle for the link. I think it's necessary to upload these files to the Postgres wiki, because the off-site links are prone to bit rot; e.g. the PG Conf NYC 2014 wiki page [2] contains links some of which seem to be dead.

I would really appreciate it if some attendees, or organizers can link or upload more talks to this wiki page.

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 18 Jun 2024, at 06:48, Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:

> I would really appreciate it if some attendees, or organizers can link or upload more talks to this wiki page.

Slides from presenters who agree to share their slides have already been
uploaded to the conference website and are linked to from the respective talk
on the schedule.  Talks where the slides are available are marked with "Slides
available" on the schedule page, and on the talk page will be a SLIDES section
where they can be downloaded.

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Gurjeet Singh
On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:27 PM Daniel Gustafsson <> wrote:
> > On 18 Jun 2024, at 06:48, Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:
> > I would really appreciate it if some attendees, or organizers can link or upload more talks to this wiki page.
> Slides from presenters who agree to share their slides have already been
> uploaded to the conference website and are linked to from the respective talk
> on the schedule.  Talks where the slides are available are marked with "Slides
> available" on the schedule page, and on the talk page will be a SLIDES section
> where they can be downloaded.

That wasn't readily apparent when I was looking at the first Keynote's
description page. I tried using the 'Leave feedback' to suggest
linking the slides, but I was not allowed to submit feedback because I
was not registered for that event.

If you don't mind, can you please update the keynote's description to
attach or link slides linked on the wiki page. Or please point me
towards the right person who may be able to do this.


Best regards,

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 18 Jun 2024, at 08:55, Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:27 PM Daniel Gustafsson <> wrote:
>>> On 18 Jun 2024, at 06:48, Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:
>>> I would really appreciate it if some attendees, or organizers can link or upload more talks to this wiki page.
>> Slides from presenters who agree to share their slides have already been
>> uploaded to the conference website and are linked to from the respective talk
>> on the schedule.  Talks where the slides are available are marked with "Slides
>> available" on the schedule page, and on the talk page will be a SLIDES section
>> where they can be downloaded.
> That wasn't readily apparent when I was looking at the first Keynote's
> description page. I tried using the 'Leave feedback' to suggest
> linking the slides, but I was not allowed to submit feedback because I
> was not registered for that event.
> If you don't mind, can you please update the keynote's description to
> attach or link slides linked on the wiki page. Or please point me
> towards the right person who may be able to do this.

All speakers are informed about how to share the slides if they wish to do so,
which is voluntary.  The speaker in question chose not to share the slides with
the conference organizers, so there is nothing we can (or should) do in this

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Jun-18, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:

> > On 18 Jun 2024, at 06:48, Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:
> > I would really appreciate it if some attendees, or organizers can link or upload more talks to this wiki page.
> Slides from presenters who agree to share their slides have already been
> uploaded to the conference website and are linked to from the respective talk
> on the schedule.  Talks where the slides are available are marked with "Slides
> available" on the schedule page, and on the talk page will be a SLIDES section
> where they can be downloaded.

IMO this system is not great, because it's not possible to find slides
for talks regardless of what conference they were presented in.  The
wiki at least gives a central place to search for.  I've spent a lot of
time tagging pages in the wiki to make these easy to search for, but it
seems that at some point everybody else just gave up on that and stopped
uploading even links to the wiki.  I'm glad that Gurjeet decided to
create a page for this conference.

Talk slides and videos are a *huge* advocacy and teaching resource, and
we're wasting it.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 18 Jun 2024, at 12:07, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:
> On 2024-Jun-18, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:

>> Slides from presenters who agree to share their slides have already been
>> uploaded to the conference website and are linked to from the respective talk
>> on the schedule.  Talks where the slides are available are marked with "Slides
>> available" on the schedule page, and on the talk page will be a SLIDES section
>> where they can be downloaded.
> IMO this system is not great, because it's not possible to find slides
> for talks regardless of what conference they were presented in.

Sure, but each individual conference can't be expected to do more to solve that
than offer the speakers to host slides if they wish to share them.

> Talk slides and videos are a *huge* advocacy and teaching resource, and
> we're wasting it.

Considering the amount of effort and energy the community spends on arranging
conferences where said teaching can take place I think "wasting" is a strong
word.  However, I don't disagree that it would be good if we had a larger
collection which spans multiple events, but I don't think the wiki solves that
problem.  Personally I'd prefer if they were linked to under a more prominent
source, like or an

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: PGConf NYC 2023 Talks Wiki page

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Jun-18, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:

> > On 18 Jun 2024, at 12:07, Alvaro Herrera <> wrote:

> > Talk slides and videos are a *huge* advocacy and teaching resource, and
> > we're wasting it.
> Considering the amount of effort and energy the community spends on arranging
> conferences where said teaching can take place I think "wasting" is a strong
> word.

Point taken.  However, it's precisely of the amount of effort and energy
spent on conferences that makes me say that these slides and videos are
tremendously valuable, and we'd make an even bigger impact by promoting
them better than we do.

> However, I don't disagree that it would be good if we had a larger
> collection which spans multiple events, but I don't think the wiki solves that
> problem.  Personally I'd prefer if they were linked to under a more prominent
> source, like or an
> equivalent.

I agree that the wiki format is not ideal.  A page in the main website
would be a great resource.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
"Debido a que la velocidad de la luz es mucho mayor que la del sonido,
 algunas personas nos parecen brillantes un minuto antes
 de escuchar las pelotudeces que dicen." (Roberto Fontanarrosa)