Thread: Trying out read streams in pgvector (an extension)

Trying out read streams in pgvector (an extension)

Thomas Munro

I was looking around for an exotic index type to try the experience of
streamifying an extension, ie out-of-core code.  I am totally new to
pgvector, but since everyone keeps talking about it, I could not avoid
picking up some basic facts in the hallway track, and
understood that its scans have some degree of known-order access
predictability, and then also some degree of fuzzy-predictable
order-not-yet-determined access too.  It's also quite random in the
I/O sense.

Here's a toy to streamify the known-order part.  I think for the fuzzy
part that links those parts together, maybe there is some way to guess
when it's a reasonable time to speculatively prefetch the lowest order
stuff in the pairing heap, and then deal with it if you're wrong, but
I didn't try that...

Someone involved in that project mentioned that it's probably not a
great topic to research in practice, because real world users of HNSW
use fully cached ie prewarmed indexes, because the performance is so
bad otherwise.  (Though maybe that argument is a little circular...).
So although this patch clearly speeds up cold HSNW searches to a
degree controlled by effective_io_concurrency, I'll probably look for
something else.  Suggestions for interesting index types to look at
streamifying are very welcome!

Hmm.  If that's really true about HNSW though, then there may still be
an opportunity to do automatic memory prefetching[1].  But then in the
case of index building, "stream" is NULL in this patch anyway.  It
surely must also be possible to find some good places to put
profitable explicit pg_mem_prefetch() calls given the predictability
and the need to get only ~60ns ahead for that usage.  I didn't look
into that because I was trying to prove things about read_stream.c,
not get involved in another project :-D

Here ends my science experiment report, which I'm dropping here just
in case others see useful ideas here.  The main thing I learned about
the read stream API is that it'd be nice to be able to reset the
stream but preserve the distance (something that came up on the
streaming sequential scan thread for a different reason), to deal with
cases where look-ahead opportunities come in bursts but you want a
longer lived stream than I used here.  That is the reason the patch
creates and destroys temporary streams in a loop; doh.  It also
provides an interesting case study for what speculative random
look-ahead support might need to look like.


=== setup ====

create extension vector;

create or replace function random_vector(dimensions int)
returns vector language sql
begin atomic;
  select array_agg(random())::vector
    from generate_series(1, dimensions);

create table t (id serial, embedding vector(6));

insert into t (embedding)
select random_vector(6)
  from generate_series(1, 1000000);

set maintenance_work_mem = '2GB';

create index on t using hnsw(embedding vector_l2_ops);

=== test of a hot search, assuming repeated ===

select embedding <-> '[0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]'::vector
  from t
 where embedding <-> '[0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]'::vector < 0.2
 order by 1 limit 20;

=== test of a cold search, assuming empty caches ===

create or replace function test()
returns void
language plpgsql as
  my_vec vector(6) := random_vector(6);
  perform embedding <-> my_vec
     from t
    where embedding <-> my_vec < 0.2
    order by 1 limit 20;

select test();

(Make sure you remember to set effective_io_concurrency to an
interesting number if you want to generate a lot of overlapping
fadvise calls.)


Re: Trying out read streams in pgvector (an extension)

Heikki Linnakangas
On 11/06/2024 07:53, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Someone involved in that project mentioned that it's probably not a
> great topic to research in practice, because real world users of HNSW
> use fully cached ie prewarmed indexes, because the performance is so
> bad otherwise.  (Though maybe that argument is a little circular...).

I think that's true in practice for *building* an HNSW index, but faster 
*searching* when the index is not in memory seems quite useful. And of 
course, faster is always better, even if it's only in a non-optimal 

> So although this patch clearly speeds up cold HSNW searches to a
> degree controlled by effective_io_concurrency, I'll probably look for
> something else.  Suggestions for interesting index types to look at
> streamifying are very welcome!

GiST and GIN?

> Hmm.  If that's really true about HNSW though, then there may still be
> an opportunity to do automatic memory prefetching[1].  But then in the
> case of index building, "stream" is NULL in this patch anyway.  It
> surely must also be possible to find some good places to put
> profitable explicit pg_mem_prefetch() calls given the predictability
> and the need to get only ~60ns ahead for that usage.  I didn't look
> into that because I was trying to prove things about read_stream.c,
> not get involved in another project :-D
> Here ends my science experiment report, which I'm dropping here just
> in case others see useful ideas here.  The main thing I learned about
> the read stream API is that it'd be nice to be able to reset the
> stream but preserve the distance (something that came up on the
> streaming sequential scan thread for a different reason), to deal with
> cases where look-ahead opportunities come in bursts but you want a
> longer lived stream than I used here.  That is the reason the patch
> creates and destroys temporary streams in a loop; doh.  It also
> provides an interesting case study for what speculative random
> look-ahead support might need to look like.

This reminds me of a prototype I wrote earlier, see, 1st commit. It 
reorganizes HnswSearchLayer() so that it in iteration, it first collects 
all the neighbors to visit, and then visits them, somewhat similar to 
your patch.

Heikki Linnakangas
Neon (

Re: Trying out read streams in pgvector (an extension)

"Jonathan S. Katz"
On 6/11/24 12:53 AM, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking around for an exotic index type to try the experience of
> streamifying an extension, ie out-of-core code.  I am totally new to
> pgvector, but since everyone keeps talking about it, I could not avoid
> picking up some basic facts in the hallway track, and
> understood that its scans have some degree of known-order access
> predictability, and then also some degree of fuzzy-predictable
> order-not-yet-determined access too.  It's also quite random in the
> I/O sense.

Cool! I happened to be chatting w/Andrew about this yesterday to see if 
there could be some benefits for folks who are running pgvector on PG17.

> Here's a toy to streamify the known-order part.  I think for the fuzzy
> part that links those parts together, maybe there is some way to guess
> when it's a reasonable time to speculatively prefetch the lowest order
> stuff in the pairing heap, and then deal with it if you're wrong, but
> I didn't try that...

I would suggest submitting this at least as a draft PR to the pgvector 

> Someone involved in that project mentioned that it's probably not a
> great topic to research in practice, because real world users of HNSW
> use fully cached ie prewarmed indexes, because the performance is so
> bad otherwise.

I don't think that was me, at least in those words (and I had noted I'd 
love to chat w/you about this, but we didn't find time). Stating it 
differently, the "ideal" is to keep the indexes in memory, as that leads 
to the best performance, but reality is more complicated. These datasets 
are quite large (e.g. the 1536-dim vector is a 6KB payload, excluding 
what's in the index) and if you're storing the full vector in the index 
(there are now some quantization methods available[4]), you can easily 
double your dataset size, and quickly exceed available memory. So I 
think in the real world, you're more likely to see swapping pages 
between disk and memory. Some of this was addressed in the talk @[3] (slides here[2]).

>  (Though maybe that argument is a little circular...).
> So although this patch clearly speeds up cold HSNW searches to a
> degree controlled by effective_io_concurrency, I'll probably look for
> something else.  Suggestions for interesting index types to look at
> streamifying are very welcome!

Yup, so this makes sense for HNSW particularly at the higher-level 
pages. But it may make more sense for IVFFlat, given how it clusters 
data. With IVFFlat, you first find your lists/centers, and then you 
determine how you index each vector around the lists. When those lists 
are stored to disk, they're basically sequential. A lot of the struggles 
with IVFFlat is both the long load from disk and ultimately some 
comptuational issues for a larger set of vector comparisons (though if 
you're able to build small, efficient clusters, it can be much faster 
than HNSW!). HNSW behaves more like a (bear with me) typically 
"tree-based" index, where you'll have hot spots at the top, but because 
of the nature of vector search, the lower levels tend to be more random 
in access.

Regardless, the part where this is interesting (at least to me) is that 
a lot of these vectors tend to take up a full page anyway, so anything 
we can do to read them faster from disk will generally get a thumbs up 
from me.

> Hmm.  If that's really true about HNSW though, then there may still be
> an opportunity to do automatic memory prefetching[1].  But then in the
> case of index building, "stream" is NULL in this patch anyway.  It
> surely must also be possible to find some good places to put
> profitable explicit pg_mem_prefetch() calls given the predictability
> and the need to get only ~60ns ahead for that usage.  I didn't look
> into that because I was trying to prove things about read_stream.c,
> not get involved in another project :-D

Well, as alluded to in[2], thinking about how another project uses this 
will certainly help, and anything we can do to continue to speed up 
vector queries helps PostgreSQL ;) Some of the contributions from folks 
who have focused on core have significantly helped pgvector.

> Here ends my science experiment report, which I'm dropping here just
> in case others see useful ideas here.  The main thing I learned about
> the read stream API is that it'd be nice to be able to reset the
> stream but preserve the distance (something that came up on the
> streaming sequential scan thread for a different reason), to deal with
> cases where look-ahead opportunities come in bursts but you want a
> longer lived stream than I used here.  That is the reason the patch
> creates and destroys temporary streams in a loop; doh.  It also
> provides an interesting case study for what speculative random
> look-ahead support might need to look like.

If you're curious, I can fire up some of my more serious benchmarks on 
this to do a before/after to see if there's anything interesting. I have 
a few large datasets (10s of millions) of larger vectors (1536dim => 6KB 
payloads) that could see the net effect here.

> (Make sure you remember to set effective_io_concurrency to an
> interesting number if you want to generate a lot of overlapping
> fadvise calls.)

What would you recommend as an "interesting number?" - particularly 
using the data parameters above.



