Thread: New function normal_rand_array function to contrib/tablefunc.

Here is a new function which could produce an array of numbers with a
controllable array length and duplicated elements in these arrays. I
used it when working with gin index, and I think it would be helpful for
others as well, so here it is.

select * from normal_rand_array(5, 10, 1.8::numeric, 3.5::numeric);
(5 rows)

select * from normal_rand_array(5, 10, 1.8::int4, 3.5::int4);
(5 rows)

the 5 means it needs to produce 5 rows in total and the 10 is the
average array length, and 1.8 is the minvalue for the random function
and 3.5 is the maxvalue. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan


Re: New function normal_rand_array function to contrib/tablefunc.

Stepan Neretin
It looks useful, for example, it can be used in sorting tests to make them more interesting. I just have one question.
Whyare you using SRF_IS_FIRST CALL and not _PG_init?
Best regards, Stepan Neretin.