Thread: A good tool for PostgreSQL admin - PuttyGPT = Putty + ChatGPT

A good tool for PostgreSQL admin - PuttyGPT = Putty + ChatGPT

Frank Wang
Hi, PG Admin!

I am developing a open-source tool called PuttyGPT. It bring the chat functionality of ChatPT or Gemini Pro into Putty, the famous SSH tool.

By using PuttyGPT, you can ask the technical questions to it and it will check your output of Putty window and provide professional suggestions.

The github repository is located in: 

Now the last version if PuttyGPT 0.8.2: 

It is a tiny exe file based on the code base from Putty 0.80.  Download it and run it and you can add ChatGPT into your Putty session.

The detailed step-by-step instructions about how to build from the source code of Putty 0.80 to PuttyGPT 0.8.2 is described here:

I hope you can enjoy what I did for you.

Mr. PuttyGPT

Re: A good tool for PostgreSQL admin - PuttyGPT = Putty + ChatGPT

Laurenz Albe
On Mon, 2024-04-08 at 12:06 -0400, Frank Wang wrote:
> I am developing a open-source tool called PuttyGPT. It bring the chat
> functionality of ChatPT or Gemini Pro into Putty, the famous SSH tool.

$ puttygpt --verbose prog
I assume you meant "prod" and connected you accordingly.
prod> rename file
I assumed you wanted to say "remove", not "rename", because you used
only a single argument.  Now there is no "remove" in Linux, so I'll
substitute "rm".

Laurenz Albe

Re: A good tool for PostgreSQL admin - PuttyGPT = Putty + ChatGPT

Ron Johnson
On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 2:14 PM Laurenz Albe <> wrote:
On Mon, 2024-04-08 at 12:06 -0400, Frank Wang wrote:
> I am developing a open-source tool called PuttyGPT. It bring the chat
> functionality of ChatPT or Gemini Pro into Putty, the famous SSH tool.

$ puttygpt --verbose prog
I assume you meant "prod" and connected you accordingly.
prod> rename file
I assumed you wanted to say "remove", not "rename", because you used
only a single argument.  Now there is no "remove" in Linux, so I'll
substitute "rm".

What could possibly go wrong with CharGPT assuming that there's not a server name "prof" or "prot", or that I've created a program named "renumber".

Suggesting corrections is what I want.