Thread: [MASSMAIL]Postgresql integration with Microsoft AD

[MASSMAIL]Postgresql integration with Microsoft AD

Sandeep Sivashankaran

I am getting the below error while trying to connect to the postgres database user with the AD account .We are using kerboros authentication...

DETAIL: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information: Request ticket server <service principal> not found in keytab (ticket kvno 6)

We have created the service principal in the AD and also placed the keytab file in the postgres db server.

We verified the kvno is the same in the service principal and the keytab file..Also verified the service principal name in the keytab file using ktutil command and it is the correct one..

What could be the reason for this error ?

Command trying to connect to the postgresql db :

psql -U <AD username> -h hostname -d postgres 

The same AD user is created in the database also...