Thread: BUG #18394: LISTEN error: could not access status of transaction

BUG #18394: LISTEN error: could not access status of transaction

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18394
Logged by:          Jon Zeppieri
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 16.2
Operating system:   linux (debian bullseye)

This has come up before, but it seems this bug is still around. Somehow, a
NOTIFY queue refers to an xid that's been pruned. See, for example:

The result is that this happens:

    db=# listen foo;
    ERROR:  could not access status of transaction 2716782599
    DETAIL:  Could not open file "pg_xact/0A1E": No such file or

The only thing I have to add to what's been reported before is that the
LISTENing connection -- the only one I know of, at any rate -- isn't
participating in any long transactions. It issues the LISTEN statement and
then just waits, indefinitely, for notifications outside of any transaction.
But maybe there was a different different LISTENing session that I wasn't
aware of. Is there a way to query for pids that are listening to
notification channels?

- Jon