Thread: pgBadger: Cannot find any log entries from systemd-journald

pgBadger: Cannot find any log entries from systemd-journald

Frank Lanitz

I think I just might did a small configuration issue, but somehow I cannot figure it out by myself.

I want to let pgbadger directly fetch data from journald -- so I was using with a unexpected outcome:

$ pgbadger --journalctl "journalctl -u postgresql.service"
LOG: Ok, generating html report...s: 0, events: 0

Having a look into the journal there is a lot of

Mar 05 09:06:23 myhost postgres[441820]: 2024-03-05 08:06:23 GMT [441820]:
user=[unknown],db=[unknown],app=[unknown],client=xxxLOCATION:  BackendInitialize, postmaster.c:4373
Mar 05 09:06:23 myhost postgres[441820]: 2024-03-05 08:06:23 GMT [441820]:
user=[unknown],db=[unknown],app=[unknown],client=xxxLOG:  00000: connection received: host=xxx port=34574
Mar 05 09:06:10 myhost postgres[441805]: 2024-03-05 08:06:10 GMT [441805]: user=postgres,db=xxx,app=psql,client=[local]
LOCATION: log_disconnections, postgres.c:4722
Mar 05 09:06:10 myhost postgres[441805]: 2024-03-05 08:06:10 GMT [441805]: user=postgres,db=xxx,app=psql,client=[local]
LOG: 00000: disconnection: session time: 0:00:00.016 user=postgres database=xxx host=[local]
Mar 05 09:06:10 myhost postgres[441805]: 2024-03-05 08:06:10 GMT [441805]:
user=postgres,db=xxx,app=[unknown],client=[local]LOCATION:  PerformAuthentication, postinit.c:292
Mar 05 09:06:10 myhost postgres[441805]: 2024-03-05 08:06:10 GMT [441805]:
user=postgres,db=xxx,app=[unknown],client=[local]LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=postgres database=xxx

My psotgresql.conf looks like:
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0
log_checkpoints = yes
log_connections = yes
log_destination = 'stderr'
log_disconnections = yes
log_error_verbosity = 'verbose'
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h '
log_lock_waits = yes
log_min_duration_statement = 100
log_temp_files = 0

Any idea what I missed or did wrong?


Re: pgBadger: Cannot find any log entries from systemd-journald

On Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 09:13:48AM +0100, Frank Lanitz wrote:

I don't actually know pgbadger, but:

> $ pgbadger --journalctl "journalctl -u postgresql.service"
> LOG: Ok, generating html report...s: 0, events: 0

Try as root? Or is pgbadger a setuid program?


Re: pgBadger: Cannot find any log entries from systemd-journald

Frank Lanitz

Am 05.03.24 um 19:21 schrieb
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 09:13:48AM +0100, Frank Lanitz wrote:
> I don't actually know pgbadger, but:
>> $ pgbadger --journalctl "journalctl -u postgresql.service"
>> LOG: Ok, generating html report...s: 0, events: 0
> Try as root? Or is pgbadger a setuid program?

No difference. The user executed under is having also rights to see the journal.


Re: pgBadger: Cannot find any log entries from systemd-journald

Frank Lanitz

Sorry for the late response.

Am 06.03.24 um 16:40 schrieb Greg Sabino Mullane:
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 3:14 AM Frank Lanitz < <>> wrote:
>     $ pgbadger --journalctl "journalctl -u postgresql.service"
> You could try adding --verbose to see if it gives more clues.

No, unfortunately not. Though, it adds some more nice information in general, but none that actually helped me.

>     Having a look into the journal there is a lot of
> None of the snippets from journald you showed were actually things pgbadger cares about, FWIW. 

It was just an random pick to show there is a bunch of logging -- I also can see checkpoints and vacuum etc. I just
didn'twant to paste 1GB of log ;)

You can get an idea of what is actually parsed by running "journalctl -u postgresql --output=short-iso"

Looks good to me.

>     log_error_verbosity = 'verbose'
> This is probably not needed, and there is a finite chance that the extra context is confusing pgbadger.

I tried to change it, but in my case no difference.
