Thread: BUG #18378: postgis protobuf support inconsistent

BUG #18378: postgis protobuf support inconsistent

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18378
Logged by:          Chris Van de Velde
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 13.14
Operating system:   Centos7/Rocky8

We build various postgresql distros that include postgis as sourced from and have noticed
inconsistent configuration for protobuf support in postgis across
architectures and even within architectures/OS versions. Is it possible to
at least get the most recent releases for Redhat 7 (3.3 for amd64 & 3.2 for
arm) rebuilt with protobuf support enabled (see
for requirements). Alternatively, could the current release (3.4) for RH7
amd64 + arm be built with protobuffer support enabled?

postgisVersion.Rh7.amd64=33 -> does not include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh7.amd64=32 -> does not include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh7.amd64=31 -> does not include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh7.amd64=30 -> *does* include protobuf

postgisVersion.Rh8.amd64=34 -> *does* include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh8.amd64=33 -> *does* include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh8.amd64=31 -> *does* include protobuf

postgisVersion.Rh8.arm64=34 -> *does* include protobuf

postgisVersion.Rh7.arm64=32 -> does not include protobuf
postgisVersion.Rh7.arm64=31 -> does not include protobuf

Re: BUG #18378: postgis protobuf support inconsistent

Devrim Gündüz

On Tue, 2024-03-05 at 06:58 +0000, PG Bug reporting form wrote:
> Is it possible to at least get the most recent releases for Redhat 7
> (3.3 for amd64 & 3.2 for arm) rebuilt with protobuf support enabled
> (see
> for requirements). Alternatively, could the current release (3.4) for
> RH7 amd64 + arm be built with protobuffer support enabled?

No. Two reasons:

- PostGIS >= 3.1 requires Protobuf >= 1.1.0 and RHEL only has 1.0.2
- PostGIS 3.0 requires protobuf 1.0.0 and RHEL 7 supports only that
- Most of the GIS dependencies cannot be built on RHEL 7
- RHEL 7 is almost EOL

Well, four reasons apparently.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, PostgreSQL Major Contributor
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR