Thread: BUG #18346: pg restore issue with generated cloumn in Postgres v13.14

BUG #18346: pg restore issue with generated cloumn in Postgres v13.14

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18346
Logged by:          YG
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 13.14
Operating system:   Ubuntu-20.04.2

We are having issue with restore some DBs to postgres v13.14 when there are
tables with "Generated Column (stored)".

Steps we did as follows
Back up a DB from pg_dump v13.14 from DB server(v13.14)
Restore using psql to same or another DB server(v13.14) . There is error
coming when creating a table which has a Generated Column (stored) saying
that relation does not exist(checking the existance of another table). This
generated column has a dependecy with another two tables which creates after
this table according the SQL command order in the dump file.

We do not get this error when restoring to the postgres version 13.12 ,
13.11 or below in the same major version.

So we suspect that it is something to do with the lastet postgres version
13.14. Can someone please assist ?

Re: BUG #18346: pg restore issue with generated cloumn in Postgres v13.14

"David G. Johnston"
On Thursday, February 15, 2024, PG Bug reporting form <> wrote:
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18346
Logged by:          YG
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 13.14
Operating system:   Ubuntu-20.04.2

generated column has a dependecy with another two tables which creates after
this table according the SQL command order in the dump file.

These dependencies are not allowed.  Change your generated expression to a trigger.

David J.