Thread: lost status 'STATUS_EOF' for authentication when using 'MD5' or 'scram-sha-256'


  I'm an extension writer and I wrote an extension to lock users who tried to enter the wrong password too much. This extension is hooking 'ClientAuthentication_hook' and checking the hook's 'status' parameter
to count the times of wrong password. It’s work fine when auth is 'password', but get double count when auth is'MD5'or'scram-sha-256'.

problem reappearance:

1. create an user without password
2. set pg_hba.conf with ‘MD5’ or ‘scram-sha-256’
3. use psql without -W or -w or .pgpass file or env PGPASSFILE
4. It's ok when client is pgadmin or another
5. all of version pg can reappearance

when I read the source, find an incorret logical way on CheckPWChallengeAuth at src/backend/libpq/auth.c

​static int
CheckPWChallengeAuth(Port *port, char **logdetail)
   /* the CheckMD5Auth or CheckSCRAMAuth returns STATUS_EOF because psql is not provide password,
    * It will prompt user to type and send the password to other backend process next time.
    * The current backend will exit normally.

   if (port->hba->auth_method == uaMD5 && pwtype == PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5)
        auth_result = CheckMD5Auth(port, shadow_pass, logdetail);
        auth_result = CheckSCRAMAuth(port, shadow_pass, logdetail);

     * If get_role_password() returned error, return error, even if the
     * authentication succeeded.
    /* The get_role_password returns NULL when the user without password */
    if (!shadow_pass)
        Assert(auth_result != STATUS_OK);
        /* lost STATUS_EOF */
        return STATUS_ERROR;

The above code does not affect the database execution,but ClientAuthentication_hook will be confused whether the password is incorrect or not currently entered?
so.. The CheckPWChallengeAuth should returns STATUS_EOF when It is, I think.

Try to change the code
​static int
CheckPWChallengeAuth(Port *port, char **logdetail)
   if (port->hba->auth_method == uaMD5 && pwtype == PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5)
        auth_result = CheckMD5Auth(port, shadow_pass, logdetail);
        auth_result = CheckSCRAMAuth(port, shadow_pass, logdetail);

    if (STATUS_EOF == auth_result)
        /* do nothing */
    else if (!shadow_pass)
        Assert(auth_result != STATUS_OK);
        return STATUS_ERROR;
    else if (auth_result == STATUS_OK)
        set_authn_id(port, port->user_name);
    return auth_result;

I don't know if this is right, please point out. thanks!
liulang <> writes:
> The above code does not affect the database execution,but 
> ClientAuthentication_hook will be confused whether the password is 
> incorrect or not currently entered?
> so.. The CheckPWChallengeAuth should returns STATUS_EOF when It is, I think.

Yeah, I think you are right.  Overriding the subroutine's result
here is mistaken, even without considering whether it confuses any
ClientAuthentication_hook.  The whole point, as per the comments,
is to not betray to the remote end whether or not there is a user
with a password set.  But if we substitute STATUS_ERROR for
STATUS_EOF then we cause exactly that to happen: if the remote closes
the connection for send only, it can tell by whether an error comes
back whether or not the code found a password.

I think we can do it more simply than you suggest though.  Just
drop the "return STATUS_ERROR" bit; the Assert is enough.

            regards, tom lane