Thread: BUG #18265: jsonb comparison order is inconsistent

BUG #18265: jsonb comparison order is inconsistent

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18265
Logged by:          neil chen
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 14.1
Operating system:   operating system irrelevant

As the docuemnt saied,  for jsonb type, Object > Array > Boolean > Number >
String > Null, but actually empty json array is sort to be the smallest
And this is true only when it is the outmost json value, that is,
'[]'::jsonb is less than 'null'::jsonb.
but when it is a inner element of json array,  the comparison result will
changed, that is, '[[]]'::jsonb is greater than '[null]'.
This behavior looks strange, that maybe a mistake in
                         * This could be a "raw scalar" pseudo array.  That's
                         * a special case here though, since we still want the
                         * general type-based comparisons to apply, and as far
                         * as we're concerned a pseudo array is just a scalar.
                        if (va.val.array.rawScalar != vb.val.array.rawScalar)
// Here one is json array, and another is not json array, maybe we should
simply compare their type.
// And the comparison result should not be overwritten by the following if
                            res = (va.val.array.rawScalar) ? -1 : 1; 
                        if (va.val.array.nElems != vb.val.array.nElems)
                            res = (va.val.array.nElems > vb.val.array.nElems) ? 1 : -1;
postgres=# select * from
(values('null'::jsonb),('[]'::jsonb),('[null]'::jsonb),('[[]]'::jsonb)) as
t(j) order by j;