Thread: Advocate For Support

Advocate For Support

Els Magnate
Dear Correspondent,

I hope my mail finds you well?
I have been having challenges to open pgAdmin for some days now after installation, it is NOT accepting my password. I have postgreSQL 16 installed at first, when it was not accepting my password I have to uninstall it and download postgrelSQL 15,same thing kept happening. Now, I have 12, kindly help me out. I attached few screenshots of response I got while trying to input my password which I'm sure I did not forget and same as what I entered at the point of installation.
I look forward to your helpful solution.

Els Magnate.

Re: Advocate For Support

Yogesh Mahajan

Can you please check your pg_hba.conf settings? Error is from postgreSQL. You can try changing localhost to in server configuration.
Can you please check.share postgresql logs?

Yogesh Mahajan

On Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 10:06 PM Els Magnate <> wrote:
Dear Correspondent,

I hope my mail finds you well?
I have been having challenges to open pgAdmin for some days now after installation, it is NOT accepting my password. I have postgreSQL 16 installed at first, when it was not accepting my password I have to uninstall it and download postgrelSQL 15,same thing kept happening. Now, I have 12, kindly help me out. I attached few screenshots of response I got while trying to input my password which I'm sure I did not forget and same as what I entered at the point of installation.
I look forward to your helpful solution.

Els Magnate.