Thread: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

"Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]"

Hello folks!


I am having a complex query slowing over time increasing in duration.  If anyone has a few cycles that they could lend a hand or just point me in the right direction with this – I would surely appreciate it!  Fairly beefy Linux server with Postgres 12 (latest) – this particular query has been getting slower over time & seemingly slowing everything else down.  The server is dedicated entirely to this particular database.  Let me know if I can provide any additional information!!  Thanks in advance!


Here’s my background – Linux RHEL 8 – PostgreSQL 12.17.  – 

MemTotal:       263216840 kB

MemFree:         3728224 kB

MemAvailable:   197186864 kB

Buffers:            6704 kB

Cached:         204995024 kB

SwapCached:        19244 kB


free -m

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available

Mem:         257047       51860        3722       10718      201464      192644

Swap:          4095         855        3240


Here are a few of the settings in our postgres server:

max_connections = 300                   # (change requires restart)

shared_buffers = 10GB

temp_buffers = 24MB

work_mem = 2GB

maintenance_work_mem = 1GB


most everything else is set to the default.


The query is complex with several joins:


SELECT anon_1.granule_collection_id AS anon_1_granule_collection_id, anon_1.granule_create_date AS anon_1_granule_create_date, anon_1.granule_delete_date AS anon_1_granule_delete_date, ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geography) AS anon_1_granule_geography, ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geometry) AS anon_1_granule_geometry, anon_1.granule_is_active AS anon_1_granule_is_active, anon_1.granule_properties AS anon_1_granule_properties, anon_1.granule_update_date AS anon_1_granule_update_date, anon_1.granule_uuid AS anon_1_granule_uuid, anon_1.granule_visibility_last_update_date AS anon_1_granule_visibility_last_update_date, anon_1.granule_visibility_id AS anon_1_granule_visibility_id, AS collection_1_id, collection_1.entry_id AS collection_1_entry_id, collection_1.short_name AS collection_1_short_name, collection_1.version AS collection_1_version, AS file_1_id, file_1.location AS file_1_location, file_1.md5 AS file_1_md5, AS file_1_name, file_1.size AS file_1_size, file_1.type AS file_1_type, AS visibility_1_id, AS visibility_1_name, visibility_1.value AS visibility_1_value

        FROM (SELECT granule.collection_id AS granule_collection_id, granule.create_date AS granule_create_date, granule.delete_date AS granule_delete_date, granule.geography AS granule_geography, granule.geometry AS granule_geometry, granule.is_active AS granule_is_active, AS granule_properties, granule.update_date AS granule_update_date, granule.uuid AS granule_uuid, granule.visibility_last_update_date AS granule_visibility_last_update_date, granule.visibility_id AS granule_visibility_id

        FROM granule JOIN collection ON = granule.collection_id

        WHERE granule.is_active = true AND (collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_O3_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CH2O_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_MMS_1') AND (( #>> '{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, beginning_date_time}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent, periodic_date_times, 0, start_date}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00') AND (( #>> '{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, end_date_time}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent, periodic_date_times, 0, end_date}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00') ORDER BY granule.uuid

         LIMIT 26) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN collection AS collection_1 ON = anon_1.granule_collection_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (granule_file AS granule_file_1 JOIN file AS file_1 ON = granule_file_1.file_id) ON anon_1.granule_uuid = granule_file_1.granule_uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN visibility AS visibility_1 ON = anon_1.granule_visibility_id ORDER BY anon_1.granule_uuid


Here’s the explain:


 Sort  (cost=10914809.92..10914810.27 rows=141 width=996)

   Sort Key: granule.uuid

   ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=740539.73..10914804.89 rows=141 width=996)

         Hash Cond: (granule.visibility_id =

         ->  Hash Right Join  (cost=740537.56..10914731.81 rows=141 width=1725)

               Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.granule_uuid = granule.uuid)

               ->  Hash Join  (cost=644236.90..10734681.93 rows=22332751 width=223)

                     Hash Cond: ( = granule_file_1.file_id)

                     ->  Seq Scan on file file_1  (cost=0.00..9205050.88 rows=22068888 width=207)

                     ->  Hash  (cost=365077.51..365077.51 rows=22332751 width=20)

                           ->  Seq Scan on granule_file granule_file_1  (cost=0.00..365077.51 rows=22332751 width=20)

               ->  Hash  (cost=96300.33..96300.33 rows=26 width=1518)

                     ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=96092.55..96300.33 rows=26 width=1518)

                           ->  Limit  (cost=96092.27..96092.33 rows=26 width=1462)

                                 ->  Sort  (cost=96092.27..96100.47 rows=3282 width=1462)

                                       Sort Key: granule.uuid

                                       ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.56..95998.73 rows=3282 width=1462)

                                             ->  Seq Scan on collection  (cost=0.00..3366.24 rows=1 width=4)

                                                   Filter: (((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_O3_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CH2O_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_MMS_1'::text))

                                             ->  Index Scan using ix_granule_collection_id on granule  (cost=0.56..92445.36 rows=18713 width=1462)

                                                   Index Cond: (collection_id =

                                                   Filter: (is_active AND (((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,beginning_date_time}'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,single_d

ate_times,0}'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,start_date}'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text)) AND (((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,end_

date_time}'::text[]) < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,single_date_times,0}'::text[]) < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,end_date}'::text[])

 < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text)))

                           ->  Index Scan using collection_pkey on collection collection_1  (cost=0.28..7.99 rows=1 width=56)

                                 Index Cond: (id = granule.collection_id)

         ->  Hash  (cost=1.52..1.52 rows=52 width=16)

               ->  Seq Scan on visibility visibility_1  (cost=0.00..1.52 rows=52 width=16)



Heres a bit about the tables – 








public | granule                            | table | ims_api_writer | 36 GB   | 


ims_api=# \d+ granule

                                                       Table "public.granule"

           Column            |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 


 collection_id               | integer                     |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 

 create_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 

 delete_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           |          |         | plain    |              | 

 geometry                    | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |          |         | main     |              | 

 is_active                   | boolean                     |           |          |         | plain    |              | 

 properties                  | jsonb                       |           |          |         | extended |              | 

 update_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 

 uuid                        | uuid                        |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 

 visibility_id               | integer                     |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 

 geography                   | geography(Geometry,4326)    |           |          |         | main     |              | 

 visibility_last_update_date | timestamp without time zone |           |          |         | plain    |              | 


    "granule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (uuid)

    "granule_is_active_idx" btree (is_active)

    "granule_properties_producer_id_idx" btree ((properties ->> 'producer_granule_id'::text))

    "granule_update_date_idx" btree (update_date)

    "idx_granule_geometry" gist (geometry)

    "ix_granule_collection_id" btree (collection_id)

Foreign-key constraints:

    "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)

    "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "granule_file" CONSTRAINT "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)

    TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT "granule_temporal_range_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)


    granule_temporal_range_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON granule FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION sync_granule_temporal_range()

Access method: heap



public | collection                         | table | ims_api_writer | 39 MB   | 


ims_api=# \d collection

                                                 Table "public.collection"

            Column            |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 


 id                           | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('collection_id_seq'::regclass)

 access_constraints           | text                        |           |          | 

 additional_attributes        | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 ancillary_keywords           | character varying(160)[]    |           |          | 

 create_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | 

 dataset_language             | character varying(80)[]     |           |          | 

 dataset_progress             | text                        |           |          | 

 data_resolutions             | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 dataset_citation             | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 delete_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 

 distribution                 | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 doi                          | character varying(220)      |           |          | 

 entry_id                     | character varying(80)       |           | not null | 

 entry_title                  | character varying(1030)     |           |          | 

 geometry                     | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |          | 

 is_active                    | boolean                     |           | not null | 

 iso_topic_categories         | character varying[]         |           |          | 

 last_update_date             | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | 

 locations                    | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 long_name                    | character varying(1024)     |           |          | 

 metadata_associations        | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 metadata_dates               | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 personnel                    | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 platforms                    | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 processing_level_id          | integer                     |           |          | 

 product_flag                 | text                        |           |          | 

 project_id                   | integer                     |           |          | 

 properties                   | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 quality                      | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 references                   | character varying(12000)[]  |           |          | 

 related_urls                 | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 summary                      | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 short_name                   | character varying(80)       |           |          | 

 temporal_extents             | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 version                      | character varying(80)       |           |          | 

 use_constraints              | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 version_description          | text                        |           |          | 

 visibility_id                | integer                     |           | not null | 

 world_date                   | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 

 tiling_identification_system | jsonb                       |           |          | 

 collection_data_type         | text                        |           |          | 

 standard_product             | boolean                     |           | not null | false


    "collection_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

    "collection_entry_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (entry_id)

    "idx_collection_geometry" gist (geometry)

Foreign-key constraints:

    "collection_processing_level_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (processing_level_id) REFERENCES processing_level(id)

    "collection_project_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project(id)

    "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "collection_organization" CONSTRAINT "collection_organization_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)

    TABLE "collection_science_keyword" CONSTRAINT "collection_science_keyword_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)

    TABLE "collection_spatial_processing_hint" CONSTRAINT "collection_spatial_processing_hint_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)

    TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)

    TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT "granule_temporal_range_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)




 public | granule_file                       | table | ims_api_writer | 1108 MB | 


\d granule_file

               Table "public.granule_file"

    Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 


 granule_uuid | uuid    |           |          | 

 file_id      | integer |           |          | 

Foreign-key constraints:

    "granule_file_file_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id)

    "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)




public | visibility                         | table | ims_api_writer | 40 kB   | 


\d visibility

                                   Table "public.visibility"

 Column |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 


 id     | integer               |           | not null | nextval('visibility_id_seq'::regclass)

 name   | character varying(80) |           | not null | 

 value  | integer               |           | not null | 


    "visibility_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

    "visibility_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)

    "visibility_value_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (value)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "collection" CONSTRAINT "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)

    TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)





Thanks for the help!


Maria Wilson

Nasa/Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia USA



Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 09:40:41PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I am having a complex query slowing over time increasing in duration.
> If anyone has a few cycles that they could lend a hand or just point
> me in the right direction with this – I would surely appreciate it!
> Fairly beefy Linux server with Postgres 12 (latest) – this particular
> query has been getting slower over time & seemingly slowing everything
> else down.  The server is dedicated entirely to this particular
> database.  Let me know if I can provide any additional information!!
> Thanks in advance!

we'd need `explain (analyze, buffers) select ...` for your query.

Ideally, could you put it on, with query and
`\d`, and provide us with link?

Best regards,


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

"Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]"
I have added an index to the granule_file table and ran a few explains - here are the results....  thanks for the

Here is the before analyze :

Sort  (cost=3208325.03..3208325.33 rows=117 width=997) (actual time=56683.259..56683.307 rows=4 loops=1)
   Sort Key: granule.uuid
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 32kB
   Buffers: shared hit=40 read=795724, temp read=630171 written=630171
   ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=1844145.13..3208321.02 rows=117 width=997) (actual time=56683.080..56683.184 rows=4
         Hash Cond: (granule.visibility_id =
         Buffers: shared hit=37 read=795724, temp read=630171 written=630171
         ->  Hash Right Join  (cost=1844142.96..3208260.02 rows=117 width=1678) (actual time=56682.840..56682.891
               Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.granule_uuid = granule.uuid)
               Buffers: shared hit=36 read=795724, temp read=630171 written=630171
               ->  Hash Join  (cost=1752547.97..3034700.90 rows=21856786 width=224) (actual time=21966.799..55011.964
                     Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.file_id =
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=794153, temp read=630171 written=630171
                     ->  Seq Scan on granule_file granule_file_1  (cost=0.00..357270.86 rows=21856786 width=20) (actual
time=0.334..3267.188rows=21855206 loops=1)
                           Buffers: shared read=138703
                     ->  Hash  (cost=871329.32..871329.32 rows=21587732 width=208) (actual time=13425.791..13425.795
                           Buckets: 8388608  Batches: 8  Memory Usage: 710896kB
                           Buffers: shared hit=2 read=655450, temp written=537221
                           ->  Seq Scan on file file_1  (cost=0.00..871329.32 rows=21587732 width=208) (actual
time=0.277..5520.726rows=21587732 loops=1)
                                 Buffers: shared hit=2 read=655450
               ->  Hash  (cost=91594.67..91594.67 rows=26 width=1470) (actual time=189.702..189.736 rows=4 loops=1)
                     Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 13kB
                     Buffers: shared hit=34 read=1571
                     ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=91434.88..91594.67 rows=26 width=1470) (actual
time=189.653..189.704rows=4 loops=1)
                           Buffers: shared hit=34 read=1571
                           ->  Limit  (cost=91434.60..91434.67 rows=26 width=1414) (actual time=189.444..189.473 rows=4
                                 Buffers: shared hit=23 read=1570
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=91434.60..91446.86 rows=4903 width=1414) (actual time=189.441..189.462
                                       Sort Key: granule.uuid
                                       Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 32kB
                                       Buffers: shared hit=23 read=1570
                                       ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.56..91294.86 rows=4903 width=1414) (actual
time=22.534..189.403rows=4 loops=1)
                                             Buffers: shared hit=23 read=1570
                                             ->  Seq Scan on collection  (cost=0.00..653.62 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=3.706..14.783rows=4 loops=1)
                                                   Filter: (((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1'::text) OR
((entry_id)::text~~ 'AJAX_O3_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CH2O_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~
                                                   Rows Removed by Filter: 2477
                                                   Buffers: shared hit=2 read=602
                                             ->  Index Scan using ix_granule_collection_id on granule
(cost=0.56..90455.52rows=18572 width=1414) (actual time=21.662..43.645 rows=1 loops=4)
                                                   Index Cond: (collection_id =
                                                   Filter: (is_active AND (((properties #>>
'{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,beginning_date_time}'::text[])> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties
'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>>
'{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,start_date}'::text[])> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text)) AND (((properties
#>>'{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,end_date_time}'::text[]) < '
2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,single_date_times,0}'::text[]) <
'2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text)OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,end_date}'::text[]) <
                                                   Rows Removed by Filter: 243
                                                   Buffers: shared hit=21 read=968
                           ->  Index Scan using collection_pkey on collection collection_1  (cost=0.28..6.14 rows=1
width=56)(actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=1 loops=4)
                                 Index Cond: (id = granule.collection_id)
                                 Buffers: shared hit=11 read=1
         ->  Hash  (cost=1.52..1.52 rows=52 width=16) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=52 loops=1)
               Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 11kB
               Buffers: shared hit=1
               ->  Seq Scan on visibility visibility_1  (cost=0.00..1.52 rows=52 width=16) (actual time=0.032..0.036
                     Buffers: shared hit=1
 Planning Time: 14.580 ms
 Execution Time: 56764.259 ms
(52 rows)

Then added the index:
CREATE INDEX granule_file_file_id_key ON granule_file USING btree(file_id);

vacuum (analyze, verbose) granule_file;

& heres the new analyze:

 Sort  (cost=3208262.52..3208262.79 rows=105 width=997) (actual time=64720.414..64720.435 rows=4 loops=1)
   Sort Key: granule.uuid
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 32kB
   Buffers: shared hit=140349 read=655418, temp read=630171 written=630171
   ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=1844145.13..3208259.00 rows=105 width=997) (actual time=64720.258..64720.325 rows=4
         Hash Cond: (granule.visibility_id =
         Buffers: shared hit=140346 read=655418, temp read=630171 written=630171
         ->  Hash Right Join  (cost=1844142.96..3208204.03 rows=105 width=1678) (actual time=64720.083..64720.105
               Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.granule_uuid = granule.uuid)
               Buffers: shared hit=140345 read=655418, temp read=630171 written=630171
               ->  Hash Join  (cost=1752547.97..3034652.34 rows=21854840 width=224) (actual time=11945.807..63203.012
                     Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.file_id =
                     Buffers: shared hit=138740 read=655418, temp read=630171 written=630171
                     ->  Seq Scan on granule_file granule_file_1  (cost=0.00..357251.40 rows=21854840 width=20) (actual
time=0.017..3103.893rows=21855206 loops=1)
                           Buffers: shared hit=138703
                     ->  Hash  (cost=871329.32..871329.32 rows=21587732 width=208) (actual time=11891.143..11891.146
                           Buckets: 8388608  Batches: 8  Memory Usage: 710896kB
                           Buffers: shared hit=34 read=655418, temp written=537221
                           ->  Seq Scan on file file_1  (cost=0.00..871329.32 rows=21587732 width=208) (actual
time=0.081..3996.438rows=21587732 loops=1)
                                 Buffers: shared hit=34 read=655418
               ->  Hash  (cost=91594.67..91594.67 rows=26 width=1470) (actual time=19.728..19.740 rows=4 loops=1)
                     Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 13kB
                     Buffers: shared hit=1605
                     ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=91434.88..91594.67 rows=26 width=1470) (actual
time=19.684..19.708rows=4 loops=1)
                           Buffers: shared hit=1605
                           ->  Limit  (cost=91434.60..91434.67 rows=26 width=1414) (actual time=19.650..19.660 rows=4
                                 Buffers: shared hit=1593
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=91434.60..91446.86 rows=4903 width=1414) (actual time=19.648..19.656
                                       Sort Key: granule.uuid
                                       Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 32kB
                                       Buffers: shared hit=1593
                                       ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.56..91294.86 rows=4903 width=1414) (actual
time=2.765..19.609rows=4 loops=1)
                                             Buffers: shared hit=1593
                                             ->  Seq Scan on collection  (cost=0.00..653.62 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=1.789..8.057rows=4 loops=1)
                                                   Filter: (((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1'::text) OR
((entry_id)::text~~ 'AJAX_O3_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CH2O_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~
                                                   Rows Removed by Filter: 2477
                                                   Buffers: shared hit=604
                                             ->  Index Scan using ix_granule_collection_id on granule
(cost=0.56..90455.52rows=18572 width=1414) (actual time=1.311..2.881 rows=1 loops=4)
                                                   Index Cond: (collection_id =
                                                   Filter: (is_active AND (((properties #>>
'{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,beginning_date_time}'::text[])> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties
'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>>
'{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,start_date}'::text[])> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text)) AND (((properties
#>>'{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,end_date_time}'::text[]) < '
2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,single_date_times,0}'::text[]) <
'2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text)OR ((properties #>> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,end_date}'::text[]) <
                                                   Rows Removed by Filter: 243
                                                   Buffers: shared hit=989
                           ->  Index Scan using collection_pkey on collection collection_1  (cost=0.28..6.14 rows=1
width=56)(actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=4)
                                 Index Cond: (id = granule.collection_id)
                                 Buffers: shared hit=12
         ->  Hash  (cost=1.52..1.52 rows=52 width=16) (actual time=0.045..0.045 rows=52 loops=1)
               Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 11kB
               Buffers: shared hit=1
               ->  Seq Scan on visibility visibility_1  (cost=0.00..1.52 rows=52 width=16) (actual time=0.026..0.029
                     Buffers: shared hit=1
 Planning Time: 7.354 ms
 Execution Time: 64789.927 ms
(52 rows)

On 12/28/23, 7:49 AM, " <> on behalf of hubert depesz lubaczewski"
<<>> wrote:

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA. Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments. Use
the"Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 09:40:41PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I am having a complex query slowing over time increasing in duration.
> If anyone has a few cycles that they could lend a hand or just point
> me in the right direction with this – I would surely appreciate it!
> Fairly beefy Linux server with Postgres 12 (latest) – this particular
> query has been getting slower over time & seemingly slowing everything
> else down. The server is dedicated entirely to this particular
> database. Let me know if I can provide any additional information!!
> Thanks in advance!

we'd need `explain (analyze, buffers) select ...` for your query.

Ideally, could you put it on <>, with query and
`\d`, and provide us with link?

Best regards,


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

"Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]"
Here is also the link from

On 12/28/23, 7:49 AM, " <> on behalf of hubert depesz lubaczewski"
<<>> wrote:

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA. Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments. Use
the"Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 09:40:41PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I am having a complex query slowing over time increasing in duration.
> If anyone has a few cycles that they could lend a hand or just point
> me in the right direction with this – I would surely appreciate it!
> Fairly beefy Linux server with Postgres 12 (latest) – this particular
> query has been getting slower over time & seemingly slowing everything
> else down. The server is dedicated entirely to this particular
> database. Let me know if I can provide any additional information!!
> Thanks in advance!

we'd need `explain (analyze, buffers) select ...` for your query.

Ideally, could you put it on <>, with query and
`\d`, and provide us with link?

Best regards,


Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

Jeff Janes
You really need an index on  granule_file_1.granule_uuid, which it doesn't look like you have.  (In general you should have indexes on all foreign keys.)

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 04:25:41PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> Here is also the link from

Any chance you can also provide the query that you used in this case,
and `\d` of all tables:
- collection
- file
- granule
- granule_file
- visibility

Here you have example explain that contains all the information:

Best regards,


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

"Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]"
I really appreciate your help with this!!!  --In the original email - but, providing again....  hopefully nobody

Original query -

SELECT anon_1.granule_collection_id AS anon_1_granule_collection_id, anon_1.granule_create_date AS
anon_1_granule_create_date,anon_1.granule_delete_date AS anon_1_granule_delete_date,
ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geography)AS anon_1_granule_geography, ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geometry) AS
anon_1_granule_geometry,anon_1.granule_is_active AS anon_1_granule_is_active, anon_1.granule_properties AS
anon_1_granule_properties,anon_1.granule_update_date AS anon_1_granule_update_date, anon_1.granule_uuid AS
anon_1_granule_uuid,anon_1.granule_visibility_last_update_date AS anon_1_granule_visibility_last_update_date,
anon_1.granule_visibility_idAS anon_1_granule_visibility_id, AS collection_1_id, collection_1.entry_id
AScollection_1_entry_id, collection_1.short_name AS collection_1_short_name, collection_1.version AS
collection_1_version, AS file_1_id, file_1.location AS file_1_location, file_1.md5 AS file_1_md5,
ASfile_1_name, file_1.size AS file_1_size, file_1.type AS file_1_type, AS visibility_1_id,
visibility_1.nameAS visibility_1_name, visibility_1.value AS visibility_1_value
        FROM (SELECT granule.collection_id AS granule_collection_id, granule.create_date AS granule_create_date,
granule.delete_dateAS granule_delete_date, granule.geography AS granule_geography, granule.geometry AS
granule_geometry,granule.is_active AS granule_is_active, AS granule_properties, granule.update_date
ASgranule_update_date, granule.uuid AS granule_uuid, granule.visibility_last_update_date AS
granule_visibility_last_update_date,granule.visibility_id AS granule_visibility_id
        FROM granule JOIN collection ON = granule.collection_id
        WHERE granule.is_active = true AND (collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE
'AJAX_O3_1'OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CH2O_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_MMS_1') AND ((
#>>'{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, beginning_date_time}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR (
#>>'{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR ( #>>
'{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times, 0, start_date}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00') AND (( #>>
'{temporal_extent,range_date_times, 0, end_date_time}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>>
'{temporal_extent,single_date_times, 0}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent,
periodic_date_times,0, end_date}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00') ORDER BY granule.uuid
         LIMIT 26) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN collection AS collection_1 ON =
anon_1.granule_collection_idLEFT OUTER JOIN (granule_file AS granule_file_1 JOIN file AS file_1 ON =
granule_file_1.file_id)ON anon_1.granule_uuid = granule_file_1.granule_uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN visibility AS visibility_1 = anon_1.granule_visibility_id ORDER BY anon_1.granule_uuid

Table info -

public | granule                            | table | ims_api_writer | 36 GB   |

ims_api=# \d+ granule
                                                       Table "public.granule"
           Column            |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target |

 collection_id               | integer                     |           | not null |         | plain    |
 create_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |         | plain    |
 delete_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           |          |         | plain    |
 geometry                    | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |          |         | main     |
 is_active                   | boolean                     |           |          |         | plain    |
 properties                  | jsonb                       |           |          |         | extended |
 update_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |         | plain    |
 uuid                        | uuid                        |           | not null |         | plain    |
 visibility_id               | integer                     |           | not null |         | plain    |
 geography                   | geography(Geometry,4326)    |           |          |         | main     |
 visibility_last_update_date | timestamp without time zone |           |          |         | plain    |
    "granule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (uuid)
    "granule_is_active_idx" btree (is_active)
    "granule_properties_producer_id_idx" btree ((properties ->> 'producer_granule_id'::text))
    "granule_update_date_idx" btree (update_date)
    "idx_granule_geometry" gist (geometry)
    "ix_granule_collection_id" btree (collection_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)
    "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "granule_file" CONSTRAINT "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES
    TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT "granule_temporal_range_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid)
    granule_temporal_range_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON granule FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION
Access method: heap

public | collection                         | table | ims_api_writer | 39 MB   |

ims_api=# \d collection
                                                 Table "public.collection"
            Column            |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                Default

 id                           | integer                     |           | not null |
 access_constraints           | text                        |           |          |
 additional_attributes        | jsonb                       |           |          |
 ancillary_keywords           | character varying(160)[]    |           |          |
 create_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |
 dataset_language             | character varying(80)[]     |           |          |
 dataset_progress             | text                        |           |          |
 data_resolutions             | jsonb                       |           |          |
 dataset_citation             | jsonb                       |           |          |
 delete_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 distribution                 | jsonb                       |           |          |
 doi                          | character varying(220)      |           |          |
 entry_id                     | character varying(80)       |           | not null |
 entry_title                  | character varying(1030)     |           |          |
 geometry                     | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |          |
 is_active                    | boolean                     |           | not null |
 iso_topic_categories         | character varying[]         |           |          |
 last_update_date             | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |
 locations                    | jsonb                       |           |          |
 long_name                    | character varying(1024)     |           |          |
 metadata_associations        | jsonb                       |           |          |
 metadata_dates               | jsonb                       |           |          |
 personnel                    | jsonb                       |           |          |
 platforms                    | jsonb                       |           |          |
 processing_level_id          | integer                     |           |          |
 product_flag                 | text                        |           |          |
 project_id                   | integer                     |           |          |
 properties                   | jsonb                       |           |          |
 quality                      | jsonb                       |           |          |
 references                   | character varying(12000)[]  |           |          |
 related_urls                 | jsonb                       |           |          |
 summary                      | jsonb                       |           |          |
 short_name                   | character varying(80)       |           |          |
 temporal_extents             | jsonb                       |           |          |
 version                      | character varying(80)       |           |          |
 use_constraints              | jsonb                       |           |          |
 version_description          | text                        |           |          |
 visibility_id                | integer                     |           | not null |
 world_date                   | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 tiling_identification_system | jsonb                       |           |          |
 collection_data_type         | text                        |           |          |
 standard_product             | boolean                     |           | not null | false
    "collection_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "collection_entry_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (entry_id)
    "idx_collection_geometry" gist (geometry)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "collection_processing_level_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (processing_level_id) REFERENCES processing_level(id)
    "collection_project_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project(id)
    "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "collection_organization" CONSTRAINT "collection_organization_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id)
    TABLE "collection_science_keyword" CONSTRAINT "collection_science_keyword_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
(collection_id)REFERENCES collection(id)
    TABLE "collection_spatial_processing_hint" CONSTRAINT "collection_spatial_processing_hint_collection_id_fkey"
FOREIGNKEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)
    TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)
    TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT "granule_temporal_range_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id)

 public | granule_file                       | table | ims_api_writer | 1108 MB |

\d granule_file
               Table "public.granule_file"
    Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 granule_uuid | uuid    |           |          |
 file_id      | integer |           |          |
Foreign-key constraints:
    "granule_file_file_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id)
    "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)

public | visibility                         | table | ims_api_writer | 40 kB   |

\d visibility
                                   Table "public.visibility"
 Column |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default
 id     | integer               |           | not null | nextval('visibility_id_seq'::regclass)
 name   | character varying(80) |           | not null |
 value  | integer               |           | not null |
    "visibility_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "visibility_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
    "visibility_value_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (value)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "collection" CONSTRAINT "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES
    TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)

On 12/28/23, 12:48 PM, " <> on behalf of hubert depesz lubaczewski"
<<>> wrote:

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA. Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments. Use
the"Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.

On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 04:25:41PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> Here is also the link from
> <>

Any chance you can also provide the query that you used in this case,
and `\d` of all tables:
- collection
- file
- granule
- granule_file
- visibility

Here you have example explain that contains all the information: <>

Best regards,


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

Matheus de Oliveira

On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 3:39 PM Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] <> wrote:
 public | granule_file                       | table | ims_api_writer | 1108 MB |

\d granule_file
               Table "public.granule_file"
    Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 granule_uuid | uuid    |           |          |
 file_id      | integer |           |          |
Foreign-key constraints:
    "granule_file_file_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id)
    "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)

You did not created the index I recommended before:

    CREATE INDEX ON granule_file(granule_uuid);

Try creating this index and show us the new generated plan with `EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, VERBOSE, BUFFERS)` (you can paste it at depesz tool).

PS: As said in the other thread, a primary key on (granule_uuid, file_id) would make more sense, but you need to get rid of null values on these rows before creating the PK.

Best regards,
Matheus de Oliveira

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

Ron Johnson
On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 2:38 PM Matheus de Oliveira <> wrote:
PS: As said in the other thread, a primary key on (granule_uuid, file_id) would make more sense, but you need to get rid of null values on these rows before creating the PK.
Can't you create a unique index index on fields with nulls?

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

"Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]"


that last index ---(CREATE INDEX ON granule_file(granule_uuid);


seemed to make the biggest difference!!  Thank you!!


Working on getting this into our production database!! 



From: Matheus de Oliveira <>
Date: Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 2:38 PM
To: "Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA.  Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments.  Use the "Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.



On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 3:39 PM Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] <> wrote:

 public | granule_file                       | table | ims_api_writer | 1108 MB |

\d granule_file
               Table "public.granule_file"
    Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 granule_uuid | uuid    |           |          |
 file_id      | integer |           |          |
Foreign-key constraints:
    "granule_file_file_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id)
    "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)


You did not created the index I recommended before:

    CREATE INDEX ON granule_file(granule_uuid);


Try creating this index and show us the new generated plan with `EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, VERBOSE, BUFFERS)` (you can paste it at depesz tool).


PS: As said in the other thread, a primary key on (granule_uuid, file_id) would make more sense, but you need to get rid of null values on these rows before creating the PK.


Best regards,


Matheus de Oliveira

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

Matheus de Oliveira

On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 4:42 PM Ron Johnson <> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 2:38 PM Matheus de Oliveira <> wrote:
PS: As said in the other thread, a primary key on (granule_uuid, file_id) would make more sense, but you need to get rid of null values on these rows before creating the PK.
Can't you create a unique index index on fields with nulls?

Yes, you can create an unique index on fileds with nulls. But not a primary key, a primary key requires that all fiedls are NOT NULL.

Best regards,
Matheus de Oliveira

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need help with slow query - postgres 12 on linux RHEL 8

hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 08:16:46PM +0000, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] wrote:
> that last index ---(CREATE INDEX ON granule_file(granule_uuid);
> seemed to make the biggest difference!!  Thank you!!
> Working on getting this into our production database!!

With this in place, you could also use trigram index on



The query that you once showed, didn't have any where condition on So either this is different query, or you are using some

Please, pretty please, when putting explains on
always include query it came from, as it makes understanding much

Condition in the explain can be seen in node #9 (Parallel Seq Scan on
file, with filter: name ~~

Also, as a side benefit, the site does pretty-printing queries, so they
don't look like:

SELECT anon_1.granule_collection_id AS anon_1_granule_collection_id, anon_1.granule_create_date AS
anon_1_granule_create_date,anon_1.granule_delete_date AS anon_1_granule_delete_date,
ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geography)AS anon_1_granule_geography, ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geometry) AS
anon_1_granule_geometry,anon_1.granule_is_active AS anon_1_granule_is_active, anon_1.granule_properties AS
anon_1_granule_properties,anon_1.granule_update_date AS anon_1_granule_update_date, anon_1.granule_uuid AS
anon_1_granule_uuid,anon_1.granule_visibility_last_update_date AS anon_1_granule_visibility_last_update_date,
anon_1.granule_visibility_idAS anon_1_granule_visibility_id, AS collection_1_id, collection_1.entry_id
AScollection_1_entry_id, collection_1.short_name AS collection_1_short_name, collection_1.version AS
collection_1_version, AS file_1_id, file_1.location AS file_1_location, file_1.md5 AS file_1_md5,
ASfile_1_name, file_1.size AS file_1_size, file_1.type AS file_1_type, AS visibility_1_id,
visibility_1.nameAS visibility_1_name, visibility_1.value AS visibility_1_value 
    FROM (SELECT granule.collection_id AS granule_collection_id, granule.create_date AS granule_create_date,
granule.delete_dateAS granule_delete_date, granule.geography AS granule_geography, granule.geometry AS
granule_geometry,granule.is_active AS granule_is_active, AS granule_properties, granule.update_date
ASgranule_update_date, granule.uuid AS granule_uuid, granule.visibility_last_update_date AS
granule_visibility_last_update_date,granule.visibility_id AS granule_visibility_id 
    FROM granule JOIN collection ON = granule.collection_id
    WHERE granule.is_active = true AND (collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE
'AJAX_O3_1'OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CH2O_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_MMS_1') AND ((
#>>'{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, beginning_date_time}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR (
#>>'{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR ( #>>
'{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times, 0, start_date}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00') AND (( #>>
'{temporal_extent,range_date_times, 0, end_date_time}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>>
'{temporal_extent,single_date_times, 0}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR ( #>> '{temporal_extent,
periodic_date_times,0, end_date}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00') ORDER BY granule.uuid 
    LIMIT 26) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN collection AS collection_1 ON = anon_1.granule_collection_id
LEFTOUTER JOIN (granule_file AS granule_file_1 JOIN file AS file_1 ON = granule_file_1.file_id) ON
anon_1.granule_uuid= granule_file_1.granule_uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN visibility AS visibility_1 ON =
anon_1.granule_visibility_idORDER BY anon_1.granule_uuid 

But rather:

    anon_1.granule_collection_id AS anon_1_granule_collection_id,
    anon_1.granule_create_date AS anon_1_granule_create_date,
    anon_1.granule_delete_date AS anon_1_granule_delete_date,
    st_asgeojson( anon_1.granule_geography ) AS anon_1_granule_geography,
    st_asgeojson( anon_1.granule_geometry ) AS anon_1_granule_geometry,
    anon_1.granule_is_active AS anon_1_granule_is_active,
    anon_1.granule_properties AS anon_1_granule_properties,
    anon_1.granule_update_date AS anon_1_granule_update_date,
    anon_1.granule_uuid AS anon_1_granule_uuid,
    anon_1.granule_visibility_last_update_date AS anon_1_granule_visibility_last_update_date,
    anon_1.granule_visibility_id AS anon_1_granule_visibility_id, AS collection_1_id,
    collection_1.entry_id AS collection_1_entry_id,
    collection_1.short_name AS collection_1_short_name,
    collection_1.version AS collection_1_version, AS file_1_id,
    file_1.location AS file_1_location,
    file_1.md5 AS file_1_md5, AS file_1_name,
    file_1.size AS file_1_size,
    file_1.type AS file_1_type, AS visibility_1_id, AS visibility_1_name,
    visibility_1.value AS visibility_1_value
            granule.collection_id AS granule_collection_id,
            granule.create_date AS granule_create_date,
            granule.delete_date AS granule_delete_date,
            granule.geography AS granule_geography,
            granule.geometry AS granule_geometry,
            granule.is_active AS granule_is_active,
   AS granule_properties,
            granule.update_date AS granule_update_date,
            granule.uuid AS granule_uuid,
            granule.visibility_last_update_date AS granule_visibility_last_update_date,
            granule.visibility_id AS granule_visibility_id
            JOIN collection ON = granule.collection_id
            granule.is_active = true AND
                collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1' OR
                collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_O3_1' OR
                collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CH2O_1' OR
                collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_MMS_1'
            ) AND
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, beginning_date_time}' ) >
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}' ) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, periodic_date_times, 0, start_date}' ) >
            ) AND
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, end_date_time}' ) <
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}' ) < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR
                ( #>> '{temporal_extent, periodic_date_times, 0, end_date}' ) <
        ORDER BY
        LIMIT 26
    ) AS anon_1
    LEFT JOIN collection AS collection_1 ON = anon_1.granule_collection_id
    LEFT JOIN granule_file AS granule_file_1
    JOIN file AS file_1 ON = granule_file_1.file_id ON anon_1.granule_uuid = granule_file_1.granule_uuid
    LEFT JOIN visibility AS visibility_1 ON = anon_1.granule_visibility_id

Best regards,
