Thread: highest timeline xxx of the primary is behind recovery timeline - backup of the underlying filesystem

Hi guys.

I see these every now and again:

2023-12-19 08:43:17.311 CET [2494773] FATAL:  highest timeline 105 of the primary is behind recovery timeline 106

and the only thing I can think is a backup which in my case it a done with _libvirt_ as pgSQL cluster runs on Ubuntu VMs.
I'm not sure what exactly _virsh backup-begin_ does to the qcow2 and as a consequence, to the the FS in the VMs, but..
it would be good to have those backups.

Any thoughts & ideas shared are much appreciated.
I guess my first question would be -- if such VM backup might affect negatively pgSQL then, are there some tweaks, ways to harden pgSQL cluster internally for such scenarios?

many thanks, L.