Thread: BUG #18224: message bug in libpqwalreceiver.c.

BUG #18224: message bug in libpqwalreceiver.c.

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18224
Logged by:          Tomonari Katsumata
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 16.1
Operating system:   any


I found a small bug in the error message of libpqwalreceiver.c.

According to the manual, identify_system returns one row and
four columns. (This is also the actual behavior)

However, when data other than one row and four columns is returned,
incorrect values ​​are reported as expected values ​​as shown below.

>Could not identify system: got X rows and Y fields, expected 3 rows and 1
or more fields.

It looks like the arguments are in the wrong order.
Also, it seems that the decision to return 4 fields in 9.4 was not

This is a trivial issue, but I was curious about it so I reported it.

Best regards,
Tomonari Katsumata