Thread: idle in transaction

idle in transaction

Nikhil Ingale
Hi All,
Can somebody help me to understand the below given idle in transaction?

 SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity where pid = 2161513;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
datid            | 37490141
datname          | prod
pid              | 2161513
leader_pid       |
usesysid         | 37490157
usename          | admin
application_name |
client_addr      | ::1
client_hostname  |
client_port      | 16788
backend_start    | 2023-11-27 20:24:20.20062+05:30
xact_start       | 2023-11-27 20:24:33.694904+05:30
query_start      | 2023-11-28 09:25:57.666297+05:30
state_change     | 2023-11-28 09:25:57.666336+05:30
wait_event_type  | Client
wait_event       | ClientRead
state            | idle in transaction
backend_xid      |
backend_xmin     |
query            | SAVEPOINT _per_query_svp_;DEALLOCATE "_PLAN0x7fdd58004550";RELEASE _per_query_svp_
backend_type     | client backend

I would like to understand the following query found in the pg_stat_activity.
I see this particular process always active but not doing anything in the BDR network. How do I find out what query is it running?

SAVEPOINT _per_query_svp_;DEALLOCATE "_PLAN0x7fdd58004550";RELEASE _per_query_svp_

Nikhil Ingale

Re: idle in transaction

"David G. Johnston"
On Monday, November 27, 2023, Nikhil Ingale <> wrote:
How do I find out what query is it running?

SAVEPOINT _per_query_svp_;DEALLOCATE "_PLAN0x7fdd58004550";RELEASE _per_query_svp_

That is the last command (multi-statement though it is) that was executed before the transaction/session went idle.

David J.

Re: idle in transaction

Laurenz Albe
On Mon, 2023-11-27 at 21:07 -0700, David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Monday, November 27, 2023, Nikhil Ingale <> wrote:
> > How do I find out what query is it running?
> >
> > SAVEPOINT _per_query_svp_;DEALLOCATE "_PLAN0x7fdd58004550";RELEASE _per_query_svp_
> >
> That is the last command (multi-statement though it is) that was executed before the transaction/session went idle.

... and it points towards a problem that is quite unrelated to the actual
question.  There seems to be an automatism in your application that wraps
every statement in a subtransaction to emulate statement-level rollback.
That will cause severe performance problems:

So your application is broken not only because it does not close its

Laurenz Albe