Thread: MS Access connection and insert issues

MS Access connection and insert issues

Evan Hallein

I am trying to migrate an old MS Access application with an SQL Server back end to PostgreSQL backend. I'm able to connect and read the data successfully, however there are some (related?) issues. Using version 16 of the 64bit unicode ODBC driver on windows 11 with postgres 14.9 (linux)

The first is that I don't seem to be able to set the ODBC driver options in Access using a connection string, they just seemed to get ignored.  I have followed this: psqlODBC HOWTO - Access VBA (
It connects, but whatever config options I put get ignored and the linked table manager in Access always shows this same connection string options: DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};DATABASE=wamtram;SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=###;PWD=###;CA=d;A6={};A7=100;B0=254;B1=8190;BI=0;C2=;D6=-101;CX=1c3810489;A1=7.4

I've also tried using a DSN, but the same issue happens.

The second issue is to do with inserting records and getting an autoincrement ID back from the new record.  The autoincremented ENTRY_BATCH_ID is always empty after inserting. I can see the record gets added to the database, but the record in Access in not updated with the new "ENTRY_BATCH_ID".  If hard code an ENTRY_BATCH_ID  it works. This is working with SQLServer.

This is the VBA Code:
' Set the connections
    Set MainConn = CurrentProject.Connection
    UserConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" & strFileName
  ' Start transaction

    ' Add a record for the batch
    MainRs.Open "TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES", MainConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    MainRs!FILENAME = strFileName  
    MainRs!ENTRY_DATE = Date   ' UserRs!ENTRY_DATE

    lngEntryBatchID = MainRs!ENTRY_BATCH_ID '<------------- fails here, no value in ID and returns "record is deleted"

and this is the table schema:
    "ENTRY_BATCH_ID" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES_ENTRY_BATCH_ID_seq"'::regclass),
    "ENTRY_DATE" timestamp with time zone,
    "ENTERED_PERSON_ID" integer,
    "FILENAME" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
    "COMMENTS" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,

Any ideas?  Is there config that I need to set, which I can't? I'm new to VBA, so maybe there is something I need to change?



Evan Hallein

Senior Technical Officer

North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

17 Dick Perry Av., Kensington, WA, 6151

Mob 0419 874 211


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RE: MS Access connection and insert issues

"Wal, Jan Tjalling van der"

Hello Evan,


I work with a similar setup, with an Access-frontend to a PostgreSQL-backend.

The config-options are unreliable as far as my experience goes, I did point this out in the mailing-list a while back.

At the time for psqlodbc 13.02 against a psql 11-server.

Setting read-only is not working as an example.


My work-around for that is setting up user-roles on the postgres-server.

When a user opens a form I first check whether the role is read-only or has insert/update/delete-rights.

If the latter is detected, I use that to allow those actions on the form in MS-Access.
In an On-Load-action could be appropriate.


You could skip setting those rights on the form, but then the ro-users may think they can change things and try to.

With appropriate roles in place on the server, it will blocked there. Resulting in a cryptic error message appearing in Access. That is likely to cause your users to get confused. So I prefer to avoid that.


Access does not automatically know what happens on the server-side.

Your inserted records ends-up on the server. You probably need to do a .Refresh() or .Requery on the form to ensure that the values from the server are fetched and can be shown by Access.  I often have one of these actions in the vba-code of a form after an insert or update of a records has been done.


BTW this is not unique to PostgreSQL, with an Oracle-backend the behaviour is very similar.


I hope these pointers help you to achieve your goals.


Best regards,           Jan Tjalling van der Wal

 Wageningen Marine Reseach (WMR)  / formerly IMARES Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies

Ankerpark 27, 1781 AG Den Helder       Postbus 57, 1780 AB Den Helder

Tel. +31 (0)317-4 87147 #                     GSM. +31 (0)626120915 (privé) #

# Ma+Di Vr 09:00-18:00, Wo XX, Do+Vr 09:00-18:00

From: Evan Hallein <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 2:56 AM
Subject: MS Access connection and insert issues




I am trying to migrate an old MS Access application with an SQL Server back end to PostgreSQL backend. I'm able to connect and read the data successfully, however there are some (related?) issues. Using version 16 of the 64bit unicode ODBC driver on windows 11 with postgres 14.9 (linux)


The first is that I don't seem to be able to set the ODBC driver options in Access using a connection string, they just seemed to get ignored.  I have followed this: psqlODBC HOWTO - Access VBA (

It connects, but whatever config options I put get ignored and the linked table manager in Access always shows this same connection string options: DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};DATABASE=wamtram;SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=###;PWD=###;CA=d;A6={};A7=100;B0=254;B1=8190;BI=0;C2=;D6=-101;CX=1c3810489;A1=7.4


I've also tried using a DSN, but the same issue happens.


The second issue is to do with inserting records and getting an autoincrement ID back from the new record.  The autoincremented ENTRY_BATCH_ID is always empty after inserting. I can see the record gets added to the database, but the record in Access in not updated with the new "ENTRY_BATCH_ID".  If hard code an ENTRY_BATCH_ID  it works. This is working with SQLServer.


This is the VBA Code:


' Set the connections

    Set MainConn = CurrentProject.Connection

    UserConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" & strFileName


  ' Start transaction


    ' Add a record for the batch

    MainRs.Open "TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES", MainConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic



    MainRs!FILENAME = strFileName  

    MainRs!ENTRY_DATE = Date   ' UserRs!ENTRY_DATE



    lngEntryBatchID = MainRs!ENTRY_BATCH_ID '<------------- fails here, no value in ID and returns "record is deleted"



and this is the table schema:




    "ENTRY_BATCH_ID" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES_ENTRY_BATCH_ID_seq"'::regclass),

    "ENTRY_DATE" timestamp with time zone,

    "ENTERED_PERSON_ID" integer,

    "FILENAME" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,

    "COMMENTS" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,





Any ideas?  Is there config that I need to set, which I can't? I'm new to VBA, so maybe there is something I need to change?





Evan Hallein

Senior Technical Officer

North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

17 Dick Perry Av., Kensington, WA, 6151

Mob 0419 874 211


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Re: MS Access connection and insert issues

Brad White
On 11/26/2023 7:55 PM, Evan Hallein wrote:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}

I am trying to migrate an old MS Access application with an SQL Server back end to PostgreSQL backend. I'm able to connect and read the data successfully, however there are some (related?) issues. Using version 16 of the 64bit unicode ODBC driver on windows 11 with postgres 14.9 (linux)

The first is that I don't seem to be able to set the ODBC driver options in Access using a connection string, they just seemed to get ignored.  I have followed this: psqlODBC HOWTO - Access VBA (
It connects, but whatever config options I put get ignored and the linked table manager in Access always shows this same connection string options: DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};DATABASE=wamtram;SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=###;PWD=###;CA=d;A6={};A7=100;B0=254;B1=8190;BI=0;C2=;D6=-101;CX=1c3810489;A1=7.4

The first obvious thing is that the connection string shouldn't have {brackets}. They are just placeholders that should be replaced by the actual values.

Do you need the dynamic approach, or is the current linked table sufficient?

For example, I read from a config file. If the string matches, all good, but if not, reset the connection and restart the app.

Clearly easier if you can just set it and be done.

If there are connection issues, you can enable logging and that can sometimes help debug the issue.

Set B2 and B3 each to 1.

You may have to search for the logs. I've oddly had it show up in different locations on different machines.

But check under your user folder first. Root of C second.

I've also tried using a DSN, but the same issue happens.
I didn't prove this with extensive testing, but it appeared to me that it used the settings in the connection string first, and then any settings from the DSN as defaults.
Even when I wasn't using a DSN. A little confusing when we got different results on different machines.

The second issue is to do with inserting records and getting an autoincrement ID back from the new record.  The autoincremented ENTRY_BATCH_ID is always empty after inserting. I can see the record gets added to the database, but the record in Access in not updated with the new "ENTRY_BATCH_ID".  If hard code an ENTRY_BATCH_ID  it works. This is working with SQLServer.

I agree with Jan. You will have to re-read the record to get any values set on the server.

Dates can be an issue if you have any default date values.

In the example shown, where you are setting the entry date from the client side, you shouldn't have any issues.

This is the VBA Code:
' Set the connections
    Set MainConn = CurrentProject.Connection
    UserConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" & strFileName

I didn't have any luck setting the connection string and then using it without restarting the app.

It was very confusing because it would seem to go back and forth between working and not working until I finally saw the pattern.

  ' Start transaction

    ' Add a record for the batch
    MainRs.Open "TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES", MainConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    MainRs!FILENAME = strFileName  
    MainRs!ENTRY_DATE = Date   ' UserRs!ENTRY_DATE

    lngEntryBatchID = MainRs!ENTRY_BATCH_ID '<------------- fails here, no value in ID and returns "record is deleted"

and this is the table schema:
    "ENTRY_BATCH_ID" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"TRT_ENTRY_BATCHES_ENTRY_BATCH_ID_seq"'::regclass),
    "ENTRY_DATE" timestamp with time zone,
    "ENTERED_PERSON_ID" integer,
    "FILENAME" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
    "COMMENTS" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,

Any ideas?  Is there config that I need to set, which I can't? I'm new to VBA, so maybe there is something I need to change?



Evan Hallein

Senior Technical Officer

North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

17 Dick Perry Av., Kensington, WA, 6151

Mob 0419 874 211


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   The Tenth Commandment [thou shalt not covet] sends a message to
   collectivists, to people who believe wealth is best obtained by
   redistribution. And the message is clear and concise: Go to hell.
    -- P. J. O'Rourke