Thread: Commitfest 2023-11 update 1

Commitfest 2023-11 update 1

John Naylor
We're about 1/3 of the way through.

At start:
Needs review: 210. Waiting on Author: 42. Ready for Committer: 29.
Committed: 55. Withdrawn: 10. Returned with Feedback: 1. Total: 347.

Needs review: 197. Waiting on Author: 45. Ready for Committer: 27.
Committed: 63. Withdrawn: 10. Returned with Feedback: 4. Rejected: 1.
Total: 347.

This seems in line with September, i.e. not a whole lot of change, but
plenty of discussion in various threads. We also had activity for a
minor release recently.

John Naylor