Thread: pgtap for 16 missing for Rocky 8?

pgtap for 16 missing for Rocky 8?

"Regina Obe"
I'm trying to install pgtab_16 on Rocky 8

yum seach pgtap

Shows this:

pgtap11.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtap12.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtap_11.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtap_12.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtap_14.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtap_15.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL

Where can I get the pgtap_16 one?


Re: pgtap for 16 missing for Rocky 8?

Devrim Gündüz
Hi Regina,

On Tue, 2023-11-07 at 19:17 -0500, Regina Obe wrote:
> I'm trying to install pgtab_16 on Rocky 8
> yum seach pgtap
> Shows this:
> pgtap11.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> pgtap12.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> pgtap_11.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> pgtap_12.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> pgtap_14.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> pgtap_15.noarch : Unit testing for PostgreSQL
> Where can I get the pgtap_16 one?

Actual problem is worse: For some reason that I don't know so far
spectool on RHEL 8 cannot download the tarball -- I mean the ones you
mentioned above are 1.2.0, where the actual package version is 1.3.1 on
recent RHEL and Fedora releases.

I'll take a look, it is a RHEL 8 only problem.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, PostgreSQL Major Contributor
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR