Thread: Table health

Table health

Rajesh Kumar
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?

Re: Table health

On 10/17/23 12:53, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
> I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

Are there suspected problems?

> What are list of things I have to check?

amcheck is what you want?

Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.

Re: Table health

Laurenz Albe
On Tue, 2023-10-17 at 23:23 +0530, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
> I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.
> What are list of things I have to check?

Look at pg_stat_all_tables to see if the number of dead tuples
is excessive and if autovacuum and autoanalyze are running as
they should.

Look at pg_class to see if "relfrozenxid" and "relminmxid" are
far from the danger zone.

Run the function pgstattuple_approx() to see if the table is bloated.

Laurenz Albe

Re: Table health

As a preliminary and often but good enough test, I recommend VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ...
In 95% of cases such simple check will satisfy your needs .
Of course amcheck tool is much better but it is an extension. 

wt., 17 paź 2023 o 19:59 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?


Re: Table health

Rajesh Kumar
There is no problem with vaccum, i used to do it periodically...apart from vaccum i am asking things like table bloat, index bloat, duplicate index removal, unused index removal, cache hit ratio for table, cache hit ratio for index, .......what else?

Also, i saw cache hit ratio is only 2% for one big table and all other tables are around 9%. Is that a problem?

On Wed, 18 Oct, 2023, 6:10 PM Tomek, <> wrote:
As a preliminary and often but good enough test, I recommend VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ...
In 95% of cases such simple check will satisfy your needs .
Of course amcheck tool is much better but it is an extension. 

wt., 17 paź 2023 o 19:59 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?


Re: Table health

OK :-) Now you are more specific.
previously I understood that it was about whether the table was damaged in some way.

So, :-) if you define how you understand "health of table" you will automatically get the list you ask about (sorry :-) ).

I think that cache hit is important but should be not on this "check table health" list. 

śr., 18 paź 2023 o 15:37 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
There is no problem with vaccum, i used to do it periodically...apart from vaccum i am asking things like table bloat, index bloat, duplicate index removal, unused index removal, cache hit ratio for table, cache hit ratio for index, .......what else?

Also, i saw cache hit ratio is only 2% for one big table and all other tables are around 9%. Is that a problem?

On Wed, 18 Oct, 2023, 6:10 PM Tomek, <> wrote:
As a preliminary and often but good enough test, I recommend VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ...
In 95% of cases such simple check will satisfy your needs .
Of course amcheck tool is much better but it is an extension. 

wt., 17 paź 2023 o 19:59 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?


Re: Table health


* cache hit ratio for ... : does it matter?  You don't control that anyway.
* unused index removal : table pg_stat_all_indexes
* duplicate index removal : this query shows all indices, including columns.  Look for duplicates in table_name+index_columns:
select tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||tbcl.relname as table_name
        , ndcl.relname as index_name
        , array_agg(att.attname order by att.attnum) as index_columns
from pg_class ndcl
    inner join pg_index nd
        on (ndcl.oid = nd.indexrelid and ndcl.relkind = 'i')
    inner join pg_class tbcl
        on (nd.indrelid = tbcl.oid and tbcl.relkind = 'r')
    inner join pg_attribute att
        on att.attrelid = nd.indexrelid
where tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text != 'pg_catalog'
group by tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||tbcl.relname
        , ndcl.relname
order by 1, 2

On 10/18/23 08:37, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
There is no problem with vaccum, i used to do it periodically...apart from vaccum i am asking things like table bloat, index bloat, duplicate index removal, unused index removal, cache hit ratio for table, cache hit ratio for index, .......what else?

Also, i saw cache hit ratio is only 2% for one big table and all other tables are around 9%. Is that a problem?

On Wed, 18 Oct, 2023, 6:10 PM Tomek, <> wrote:
As a preliminary and often but good enough test, I recommend VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ...
In 95% of cases such simple check will satisfy your needs .
Of course amcheck tool is much better but it is an extension. 

wt., 17 paź 2023 o 19:59 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?


Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.

Re: Table health

Alvaro Herrera
On 2023-Oct-17, Rajesh Kumar wrote:

> I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.
> What are list of things I have to check?

Install extension pg_visibility and run functions pg_check_frozen and
pg_check_visible on the table.  I've seen a couple of cases of
**serious** data recoverability issues that aren't discovered until much
later, caused by pages having been improperly marked all-frozen in some
distant past.  I assume it's possible to have pages marked as
all-visible as well, which would cause different issues.

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —
"Aprender sin pensar es inútil; pensar sin aprender, peligroso" (Confucio)

Re: Table health

Rajesh Kumar

On Wed, 18 Oct, 2023, 7:51 PM Ron, <> wrote:

* cache hit ratio for ... : does it matter?  You don't control that anyway.
* unused index removal : table pg_stat_all_indexes
* duplicate index removal : this query shows all indices, including columns.  Look for duplicates in table_name+index_columns:
select tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||tbcl.relname as table_name
        , ndcl.relname as index_name
        , array_agg(att.attname order by att.attnum) as index_columns
from pg_class ndcl
    inner join pg_index nd
        on (ndcl.oid = nd.indexrelid and ndcl.relkind = 'i')
    inner join pg_class tbcl
        on (nd.indrelid = tbcl.oid and tbcl.relkind = 'r')
    inner join pg_attribute att
        on att.attrelid = nd.indexrelid
where tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text != 'pg_catalog'
group by tbcl.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||tbcl.relname
        , ndcl.relname
order by 1, 2

On 10/18/23 08:37, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
There is no problem with vaccum, i used to do it periodically...apart from vaccum i am asking things like table bloat, index bloat, duplicate index removal, unused index removal, cache hit ratio for table, cache hit ratio for index, .......what else?

Also, i saw cache hit ratio is only 2% for one big table and all other tables are around 9%. Is that a problem?

On Wed, 18 Oct, 2023, 6:10 PM Tomek, <> wrote:
As a preliminary and often but good enough test, I recommend VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ...
In 95% of cases such simple check will satisfy your needs .
Of course amcheck tool is much better but it is an extension. 

wt., 17 paź 2023 o 19:59 Rajesh Kumar <> napisał(a):
I have been asked to check table health of specific big table.

What are list of things I have to check?


Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.