Thread: pgAdmin Query tool output - wrap text

pgAdmin Query tool output - wrap text

Normally I don't want to wrap text, but having imported a table containing a
column with a very long text string, this has become necessary. In Excel
"Wrap Text" can be implemented for individual columns, and in psql, the same
thing can be achieved by submitting a command in the form of:

SELECT id, Regexp_Replace(long_description, '(.{10,100}) ' , E'\\1\n' , 'g')
AS description FROM my_table;

In psql, the resulting output for each row is displayed on multiple lines,
with a column width of 100, split on spaced between words. However, if I
submit the same command in the Query tool of pgAdmin, the result is
displayed on one line per row.
Would it be possible to implement something similar in pgAdmin?

Re: pgAdmin Query tool output - wrap text

Yogesh Mahajan
You can achieve by setting preference below - 

pgAdmin4 > Preferences > Result Grid > Column Size by > Select the option column data > Maximum Column width > <set desired one>.

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 5.02.46 PM.png

Yogesh Mahajan
