Thread: PG_DUMPALL not executable within docker container

PG_DUMPALL not executable within docker container

Patrick Frießnegg
Steps to reproduce:

Startup Container:
synesc@dockerhost01:$ docker run --rm -it postgres:15.4 /bin/bash

Execute PG_DUMPALL, Params not required to see the issue.
root@13fba0e113c7:/# pg_dumpall
popen failure: Cannot allocate memory
pg_dumpall: error: program "pg_dump" is needed by pg_dumpall but was not found in the same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/pg_dumpall"

Was not able to fix the problem, with full parameter list.

Ing. Frießnegg Patrick
Synesc GmbH

Re: PG_DUMPALL not executable within docker container

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 27 Sep 2023, at 10:43, Patrick Frießnegg <> wrote:

> root@13fba0e113c7:/# pg_dumpall
> popen failure: Cannot allocate memory
> pg_dumpall: error: program "pg_dump" is needed by pg_dumpall but was not found in the same directory as

pg_dumpall runs the pg_dump binary, so when starting up it locates and tries to
execute pg_dump to check its version.  The above error indicates that the
binary does indeed exist, but when trying to execute it there is a problem with
the popen() call.  A quick search reveals that this has been reported against
Docker (and has been fixed it seems):

As this is not a bug in postgres, pgsql-general is probably a better
mailinglist to use for help.

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: PG_DUMPALL not executable within docker container

Patrick Frießnegg
Thank you very much. Found the Key point here:

Current Setup:
synesc@dockerhost01:~/$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:
Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
synesc@dockerhost01:~/$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.0, build 7287ab3

Issue exists with docker image postgres:15.4

postgres |   popen failure: Cannot allocate memory 
postgres |   pg_dumpall: error: program "pg_dump" is needed by pg_dumpall but was not found in the same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/pg_dumpall" 
postgres | popen failure: Cannot allocate memory
postgres | initdb: error: program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/initdb"

Different Setup: 
master@dockerhost:~/$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:
Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
master@dockerhost:~/$ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc

On this different (newer) setup the issues do not exist.

Use appropriate docker-image.

version | ubuntu | debian
22.04 | jammy | bookworm/ sid
20.04 | focal | bullseye/ sid

With the docker-image postgres:15.4-bullseye it does work on the Ubuntu 20.04 setup.
Not really happy with the behaviour. Would suggest to add a note to docker-hub description what image to pick.

Ing. Frießnegg Patrick
Synesc GmbH