Thread: PostgreSQL 12.15 query performance problem

PostgreSQL 12.15 query performance problem

Ринат Мухтаров


select version();
--PostgreSQL 12.15 (Ubuntu 12.15-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit

create schema if not exists test;

drop table if exists test.sample_data;

create table test.sample_data (id, data) as (
(9::int, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q61daZvNyO", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'::jsonb),
(1, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2eA9Z5n75", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(2, '{"click_id": "1", "utm_source": "cityads"}'),
(10, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q7WFYZiASC", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(11, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q7Y3yZvIpx", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(12, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q8jFjZrppg", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(13, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q8IW7ZA7WY", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(3, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2WXjZmTBR", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(4, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2XkuZe6hw", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(5, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2XtaZA88c", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(7, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2XW8Zivqs", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(6, '{"click_id": "8dQZ1Q2XAWZn0x3", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}'),
(8, '{"7": "777", "arr": [9, 8, 3, 4], "click_id": "8dQZ1Q61arZmTAm", "utm_medium": "cpa", "utm_source": "cityads", "utm_campaign": "Bg0m12"}')

--next create function jsonb_unnest_recursive(jsonb) from
--or see attachement

select j.*
from test.sample_data as s
cross join jsonb_unnest_recursive( as j;
--55 rows retrieved in 3 s 914 ms

select j.*
from test.sample_data as s
cross join lateral (
-- code body from jsonb_unnest_recursive(jsonb)
with recursive r (path, value, member_of) as
from jsonb_typeof( as t(type)
left join jsonb_each(case t.type when 'object' then end) as o(obj_key, obj_value) on true
left join jsonb_array_elements(case t.type when 'array' then end) with ordinality as a(arr_value, arr_key) on true
cross join coalesce(o.obj_key, (a.arr_key - 1)::text) as k(key)
cross join coalesce(o.obj_value, a.arr_value) as v(value)
where t.type in ('object', 'array')
and k.key is not null
union all
array_append(r.path, k.key),
from r
cross join jsonb_typeof(r.value) as t(type)
left join jsonb_each(case t.type when 'object' then r.value end) as o(obj_key, obj_value) on true
left join jsonb_array_elements(case t.type when 'array' then r.value end) with ordinality as a(arr_value, arr_key) on true
cross join coalesce(o.obj_key, (a.arr_key - 1)::text) as k(key)
cross join coalesce(o.obj_value, a.arr_value) as v(value)
where t.type in ('object', 'array')
and k.key is not null
select r.*
from r
where jsonb_typeof(r.value) not in ('object', 'array')
) as j;
-- 55 rows retrieved in 446 ms

Why Q2 much faster than Q1?

Best regards,
Rinat Mukhtarov

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